Anne Schaefer

In 1970s New York, photographer Martha Cooper captured some of the first images of graffiti at a time when the city had declared war it. Decades later, Cooper has become an influential godmother to a global movement of street artists.


Longfellow Deeds lives in a small town, leading a small town kind of life. When a relative dies and leaves Deeds a fortune, Longfellow moves to the big city where he becomes an instant target for everyone. Deeds outwits them all until Babe Bennett comes along. When small-town boy meets big-city girl anything can, and does, happen.


Prisoners was a 1929 American film directed by William Seiter for First National Pictures. It was released as a part-talking, part-silent feature. with Corinne Griffith, James Ford, Bela Lugosi, Ian Keith, Julanne Johnston, Ann Schaeffer, Barton Hesse and Otto Matiesen. Lugosi, in his first talkie, played the owner of a Vienna nightclub.


Comedy romance film

The story of a controversial white settlement in 1860s Spirit Lake, Iowa. Unbowed by the encroachment, Chief Sitting Bull vows to reclaim the land of his fathers.


Left penniless by her vengeful ex-husband, Madeline is forced to become a pickpocket to pay for a new wardrobe. One of her victims is a Mr. Finlay, who threatens to turn her over to the police -- until he hears Madeline's woeful tale of her cruel, possessive husband.

THE DEVIL DANCER was highly praised at time of release for its exquisite cinematography, especially in the use of light and shadow. The film received an Academy Award nomination in this category. Sadly, it is among the lost. No prints or negatives are known to survive.


The Heritage of the Desert (1924)


Sybil marries George Bruce, an alcoholic 20 years her senior, In order to provide for her crippled sister, Helen, and her brother, Geoffrey. Bruce becomes jealous of Sybil's attentions to young physician Robert Acton, and when Bruce suffers a heart attack and calls for digitalis, Sybil allows the vial to break and he dies.

A conservative young man inherits his uncle's pearl fishery concession in the South Pacific. Upon his arrival there, he becomes involved with a woman and a mystery.

A cowboy matches the description of the man who robbed the local hotel--both are 6'4". When a young woman is robbed, suspicion falls on the cowboy again. However, he discovers that the actual culprits are a local gang headed by the sheriff. He sets out to capture the robbers and clear his name.


Young and spunky Alannah, an Irish immigrant living in a tenement, sells newspapers to support her family. She is soon helping a district attorney secure proof that the unjust town mayor is collecting bribes. For her reward, Alannah and her boyfriend Jimmy are appointed managers of a municipal restaurant.

A young girl, stifling on her father's backwoods farm, is reinvigorated by the arrival of an army regiment, come to train in the area.


Iris Lee is reared in the small town of Dalton by her deceased mother's friend, Martha Kane, and when she reaches adulthood, Martha's son Jim falls in love with her. When Iris fails to return his affections, Mrs. Kane treats her so coldly that Iris decides to leave the stuffy little village for the metropolis. On her journey, she accepts a ride with Jack Andrews, but after he attempts to kiss her, she leaps from the car and walks the rest of the way. While singing in the choir of a large metropolitan church, she is discovered by Jack's wealthy father Peter, who recommends her as a soloist. Light opera star Helen Manning, who has helped Iris to cultivate her voice, quarrels with her theatrical manager, and Iris is offered her position.

Little Sara Crewe is placed in a boarding school by her father when he goes off to war, but he does not understand that the headmistress is a cruel, spiteful woman who makes life miserable for Sara.


A poor shopgirl is offered a "good time" for a week by the son of her employer. She accepts, but the offer is misunderstood by her brother, who informs the girl's parents of her "fling."

The Mystery of Lake Lethe is a 1917 silent film

Vitagraph comedy starring William Duncan & Corinne Griffith about The Cost of High Living.

Through the Wall is a silent 1916 film

Under an assumed name, Phineas courts a widow and makes love to his own wife. He lands in court with a Breach of Promise suit looming big. He confesses, whispers in his wife's ear, and all is forgiven.

