Anna Dokoza

A celebratory parody of the traditional TV holiday romance that follows Holly, a go-getter real estate exec from New York City who heads to a small town to buy the quaint Clüsterfünke Inn and transform it into a mega-resort.

Debra, Debra, and Debra are three very busy women who are all named Debra. They live in the affluent suburb of Lemoncurd and do lots of interesting activities, which keep them very busy.


A gay man with mild cerebral palsy decides to rewrite his identity as an accident victim and finally go after the life he wants.


Follows the awkward experiences and racy tribulations of a modern-day African-American woman.


The trials and tribulations of a two man, digi-folk band who have moved from New Zealand to New York in the hope of forging a successful music career. So far they've managed to find a manager (whose "other" job is at the New Zealand Consulate), one fan (a married obsessive) and one friend (who owns the local pawn shop) -- but not much else.
