Anne Brochet

An undeniable spark during a chance meeting leads a 30-something threesome to explore their sexuality while rumbling from Los Angeles to Italy, and discover the profound effect strangers can have on the trajectory of their lives.


In 1916, the highest paid silent film director at Universal Studios was a woman named Lois Weber. Yet today, she is virtually unknown. "Yours Sincerely, Lois Weber" examines the achievements of this incredible woman, as told through the eyes of a young magazine photographer hoping to impress her.

Olivier and Leo, two brothers that are moved to Paris and that life has separated ... If the first sees himself as a journalist without concessions, the second is an ambitious and opportunistic communication adviser. Noémie, a charming presidential adviser, can not, over the years, choose between them. To the amusement of Sylvain, their childhood friend, who made his fortune in Pink Minitel, their destinies intersect over 20 years, are intertwined, in a funny epic, tender and nostalgic, in the 80 / 90.


Marie and Eric, a couple in their thirties who have been together since college, buy their first apartment when Marie is suddenly overcome by doubt. Her encounter with a handsome, dark-haired man forces her to make a decision...


A couple goes on a hike in the woods, and the woman refuses to return.


A faithful retelling of the 1942 "Vel' d'Hiv Roundup" and the events surrounding it.


Paloma is a serious and highly articulate but deeply bored 11-year-old who has decided to kill herself on her 12th birthday. Fascinated by art and philosophy, she questions and documents her life and immediate circle, drawing trenchant and often hilarious observations on the world around her. But as her appointment with death approaches, Paloma finally meets some kindred spirits in her building's grumpy janitor and an enigmatic, elegant neighbor, both of whom inspire Paloma to question her rather pessimistic outlook on life.


Esteban and Maxime are inseparable. Their families have always lived in the same Parisian building and Maxime, who has lived alone with his mother, a hard-working attorney, since his father died, has always felt part of Esteban's happy, friendly family. The boys have known each other since birth and consider themselves more than friends, they are brothers. The two friends have secretly made a small attic room the center of their world, where they invent characters and store their disguises and most treasured possessions. But their friendship is threatened when Maxime learns to his dismay that Esteban and his Spanish-born family are moving back to Spain. The two boys dream up a plan that they must soon put into action.


They were the perfect loving couple, well, almost. Emmanuel wanted a child but Philippe didn't. One day, however, Emmanuel decides to take the plunge, at the risk of losing Philippe. But how do you make a child when you are gay?


March 2002, during an election campaign, Simon Barrachet, offensive journalist, took over the newspaper and a television station seeks to impose its vision of information. His team is going through a period of profound change, while the themes of the 2002 campaign invade every screen: the absence of electoral issue in the first round, and the supposed explosion of insecurity in France ...


On the day that his son fails his baccalaureate, Michel loses his job. He has been employed at the same factory for twenty years and now he has no job, no qualifications, no prospects. Michel soon realises that the only way he is going to get another job is by first passing his baccalaureate. So, he goes back to school, with his friend Gérard, who is in the same position. Naturally, Michel’s son is not at all pleased to find himself in the same class as his dad...


In 1950s France, a young boy is taken in by a couple after spending a few months in the care of social service.


On September 11, 2001, an enemy whose evil knows no bounds unleashed its depraved brand of terror upon an unsuspecting world. 'Imminent Attack' is the story of a desperate race against time to avert yet another such tragedy. The key to success rests upon the reluctant shoulders of Léon, a young man currently imprisoned for armed bank robbery. His mission: Go under cover and infiltrate the terrorist network, discover the detail of their plot and expose the cold-blooded mastermind behind it. If Léon prevails, his wins his freedom. If he fails, thousands of innocent people will lose their lives.


Christel and Christoph have no education, no morals - they are working as servants in wealthy homes in order to clean out their hosts. Having decided to combine their talents and efforts, they are starting to work in the the house of Therions - wealthy bourgeoisie of Mulhouse...


No overview found.


Because she picked the wrong door, Anna ends up confessing her marriage problems to a financial adviser named William Faber. Touched by her distress, somewhat excited as well, Faber does not have the courage to tell her that he is not a psychiatrist. From appointment to appointment, a strange ritual is created between them. William is moved and fascinated to hear the secrets no man ever heard.


Julien lives alone with his cat. He dreams of Marie, and a few minutes later, he sees her on the street and makes a date. He asks her to move in with him, and she does. Her boyfriend is dead, the rest of her past a mystery. Although they quickly seem to fall in love, she sometimes pulls away suddenly from Julien, is distant, and spends the night in a hotel. She also dreads something imminent and warns Julien that if he missteps, he will lose her and all memory of her. Julien responds by digging into her past: what explains her remodeling an upstairs garret room, her nightly dreams, her fears? What can Julien, now desperately in love, do when he learns why? Can either rescue the other?


Two parallel tales of redemption, a century apart. In the New York storyline, Edge hunts for Angela's gold to pay back a debt, and gradually grows closer to her. In the Macedonian story, the brothers end up fighting for opposite sides of a revolution, with the religious Elijah taking up sides with the Ottoman sultan and gunslinger Luke joining "the Teacher" , a Macedonian rebel.


