Annelinde Gerstl

Set in 1986. After their train is hit by an avalanche in the alps, 30 year old Greta and five strangers find themselves trapped in the last car of a train, buried underneath the snow. On the radio they learn that a rescue operation is under way, but for some reason the last compartment seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth. As we follow their attempts to escape their icy prison, we begin to understand that there is more to the compartment than meets the eye...


Two angels, Damiel and Cassiel, glide through the streets of Berlin, observing the bustling population, providing invisible rays of hope to the distressed but never interacting with them. When Damiel falls in love with lonely trapeze artist Marion, the angel longs to experience life in the physical world, and finds -- with some words of wisdom from actor Peter Falk -- that it might be possible for him to take human form.


"Desire Caught by the Tail" - One can not understand this piece as meaningful and meaningful unity and should be careful not to read too much into it. Picasso himself said he wanted to suggest sensations through the verbal sound itself.