Annie Man

A former triad fresh from a prison term, decides to go straight, but finds himself up against a rival gangster.


Sze Sai-lun becomes the new magistrate of Kong-do County. After a series of unresolved cases, the townspeople begin to see him as pathetic and useless. While Sai-lun was searching for evidence by a hillside, he accidentally injures himself, dropping blood on a mysterious pillow. He faints on it and discovers that the pillow encloses a spirit who can help him solve mysteries by giving him clues and riddles to solve. With the help of the pillow spirit, the townspeople begin to see a new light in Sai-lun.


Ko Gan was a very talented cake master. Because of his dedication to making cakes, he neglected his family which caused his wife and son to leave him. While he rushed to the airport to see his wife and son, Ko Gan got into a car accident and was caught by the police when he lied about the cake for his son being a bomb so he could get to the airport on time. Two years later, Ko Gan is released from jail and is once again in the cake business, being a chief chef at Gateaux, a cake shop owned by Sabayung. Ko Gan acts coldly and is strict on the shop's employees, plus having to face all sorts of hardship in new cake creations and competitions from cake masters from all over the world; not to mention meeting hotheaded girl, Tong Sheung, who has a passion for baking. From her, he learns new things as well as with her around Ko Gun turns into a gentler man. But something huge stands in their way that causes their relationship to waver... and it has something to do with Kuk Kei.


A horrid crime was committed at a wedding reception and bridesmaid Chi Ching was the lone eyewitness. At the police station, she recognised the suspect, Suen Ling, in a line up. She also discovered the affair between this stranger and her lover. All of a sudden the emotional turmoil surrounding her chronic illness resurfaced and quickly grew beyond control.


The story follows the lead characters through their experiences as members of the Police Negotiation Cadre (PNC). The PNC is a volunteer unit of the Hong Kong police force specializing in negotiations with terrorist members, partakers of local violence, and individuals contemplating suicide. The whole series is dotted with both large and small cases handled by the story's heroes and heroines.

Cheung Lok-ming, voted the Most Handsome King of Tutors, has many admirers among his female high school students while his wife waits patiently for a marriage proposal. Two of his students invoke the Saucer Spirit to predict the questions in their Chinese History exam. After being two-timed by her boyfriend Ted, Joyce tricks Mr Cheung back to her apartment where Saucer Spirit bewitches him into killing her and her friend mid-seduction. After dumping the bodies into the sea, he finds himself being investigated by failed cop and toilet connosseur Ma Tung who can't even keep track of his own police badge. But Cheung has other secrets buried 20 years in his past.

Wong Hei is Dee, a nice guy who was pushed around as a kid. Back then he had a compatriot in May, who protected him by threatening other kids with her predilection for cutting up animals. Years later, Dee tries to become a hair stylist, but he just can't get it right. He trembles, messes up, and loses jobs. Furthermore, his mean co-workers pick on him. One day, when he gets framed for messing up, May shows up again, except now she looks like Hilary Tsui. The two find that their special bond remains, and then they go and kill people. Dee kills and dismembers the bodies, but not before coiffing them up with his latest Dennis Rodman 'do. One day, a retarded girl (Annie Man) witnesses Dee disposing of a body. He's instructed by May to off the girl, but he ends up taking a liking to her. It seems that he sympathizes with her vulnerability. May doesn't feel the same and you can see this conflict coming a mile away. Michael Wong and Kent Cheng are the cops who try to crack the case.


Those Were the Days is a Hong Kong Drama starring Eric Tsang


A remake of the American film Ruthless People. Sean Lau plays a rich, fast-food chain owner named Lam Chak-chi. Mr. Lam hates his wife but married her so that he could inherit the fast-food chain from her father. He decides he will kill his wife, but before he gets his chance she is kidnapped. Shortly after, the kidnappers demand ransom money or else they will kill his wife. By telling the police one thing and the kidnappers another, he hopes to get rid of his wife, keep the cash and come out of it all without being suspected of any wrongdoings. However, things don't go the way Mr. Lam expects. Lau Ching Wan also plays his twin brother, who is one of the kidnappers.

In order to release his kidnapped sister, sports car mechanic Jackie Chan has to beat a super-criminal street racer.


Simon Yam, gang boss, turns himself in to the cops in order to spare his buddies. He spends ten long years in jail during which his no good wife gambles away all his money and raises his little daughter into an ungrateful slutty teen with an attitude. When he returns to his former life. He generously loans money to a high class gal, Cecilia Yip with financial troubles. His wife and daughter leave him. In despair over the mess he has made of his life, he proposes to Cecilia hoping to start over and go straight. In spite of their different class status, the two fall for each other and make a go of her failing factory.
