Annamária Láng

A young court bailiff's first eviction case turns into a nightmare because of a desperate old lady who is willing to sacrifice everything to keep her home.

24 hours in the life of a mother, caught in the relentlessness of daily life, between her work, her home and her children.


Story of a fake heart attack which ends with a real heartbreak.

Underrated in light of its current (February 4, 2007) IMDb score of 6.4, this film reminded me of what Joseph Heller's 'Something Happened' could look like if a film was to be made out of it. Our middle-aged character's life is in a fragile balance at the start and soon that balance will, of course, be disturbed. Even without much in the way of drama at first, an at times nightmarish reality intermingles with nightmares, and, typically for a movie from this region, state bureaucracy and the absurdities of a semi-legal order play a role in moving developments along. So what is it that awaits our hero down the informal road he is officially sent? Complete deconstruction? Or the 'unbearable lightness of being'? If you give the movie the time to unfold, it will reward you revealing an entertaining concept by the end.
