Ann-Kathrin Kramer

On business trip in Milan, Bavarian architect Max Hauser falls in love with strong-willed waitress Bianca, who is fired for speaking up to his rude colleagues. When he proposes, she runs, but he traces her to Rome, where he finds she's actually the multi-titled rebellious daughter of impoverished prince and count Vibaldo D'Arcadia and his snobbish silver spoon wife Gioia, who inhabit a stunning but slowly derelict renaissance palace. When Max asks for her hand, she hastily accepts, and after getting the matriarchal blessing of the countess-mother Donna Costanza, Max invites his parents, egalitarian dentist Walter Hauser and wine merchant Eva and Zahnarzt to attend his socialite wedding. Max is not amused to find his father cornered by his mistress, flight attendant Xenia who demands Waleter's divorce, a secret they will painfully fail to keep under control, yet the parents refuse to spoil their son's wedding, but the palatial maid gets wind of half the story and confides into the ...


While four nuns of a women's monastery in the Eifel begin their day, Bishop Rentschler decides to sell their monastery. The Prioress agrees, Novice Ruth is outraged. Bittner, who runs the village shop, is appalled by the news and worries about former Prioress Philippa, who is suffering from dementia. The bishop receives a protest letter, which is why a mediator is sent to the nuns. It is the psychologist Ulrike Purscheck. Her motivation seminar, however, with the appeal to let go of the old, but with the nuns on closed ears - except for sister Brionie.


Teacher Ines and journalist Boris have been happily married for 14 years. But Ines suffers from her childlessness. Then she is confronted with a chapter of her life that has displaced her for many years: In a new student she recognizes her daughter, who she had released after adoption for adoption. Since Boris knows nothing about it, Ines can only trust her best friend Simone. Against her advice, she also seeks in private the proximity to the unsuspecting student. In doing so, she finds herself in a conflict between her responsibility as a teacher and her growing motherly feelings.


Marvin Feldmann has an unusual job: he works for the "Book of Records". His new order leads the strict and incorruptible record watcher to the Finnish island of Föglö. There is said to be a boy there who can make a stone jump 52 times on the water. Marvin does not have a great desire for the arduous journey, and when the twelve-year-old Elias barely fails in his attempt to set a record, he wants to leave immediately. However, Marvin did not count on the shrewd islanders who want to give the life-threatening boy a second chance - especially Elias' aunt Fanny.


Als sie den Angeklagten Robin Böhme (Simon Licht) zum ersten Mal Auge in Auge sieht, bricht die Staatsanwältin Esther Dorwald (Ann-Kathrin Kramer) unter Schock zusammen. Sie hat in ihm den Mann wieder erkannt, der sie vor etwa zwanzig Jahren im Park überfiel und schwer sexuell demütigte und nötigte. Damals waren die Ermittlungen im Sande verlaufen, jetzt ist der Geschäftsmann wegen Waffenhandel und Mord angeklagt. Die Staatsanwältin will ihn zur Rechenschaft ziehen lassen, muss jedoch feststellen, dass die Tat verjährt ist. Der aktuelle Prozess gegen ihn droht ebenfalls zu platzen. Verzweifelt setzt Esther alle Hebel in Bewegung, riskiert den Bruch mit ihrem Mann Lukas (Klaus J. Behrendt) und schreckt auch vor illegalen Maßnahmen nicht zurück, um Robin Böhme dingfest zu machen.


Anna is annoyed. For 18 years she's made every effort to make her family a comfortable home, and what's the result? Instead of relishing her roast lamb, her husband Frank works late. Their teenage kids Thomas and Petra stay out all night, and on top of that her father, Horst, reveals that as of tonight, he's off on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. And when she wants to take the roast lamb to her hard-working husband, she sees him busy taking his secretary's clothes off. That's it. Anna is off. In high heels and smeared mascara, she climbs onto the train to the last station before the Pyrenees, joining her father on his quest for... for what?


No overview found.


The talk therapist Roland Arnsberg falls from the clouds when his longtime girlfriend Chris gives him the passport. An affair with Regine, as it were in acute relationship needs, helps Roland though from his mood depression. However, when he learns that she is the wife of his most affectionate patient, his world gets completely out of joint. The turbulent game of hide and seek finally opens the eyes, which is the right woman for him. Only Chris needs a little longer, until you dawn: There can only be one.


Das Duo is a German television series.


The talented, young veterinarian Dr. Tana Fechner falls in love with the riding stable owner Bernhard Bausch. However, love is not a good star, because the doctor is suspected of killing two of Bausch's horses in order to support her work on a rare virus by presenting suitable cases.


The movie tells a true story in the life of well-known German actor Manfred Krug. Living in the German Democratic Republic he is forced to leave the country after protesting against the expatriation of singer/songwriter Wolf Biermann in 1976.


Follows a divorced couple and their separate, cyclonic sexual escapades, and all of the spin offs.


Katharina, a successful management consultant, has to face Maren as a new assistant. The young woman is very ambitious but has been employed by junior Boss Grosser to spoil Katharina's career. Despite all circumstances they work perfectly well as a team - and fall in love. Katharina, wife and mother to teenage twins, is shaken up by the new situation. Is she willing to live her life with Maren, an open lesbian?


A crime film with Christoph Waltz.


Hallo, Onkel Doc! is a German television series.


A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb.