Annie Carol Edel

John the Baptist, the prophet of Israel, is imprisoned by Herod, governor of Judea for protesting Herod's marriage to his brother's wife. Jealousies rage and Herod's step-daughter and niece Salome seduces Herod by means of a torrid dance to give her the head of the prophet - but then tries to save the life of the man she has thus condemned. Updated to a WWII setting


A Neapolitan camorra boss has retired from business but when his wife gets killed he gets back into action, and goes to the States to get his revenge.


Sister Virginia de Leyva becomes the new Mother Superior at the convent of Monza. Said convent turns out to be a veritable hotbed of sinful carnality and depravity. Debauched priest Don Arrigone and lecherous womanizer Giampaolo Osio plot to seduce sister Virginia. But will their wicked and lustful actions continue to go unnoticed?


A group of hip friends gather at a Gothic castle owned by a wheelchair- bound older relative of one of the girls. One couple in the group, unbeknownst to the others, is smuggling heroin in some Chinese artifacts the protagonist has brought back from the Orient to give to her elderly relative. Meanwhile the deranged uncle of the protagonist, who supposedly killed the protagonist's mother (his own sister) and cut out her eyes, is wandering the catacombs spying on everyone. When one of the guests is murdered and her eyes subsequently disappear, suspicion naturally falls on the mad uncle. But is he being set up?


Tells the story of young Daniela ‘Blue Jeans’ Anselmi, a free-spirited drifter who makes her way in life by selling sexual favors and practicing petty-crime. After Daniela is arrested, the man who might be her long-lost father is called into her life to look after her.


Emanuelle is out to avenge her sister, who committed suicide after escaping from her sadistic lover Carlo. So she chains Carlo up in her basement, drugs him, and forces him to watch her having sex. As Carlo begins to hallucinate all kinds of bloody horrors and cannibalistic doings, he decides he has to break free and kill Emanuelle.


A psychotic small-time criminal realizes that the everyday robberies, rapes and murders he commits aren't profitable enough, so he figures to hit the big time by kidnapping the daughter of a rich man.


A baron, nicknamed Paolo il caldo (Paul the Hot One) because of his womanizing, asks his son, on his deathbed, to leave women alone and only think about work. The son tries hard but only gets into trouble.


The summer vacation of a young beautiful girl, at her uncle's country villa.


Tazio Brother from Velletri has a reputation as a miracle worker. Messer Nuccio de 'Tornabuoni bets that will win Lisa, the wife of the standard-bearer of Justice Lapo de' Pazzi. To realize the dream spread the news that Brother Tazio has the power to drive the demon of lust from the body of women, after he himself claims to be the famous monk and is abusing Lisa and careful Gigliola, the Lapo sister. Thus begins a series of daring escapes, occasionally interrupted by the conquest of new girls. Meanwhile frà Tazio it suffers the ire of betrayed husbands.


Michele Placido plays Antonio, an Italian immigrant in New York who finds himself drawn into the Mob when his options are limited and his desire to make a new life for himself becomes increasingly difficult.


Set in medieval times, it tells of the efforts of the Mayor of a small town who, in order to boost up trade and tourism sets about, with the help of his counselors, to teach the town's women the arts of seduction.


A woman goes behind bars in order to save her father's life.


During the Middle Ages, a clumsy knight returns home where his wife awaits him. Sensuous and beautiful, she has attracted several male admirers during his absence, but her chastity belt has maintained her faithfulness. Now is her chance to wrest the key from him and enjoy herself. The knight’s portly friend has a similar problem with his equally gorgeous wife. And to top it off, both men have designs on the other’s wife — leading them to devise painful methods to discourage the other from trespassing.


Italian nunsploitation movie from 1972


Italian sex comedy version of Arabian Nights


Doctor Gaudenzi, a real Sicilian manly man living in Rome, Italy, married the daughter of a wealthy industrialist. One dayy, his wife is about to die, and being very religious, she asks for a cardinal to perform the last rites and further demands that her husband pledges not to marry or be with other women after she dies. Constrained by the cardinal's presence, Gaudenzi promises, and she promptly dies. Later, as soon as he is about to fall in temptation when looking at sexy girls, strange things happen, finally convincing him that his jealous wife is watching from "out there". Gaudenzi decides to give up on his lusty life: he's returning to his Sicily home and, to be on the sure side, he asks to be injected with female hormones. That's when he meets a sexy woman no man can resist...
