Anna Taratorkina

Several years ago, a successful businessman Andrei learned that one of his three daughters was not from him. He divorced his wife and obtained full custody of the children, prohibiting his ex-wife from approaching them. Everything was going well, until one day Andrei was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis: he has cancer, and he has a few months to live. He understands that girls need a mother, otherwise no one will take care of them after his death. Andrei proposes to his girlfriend, but then accidentally meets his ex-wife and understands that he still loves her.

In an old coat with a cardboard suitcase, Yulia arrives to conquer the capital. Her Aunt Valya helps her get a job as a live-in nurse for Alla Nikolaevna, a wealthy and capricious old woman who had a stroke. A little time passes, and Alla and her son Pavel grow fond of Yulia. Only Pavel's wife, Lena, does not believe in the "good angel". And she seems to be right…

When you have behind you an unsuccessful personal life, two children and blockages at work, it seems that this is the end and there will be no more happiness. And then the years take their toll. But if you do not despair, then there is still a chance to find your soul mate and find harmony, which our main character will try to do ...

The private part of a young man leaves the owner and starts his own adventure...


A newest Russian military plane "TU-106" equipped with nuclear weapon is controlled by terrorists. There is almost no time before attack...
