Angelo Dessy

A bunch of unscrupulous men make havoc of a tribe of Indians to take their land. A survivor of the massacre decides to avenge his people by killing the whole bunch one by one.


Shango is a Texas Ranger who finds himself up against a former Confederate officer and his gang of thugs who have been terrorizing a local border town in search of gold.


An alcoholic gunman, hunted down by five pitiless bounty hunters, is sheltered by a saloon dancer. When his enemies kill the girl the outlaw pulls himself together and faces his adversaries and takes his revenge in a final showdown. An interesting take on the reluctant gunfighter theme contains some truly surprising twists.


Brett Halsey stars as Texas Ranger Johnny Ringo, who goes to the town of Eagle Pass to investigate a counterfeiting ring.


Gentleman gangster Max and his partner, Riton, pull off their last, most successful heist and find themselves comfortable enough to retire in the style they enjoy. However, Max confides the details of the theft to his younger mistress, Josey -- who has secretly taken up with ambitious young rival gangster Angelo. Angelo then has Riton kidnapped and demands the stash of gold as ransom, which threatens Max's dreams of the perfect retirement.


An undercover policeman infiltrates a criminal gang.

"The Man from Cairo", a Michaeldavid production for distribution by Lippert, with Ray Enright the only credited director on the film print, finds Mike Canelli, the man from Cairo, nosing around Algiers with mystery surrounding the people he meets and the things he does and has done to him, all deriving from the war-time theft of $100,000,000 in gold which lies somewhere in the adjacent desert. People representing many nationalities and reasons are also seeking the gold. It boils down to a battle between Canelli and the original looter aboard a speeding train.


The title of this Italian melodrama translates to Pact with the Devil. However, His Satanic Majesty does not appear in the film. Rather, this expensively produced period piece is more along the lines of Romeo and Juliet, with young love threatened by warring families. In his first Italian film, Hollywood veteran Eduardo Cianelli goes through his usual villainous paces as the scheming father of the male lead (Jacques Francois). The most fascinating performance is rendered by Umberto Spadaro, as the village idiot, or is he? Patto col Diavolo makes the most of the visual dynamics of Italy's mountainous Calabrian region.