Annabella Schiavone

Father Maurice, a priest living in a residential college for priests in Rome, is called out one day to "exorcise" the devil from someone. The devil turns out to be in the form of a fun-loving man called Giuditta. What Father Maurice doesn't know is that this type of devil will turn his life around.


In the ruins of an amphitheatre just outside an unnamed Italian city lives Momo, a little girl of mysterious origin. She is remarkable in the neighbourhood because she has the extraordinary ability to listen — really listen. By simply being with people and listening to them, she can help them find answers to their problems, make up with each other, and think of fun games.


Two not very clever young doctors open a fitness center and promise to let people lose seven kilos in seven days. When the enterprise fails they open a gourmet restaurant.


Roberto Razzi, skeptical and convinced atheist, is the conductor of the Futuro program, in which he unmasks the most common tricks and deceptions that make the miracle cry out to everyone.


During the reign of King Alboin, the peasant Bertoldo, sly and smart, manages to always get away with pranks and pleasantires with great mastery, and, even if his clumsy wife Marcolfa and their foolish son Bertoldino always put him in trouble, his shrewdness and acumen save him from any unfortunate situation...


Lino lives in Turin with the family of his sister. He doesn't have a good job and never enough money. But in a day his life changes: he wins 1 billion dollars in a lottery and... everyone becomes a friend, the girl who he liked becomes his girlfriend and his sister begins to love him. He leaves Turin with his friend Parola and, in a Casino, he looses all money! But luck returns...


A comedy about the adventures of several families during their sea vacations.


A stories of three really unlucky characters are discovered during the trial.


At carnival, a girl disguised as a devil seduces the parish priest of a village. She becomes pregnant, but the priest can not support his intention to abort and drag her to court.


Pasquale Baudaffi, amnistiato, esce dal carcere ed inizia a cercare un lavoro aiutato dal cugino Gaetano. Prima però va in una casa compiacente. Durante i giorni del carcere la casa non è più sede di appuntamenti ma è stata rilevata e affittata come studio dentistico. Pasquale si trova al centro di equivoci a non finire. Prova a fare il guardiacaccia ma non va bene lo stesso, prova a fare il cameriere di un bar: sbaglia subito le ordinazioni e viene licenziato. Negativa la sua prova da guardiano di un garage. L'ultimissima esperienza è in una società di Elettronica ma il suo inserimento nel meccanismo avveniristico scatena le più pazze complicazioni. L'incontro con un cagnolino smarrito gli permette di conoscere la padrona e scoprire così la donna della sua vita.


Someone's bumping off the Mafia bosses of Salerno and it's down to the newly elected leader to figure out who - and rescue his son in the process.