A bittersweet drama covering 30 years in the lives of group of friends united by their devotion to the theatre, 30 Ans begins in Paris in 1974, when Aurelian, his girlfriend Barbara, and childhood friend Antoine form a theatre. Taking the plight of Pinochet's oppressed Chile as its cause, the theatre attracts the involvement of Jeanne, a young actress who immediately sparks the attentions of both Aurelian and Antoine. When Chilean dissident actor Luis is brought to the theatre by Barbara's diplomat father, Jeanne falls in love with him, and the two carry out an affair that ends when a sudden development causes Jeanne to disappear. 8 years later, Aurelian has a new girlfriend and is directing a travelling troupe, and Antoine is a high-priced image consultant who gets his old friend a gig at Dunkirk. Aurelian, deeply immersed in a mid-life crisis, still loves Jeanne, continuing to carry a picture of the enigmatic actress in his wallet and writing about her in his diary.


Claire Weygand, a thirty-year-old young woman who is about to defend her anthropology thesis, unfortunately not only feels bad but even worse and worse with each passing day. The migraine attacks she suffers from indeed keep her from working as hard as she should and in despair she decides to consult Doctor Fish. When the medicine the physician prescribes for her fails, Claire, who can't take it any more, asks him to hospitalize her. In hospital, Claire shares her room with Odette, a young woman who has lost the use of her legs and Eléonore, a frightening old woman. The third episode from "The Blindfold" by Siri Hustvedt.


This is an important day for Marc Chanois, an insurance advisor heading toward middle age: it's his fiancée Sabine's birthday, her parents arrive in Paris and Marc will meet them for dinner to announce the engagement (her father can't stand him), he's bought Sabine a Spitfire, and his most important client is to sign a policy. But, as the day wears on, he's vexed by an incompetent secretary, the unexpected return of a girlfriend he hasn't seen in five years, squatters who use his office at night, the jealous former lover of a flight attendant who lives in the building, and his boss's unexpected return from a Swiss clinic. Will he reach Sabine in one piece?


When Sarah walks alone along the desolate beach one day she find an unconscious man, who has been brought to land by the waves. When he awakens he doesn't remember anything. He has no name and no past. His dependence lies on Sarah. A role that makes her forget her loneliness and she decides to therefore lie about their situation... She says that they are situated on an island, where no one can reach them. From now, his life lies in her hands.


There is a lot of tension and resentment in Romain's and Jeanne's marriage, but their divorce is amicable. They seem to agree on how to raise their daughter, Madeleine - she will live with her mother and spend every other week-end with her father. But Romain is very controlling and manipulative and is poisoning the arrangement. At first, Jeanne seems to cope with being a single parent, but when she has to put up with Romain's tactics she starts to fall apart.


The narrator, "Barjo" (nutcase, crap artist), is an obsessive simpleton, given to filling his notebook with verbatim dialog, observed trivia, and oddball speculation on human behavior and the end of the world. When his house burns, he moves in with his twin sister, Fanfan -- an impulsive, quixotic egoist -- and her husband, Charles, the Aluminum King. Charles becomes the focus of the film, as his wife and brother-in-law bewilder him.


It's late 17th century. The viola da gamba player Monsieur de Sainte Colombe comes home to find that his wife died while he was away. In his grief he builds a small house in his garden into wich he moves to dedicate his life to music and his two young daughters Madeleine and Toinette, avoiding the outside world. Rumor about him and his music is widespread, and even reaches to the court of Louis XIV, who wants him at his court in Lully's orchestra, but Monsieur de Sainte Colombe refuses. One day a young man, Marin Marais, comes to see him with a request, he wants to be taught how to play the violin.


Embarrassed by his large nose, a romantic poet/soldier romances his cousin by proxy.


In the 18th century, English aristocrats had, among their better known strange customs, one really strange one: they kept "ornamental hermits" for their gardens. These were actual people who were willing to live in squalid conditions and serve as something like museum exhibits for the amusement of the wealthy. This movie takes that notion and transfers it to 18th century France. In the story, an English hermit Rupert Everett) has somehow been brought to France in the period following the French Revolution, and prior to the Napoleonic Era, a period (1795-1799) known as "The Directory." He eventually comes down out of his tree into a chateau owned by an Italian nobleman (Ugo Tognazzi) and his wife. Before long, the hermit has washed and bathed and become quite presentable, even charming. However, his appearance in their midst is like a sentence of death for many of those who associate with him.


After World War I, a young ex-soldier, Sébastien Monge, returns to his home village. Ignorant of his past, he learns that, 24 years before, his entire family was slain in their home one stormy night. Only Sébastien, then a four-month old baby, was spared. Whilst Sébastien is being seduced by Charmaine, Dupin is killed by someone else. Sébastien’s next victim, the miller Didon Pujol, is also murdered before he has a chance to take his revenge. Sébastien realises that someone is watching his every move and is going to extraordinary lengths to protect him. But who, and why..?


In this deadly game of cat and mouse, Roland Wolf is writing a book on the life of game show host Christian Legagneur--or is he?
