Anna Chipovskaya

Nika is taking care of his paralysed abusive father, Sandro, in a run-down suburban family house near Tbilisi, soon to be sold. When Nastya, Nika’s girlfriend, arrives unannounced, Sandro unleashes his manipulative powers to the fullest.

Anya is a young mother who has tried many times in vain to save herself and the child from the growing aggression of her husband. Finding herself in a desperate situation, she learns that there are dark mystical forces that can come to the aid of people like her. Anya invokes the otherworldly sisterhood with a special rite of blood and fire, but now she must decide whether she is ready to go this way to the end.

The film took part in the competition program of the Kinotavr festival and won the prize for "Best Debut".


Continuation of the New Year saga "Yolki". This time, all the stories in the film will be based on real events.

The three not-so-lucky guys are having the most difficult, weirdest and funniest day of their lives. Meanwhile, in Moscow, a gang of Kyrgyz conspirators begins to wield, a sexist gynecologist and a feminist traumatologist come to work, a film producer is cheating on the Motherland, and clay policemen are uncovering their batons. The only question is which of these meetings will become fatal for our friends.

13-year-old Masha grows in the 90s in Russia between the boxing ring and the street. Her friends occasionally kill and rob people. The whole town hates and fears them, but for Masha they are the best people in the world who love and protect her. She sings jazz and dreams of becoming a singer. One day, Masha finds out who her friends really are and what they have done to her life and family. Having matured, she leaves her small hometown for Moscow, trying to break away from the past. But it overtakes her and brings her back to the place where her childhood passed away.

Sergei and Kira were considered the most beautiful couple of bohemian Petersburg in the early nineties. They were intellectuals in love with cinema. But a happy romantic story turned into a tough drama. She fled to another city, to another life, to another love. But he remained in St. Petersburg and died soon after the divorce. And only seventeen years later, the beautiful and successful Kira realizes that she has no more chances for happiness, since her heart is forever given to Sergey.

A story about a girl from the suburbs who has fallen in love with the surgeon who carried out complex surgery on her heart. The complex story of their relationship leads to tragic consequences.


The touching drama “The End of the Season” tells the life story of three sisters and is inspired by the same-name play by Anton Chekhov. Vibrant and compelling characters are performed by an all-star feminine cast: Yuliya Peresild, Yulia Snigir and Anna Chipovskaya.


A story about the end of relationships. How close people, who do not want to talk things over, become absolutely estranged from one another. A story about lack of understanding, about the unwillingness to understand a close person.

Beautiful Nina lives happily married, as she saw it, with intelligent Alexandr, professor of Sinology. But the debt for the mortgage begins to disturb the relationship of spouses. One day she meets Sergey, the head of the bank where her husband has debt, and so begins their passionate relationships. The story of the relationship with married Sergey hardly promises happiness, but Nina realizes that for the first time she feels true love.


A wannabe model from a small Russian town robs a local bank to fund her modeling career.


Swept up in political unrest during World War I, two sisters in St. Petersburg cope with turbulent romances as Russian history is made around them.


Contemporary Moscow. Danya, a struggling actor, has just lost his girlfriend. His troubles soon multiply when his younger brother Dima shows up at his apartment with a friend who has a bullet in his stomach.


Pretty Sasha finds herself in a whirlpool of intrigue and criminal games after her lover, a talented painter, is murdered. Chased on one side by brutal criminals who don't leave witnesses, and on the other by the cops who consider her the #1 suspect, Sasha is forced to act alone to solve the mystery of her lover’s death and keep herself alive and free at the same time. Gradually she unravels the tangle of mysteries and deceptions, only to learn that her lover was forging paintings which had been sold for millions of dollars, and no-one really is who they say they are.


A famous movies director tries to understand why his life started to change so drastically.


Max falls into the hands of a "happy" horoscope, which he must follow for 30 days, performing all its insane orders to obtain previously unavailable beauty and success. But one day Max's horoscope is replaced...


Few not connected novels about the love. Few couples falling in love in different places of post USSR: Moscow, Georgia, Armenia.


A funny story about the adventures of a two hairy friends familiar from the "Six Degrees of Celebration" series.


Ten humans on planet XT-59 paving the way trough swamp to reach Islands of Happiness.


Eleven comedic vignettes featuring conversations – some important, some less so – held in restaurants over coffee and cigarettes (how quickly time flies – cigarettes are banned in Russia’s restaurants now). The conversations are candid, and even veer into the territory of murder. In the final credits, the director apologizes to Jim Jarmusch, whose work (in the anthology Coffee and Cigarettes, which Jarmusch shot in pieces over many years) Oldenburg-Svintsov is clearly indebted to. Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes’s kinship with Jarmusch’s film extends to the fact that superstars play tiny roles in almost all of the vignettes.


The series is set in 1961. Cameraman Viktor Khrustalyov is in a difficult situation; he is suspected of being involved in the death of his friend, talented screenwriter Kostya Parshin, who committed suicide during a drinking-bout. The authorities try to put Khrustalyov in prison by any means. Viktor needs to shoot the comedy "The Girl and the Brigadier" in order to get permission to make the film "Shards" after the wonderful scenario left from his deceased screenwriter friend. Young director Yegor Myachin wants to adаpt this screenplay. Khrustalyov arranges him as a trainee to the venerable director Krivitsky for a comedy. In the same film act Khrustalev's ex-wife Inga and his young sweetheart Maryana, with whom Yegor Myachin is also in love.


And again a heroes of "Yolki" series are ready and prepared for a New Year.


Spring 1941. Center of Moscow. Duel of the two intelligence services turns more and more tense.


The Year is 1812. On the eve of the decisive battle of Borodino, Napoleon's secret agent steals a Russian battle plan. This fact is known to General Kutuzov (Head of Russian forces), thanks to a young nobleman Alexey Tarusov. Tarusov joint to the the regiment of Russian lancers, and finds new friends like Lieutenant Gorzhevsky, Prince Kiknadze and Sergeant Ptukha. After the terrible battle of Borodino, they fall into many unexpected adventures...


A lot of things happened in the life of "Yolki" hepes during the last year, but here it's again - the New Year's eve...


Он только что спас жизнь бизнесмену, прикрыв его свои телом и получив при этом ранение. Он только что ушел от жены, застав ее в постели с любовником. И он не мог не выполнить задание своего босса – начальника частного охранного агентства. Но когда Стас нехотя согласился возглавить охрану дома дочери влиятельного и богатого человека, он еще не знал, как круто именится его жизнь! Дом, за порядок и покой в котором он отныне отвечал, жил своей размеренной спокойной жизнью: разве что мальчишки за забором взорвут петарду или напугают сторожа дядю Петю "приведением" из простыни. Немногочисленная обслуга отнеслась к Стасу внимательно и заботливо. Вот только садовница Светлана как-то в штыки воспринимала все нововведения охранника. Правда, очень быстро неприязнь переросла в хорошие отношения, а те – в любовь.

A famous massage therapist becomes the prime suspect in the disappearance of several of his clients. All the missing women are young girls looking to get away from of the provincial town to live their life in the capital, become professional models, or simply become high maintenance trophy wives.

The well-being of Stepan Sudakov’s family, which he himself believes in, turns out to be shaky. Practical, prudent, successful in business, Sudakov discovers that the family foundations he guarded in the walls of his apartment, in his nest, collapse one after another, and his own children are to blame.