Upon the death of his wife, George Blake, an attorney, leaves the east. He first places his pretty young daughter, Lucy, in a convent. After traveling for a few years from place to place, in an endeavor to find some location which he might be happy in, he settles in Lariat Hollow, a mining town. He soon falls in love with a woman of the dance hall named Anne. This incites the jealousy of Larkin, the political boss of the town. To break George Blake, Larkin nominates him for mayor, purposing to have him defeated. Anne suspects the plot and tries to influence Blake to refuse the nomination. But Blake has given his word to enter the contest and goes in to win. Blake's daughter writes to her father that she wishes to remain in the convent and become a nun. The father gives his consent. Now with every eastern tie severed, he asks Anne to marry him. She accepts, but says they will wait until after the election.

Senor is only a horse, a thoroughbred, and winner of many blue ribbons. On account of old age, Jim Hartwell, the ranch owner, orders Steve, an employee, to take the old horse into the foothills and shoot him. Kitty, Hartwell's daughter, loves old Senor and claims him for her personal property. Steve loves Kitty and refuses to shoot the horse. In anger, Hartwell discharges him. The ranch owner, mounting his horse, leads Senor to the foothills. He takes the bit of blue ribbon which Kitty had tied in Senor's foretop, and throws it aside. Just as he raises his revolver to shoot, he sees a Mexican creeping towards his horse in the act of stealing it. He turns his attention towards the thief, who shoots Hartwell. Steve appears, and fires at the Mexican, who in turn, shoots Steve and escapes. Steve, not seriously wounded, turns his attention to Mr. Hartwell. The Mexican makes his way afoot across the hills and comes across a party of range riders.


Willie Green, off for college, tearfully kisses Ma and Pa and Sister good-bye. Arrived on the campus, he approaches a grave and reverend senior to ask where the proctor is located. The senior knocks off his hat. Willie replaces it and laughs feebly at the joke. The senior sternly tells him to take it off and be respectful to his betters. Willie obeys, and awe-stricken, repeats his question. The senior points, Willie dodges, gathers up his suitcases and exits cautiously, watching the senior. The proctor places him in a room with a senior, who makes life a burden to him, using him as a valet.


A Chinese man cares for the orphan of a dying woman who stumbles into his laundry.

A drama in which a man buys a horse in order to get medicine for his wife, but is then arrested because he is riding a stolen horse.


A short Western about a cowardly sheriff who leaves it up to his wife to catch a murderer, and then takes the credit himself.


A short Western about a bandit who saves the daughter of the sheriff.


Twenty or twenty-five years ago, when the unoccupied government lands were released for settlement, everyone who registered their names was given a fair and free chance to secure one of the sections of land, which was apportioned off in sections. The settlers were drawn up in a long line at a certain distance from the lands opened up, some of them on horseback and others in vehicles of all descriptions. At the firing of a cannon, everybody made a rush for the land. Harvey Mattson and his wife Annie, with their child, emigrate form Missouri in a prairie schooner. On their way they hear of the opening up of the Cherokee Strip. They hasten there and Harvey pitches camp, preparatory to entering his name. Their child is taken sick. Harvey goes for the doctor, and during his absence. Bill Slick, a good-looking ruffian, tries to force his attentions upon Annie. She repulses him. Harvey and the doctor arrive, and he "settles" Bill without ceremony. The ruffian, enraged, leaves.


With a fondness for gambling, Jim Saunders is given to neglecting his wife and child. One night during his absence at the saloon, Miguel Gomez, a Mexican outlaw, for whom $1,000 reward is offered, enters Jim's home and demands food of Mrs. Saunders.


A penniless British Lord sets up an arranged marriage with an American heiress. He soon falls in love with her and is determined to support himself financially so they can have a real marriage.

A spoiled rich boy meets and falls in love with an older woman, a dancer who is more amused than flattered by his attentions.