Ania Bukstein

Reut, a young prosecutor, takes over a sexual assault case, based on the sole testimony of Efrat - a rebellious yet fragile victim, who lives with her wild female partner. Reut is reluctant, but as the trial progresses and Efrat collapses, Reut learns the true nature of strength, love and sisterhood.

What is going on behind the closed doors of the women-only secret club? The first rule is that love is prohibited. When Sophie falls in love with a mysterious man, she must choose between her last chance for true love to her loyalty to the club.


In present day Jerusalem, a city increasingly dominated by religious fanaticism, Naomi, a secular young woman seeks refuge from the pressure of her life as a concert pianist. Despite her intentions to stay alone, however, Naomi quickly makes two unexpected connections- one with a musically gifted Ultra-Orthodox young boy who lives in her building and the other, with Fabrizio, a charismatic Italian monk and organist. While these relationships allow Naomi to reconnect with her love of music and sense of meaning, they also make her a target in her new community. Faced with escalating isolation and violence, Naomi must learn to use music as a bridge to overcome towering religious barriers.


1979: Cousins Carole and Jérôme go on an organized trip to Odessa, behind the Iron Curtain. During the day, posing as tourists celebrating their engagement, they visit monuments and museums. In the evening they slip away from the group and meet “refuseniks”, Jews persecuted by the Soviet regime for wanting to leave the country. While Carole is motivated by political commitment and a taste for risk, Jérôme’s motivation is Carole.


A brother and sister who run away from home find sanctuary in a deserted nature reserve. When the sister falls into the trap of a psychopathic killer, the brother sets out on a race against time to find help. In a twist of fate the rescue of the sister becomes inadvertently intertwined with the lives of a group of young tennis players, a ranger and his dog, as well as a team of policemen.


In The Secrets, two brilliant young women discover their own voices in a repressive orthodox culture where females are forbidden to sing, let alone speak out. Naomi, the studious, devoutly religious daughter of a prominent rabbi, convinces her father to postpone her marriage for a year so that she might study at a Jewish seminary for women in the ancient Kabalistic seat of Safe.


The series tells the story of Nadav Feldman , a young social worker , who discovers that he is adopted and finds himself in the depths of his biological father's family, Baruch Asulin, a leader of an organized crime syndicate in Israel known as "Ha-Borer"(The Arbitrator), due to his activities as an arbitrator in disputes in the underworld. The series focuses on the combination of dramatic stretches , the conflict between the norms of society including crime, especially norms and codes of conduct of the underworld. Among other highlights of the series, in a satirical way, the contrast between certain behaviors of some of the heroes of the series (as a demonstration of piety) and other behaviors (such as the blatant disregard for human life).


The Schwartz Dinasty belong to a long tradition of Jewish rabbis. The grandfathers took their faith and turned it into deeds coming to the Land of Israel to start a new life and build a country. Where are their descendants and how are they doing in the Israel of today?


HaShir Shelanu is an Israeli daily comical musical drama that had finished its 4th season airing on the yes-5 Israeli Movie Channel and repeating on Channel 2. The last episode aired in April 2007.


A brother and sister arrive alone in the new country of Israel after World War II where they hope to find their lost mother. The complexities of life with colorful characters in the refugee transit camp and nearby kibbutz makes it hard to reconcile their real lives with their deeper dream of still finding the Newland.
