Angie Ali

The series revolves around the issue of adoption, where the life of ophthalmologist Nada (Mena Shalaby) is turned upside down when she is given the responsibility to save the life of a baby girl and faces many difficulties in addition to her relationship with the girl herself.

A filthy outlaw escaping from the police, after killing an innocent young man, and meeting a surprise along his way.


This production is a light hearted comedy. The protagonist is an esteemed cartoonist that works at a news firm. The protagonist undergoes a difficult situation and emerges partly wounded. Following this experience he insists on going back to work but something about him has changed – he lets go of some of his upstanding principles to become “respectable less one quarter”


A strong controversial adult drama about troubles facing young married and non-married couples. The old friends are invited at Khaled's and Perry's daughter birthday. Moushira is married to Ali, Amr to Farah , and Sameh is having an affair with Inas. After the party all the problems explodes when Moushira tells Ali that he doesn't satisfy her sexually, Perry tells Amr about her discovery of his infidelity, Amr is jealous of Ali as Farah's ex-boyfriend and she is faces him with the fact that her rich family improved his standard. While Inas gives the choice to Sameh of either marrying or separating. Then everyone faces his problem trying to make decisions with the help of his/her friends.
