Anna Ciepielewska

Directed by


Warsaw 1941. Gestapo captures a Home Army soldier who knows the code needed to read the list of agents working in Reich. Tortured Wójcik asks the doctors for poison.

1950, a small town in Poland. Not the best times for shop owners like Jozef Piasecki - obstacles from authorities, restricted wholesale supplies. Moreover, he constantly argues with his son, the 17 year old Witek. Witek experiences love for the first time. This should be a time of great excitement for him, but Witek, being rather anxious about the future, becomes an example of a youth generation growing up under the long shadow of Stalin.


A funny story about a young soccer player nicknamed Paragon.


A couple plans to spend a New Years Eve in a friend's empty apartment.


The last film of Andrzej Munk, who died in a crash during the filming. A German woman on a ship coming back to Europe notices a face of another woman which brings recollections from the past. She tells her husband that she has been an overseer in Auschwitz during the war, but she has actually saved a woman's life. Her vision is shown and then the actual events.


On their way to an afternoon on the lake, husband and wife Andrzej and Krystyna nearly run over a young hitchhiker. Inviting the young man onto the boat with them, Andrzej begins to subtly torment him; the hitchhiker responds by making overtures toward Krystyna. When the hitchhiker is accidentally knocked overboard, the husband's panic results in unexpected consequences. This was the first feature directed by Roman Polanski.


Set in the 17th century. A convent in a small town is being visited by high-ranking Catholic official trying to exorcise the nun supposedly possessed by demons. A local priest have been burnt for creating this condition by sexual temptation of the nuns, especially the Mother superior who bring on the collective hysteria of the group. There is another young priest who is to help with the exorcism. His first meeting with the convent head, Mother Joan of the Angels, has her seemingly possessed by Satan - she yells blasphemies and incites the priest. She begs the priest to save her and to help her to be a saint.


A group of young Lódz hoodlums spends their time shoplifting, partying and drinking heavily, until they are faced with serious consequences of their reckless behaviour.


Three women, ex-prisoners of a nazi deathcamp, decide to live together after the war.


Andrzej Munk was one of the leading directors in Polish cinema. Friends and collaborators share their memories about this stunning artist and his premature tragic death.
