Annie Rosar

Deeply disappointed by her bridegroom, Andrea flees from Bruggern to the south and experiences a beautiful "Romance in Venice". She falls in love with the boyish-charming pianist Stefan Schröder. But a misunderstanding leads to breakage. Andrea returns pregnant to Germany. Stefan signs a contract for America. And the years go by .


In this musical, a tempermental opera singer falls in love with a hearing-impaired young woman.


A romantic musical comedy about a young kindergarten teacher who suddenly meets her love.


Austrian count von Warthenberg is a grumpy stud-farm-recluse since his wife's death. Ths summer, his old lover Susanne Weiden arrives, hoping for a 'fat' marriage and inheritance. But his daughter Hanna made other plan with secret lover Michael, teacher of Vienna's world-famous Wiener Sängerknaben, who will spend their Alpine countryside holiday in the village. Among them is adolescent Michael 'Mikel', son of the count's estranged elder daughter Maria. The plan is to make grandpa and knave meet and bond before their blood-ties are revealed. A stray dog accidentally and equestrian genes help.


Biopic of singer and film actor Joseph Schmidt (1904-1942).


Another German Heimatfilm.


No overview found.


Andreas, a young German student comes to Hungary on an exchange programme. In the Hungarian village he falls in love with the stationmaster's daughter Piroschka and spends much of his time with her. They have an enchanting summer until Andreas gets an invitation to join another young woman at a nearby resort. Piroschka is jealous and follows him there, causing trouble. It takes a long time for Andreas and Piroschka to even talk to each other again. When Andreas has to leave Hungary at the end of his holiday, he is determined to return some day.


This movie takes place during the premiere of Mozart's Die Zauberfloete (The Magic Flute). Not really depicting his entire life and loves, much of this is fictionalized scatology. Although not without basis in fact, Mozart has attained a somewhat colorful reputation and this is really just more of the same. The music is a joy, but the movie bogs down in titillation. Mozart's last days were lived in poverty and disgrace--stemming chiefly from his embracing of the Freemason stance, which was essentially a heresy in Austria and the rest of Europe at that time. None of this is depicted and even a satyr could not sustain the lifestyle Mozart has been portrayed as having here. Still, this is an interesting movie and worth a listen to.


A 1955 German romance comedy.


Despite their social differences Luise, called Pünktchen, a girl from rich parentage befriends Anton, a boy who has to earn his own money in order to afford life for his sick mother and himself. Together they undergo different adventures, even preventing a theft in Pünktchens home


Jeff Elliot is an American GI investigating a black market gang in Munich.


In postwar Vienna, Austria, Holly Martins, a writer of pulp Westerns, arrives penniless as a guest of his childhood chum Harry Lime, only to learn he has died. Martins develops a conspiracy theory after learning of a "third man" present at the time of Harry's death, running into interference from British officer Major Calloway, and falling head-over-heels for Harry's grief-stricken lover, Anna.


A comedy directed by Philipp Lothar Mayring.


Vienna, around 1900. The master baker Streussler’s most ardent wish is to see his daughter Nelly as a student at the university. With the help of his famous “streusel cake” he succeeds in luring all kinds of helpers for this endeavor into his house. But Nelly has entirely different plans: she is in love with the chimney sweep Heinz, the son of a neighbor, with whom Papa Streussler has been fighting for years. So it’s no wonder then, that the grump confectioner is doing everything he can to break up the relationship.


A nervous private investigator, his bumbling boss, a woman in love, 10,000 Reichsmark and two reversed cases. A crime comedy directed by E. W. Emo.


The Viennese seamstress Gabi Berghofer wants to marry an innkeeper. But he marries someone else. Gabi then becomes a model for a painter, who falls in love with her. She spends some wonderful time with him, but he, too, leaves Gabi to return to his family. Desperate and deserted, Gabi stands before the gravestone of the young artist Gabriele Dambrone, who took her life due to heartache. Then she decides to once more take her life in her own hands and to make her old dream of becoming an actress come true.


Anna Jobst is the daughter of a rich, conservative farmer. Living on the bank of the Moldau, she wishes nothing more than follow the river to Prague, the "Golden City". After arriving, she quickly falls into a bad crowd.


Biography of Mozart


In 1910, the landlord's daughter Agnes from the Steiermark gets to know the diplomat Hans. They have a short love affair and then part from one another. Hans gets sent to Beijing, where he marries and American and has a son with her. Agnes, too, has a son by Hans and moves to Vienna, where she works in a restaurant. She is still in love with Hans ...


Herzensfreud-Herzensleid (literally translates to "Heartfelt Joy - Heartbreak"), the 1940 Hubert Marischka German family relationship romantic comedy starring Magda Schneider, Paul Horbiger (later, he appeared in "The Third Man"!), Olly Holzmann, Lucie Englisch, and Walter Muller. It appears this movie was never released in the U.S.

In the eve of the war between Vienna and Berlin playing dear comedy with then popular occupation: The mother wants to marry her daughter to the lord of the manor, but the daughter prefers the elegant hoteliers.

The seamstresses Franzi and Mizzi have opened up a small shop in a suburb of Vienna. Mizzi is of the opinion, however, that her friend could have a much better life if only she'd marry Karl, the son of the landlord, who has been hot for her for quite a while now. Next store to them lives a rather elegant gentleman, whom Mizzi does not like. One day, an excited woman bursts into the studio, tears off her clothes and begs the girls to act as if they're fitting her for a dress should her husband waltz on in, too. In fact, her jealous husband Stefan does show up and is thrilled to discover that his Gerda isn't cheating on him. But Mizzi and Franzi are positive, that she's been meeting a certain elegant gentleman next door.


1938 German film.

A classical art junk dealer and an almost bankrupt hairdresser who unexpectedly makes an inheritance go hunting behind thirteen chairs from which of a 100,000 DM contains which the rich aunt has hidden there.


On the occasion of a charity ball in Vienna a kiss of a famous actress should be auctioned. Misunderstandings between the manager of the film star, a record producer and a student lead too all kinds of mistakes, during which a student is mistaken for a prince in disguise and almost breaks his hapiness. - Quickly and expertly produced mistake comedy with a lot of singing desposits and an at than popular comedian line-up, which offers amusing surface entertainment.


Vienna, Austria, late 1870s. After suffering an irreparable misfortune, the Austrian composer Johann Strauss Jr. (1825-99), the Waltz King, falls in love with a ballet dancer, which disappoints the famous operetta singer Marie Geistinger…

A Hungarian squire and his son compete for the favour of an operetta diva; the younger makes the running. - Unplausible mistakes, small intrigues and a lot of love in an old-fashioned musical comedy with proven comedians.

To escape dreary country life, a count travels to Italy with a friend every year. Instead of the alleged purchase of horses, the reason he gives to his mother as to why he needs to travel to Italy, he spends his time chasing after the ladies.


This Hungarian musical comedy (English title: Spring Parade) was produced by Joseph Pasternak, who later remade the picture in Hollywood as a Deanna Durbin vehicle. The original 1934 version stars Franciska Gaal as a Hungarian serving girl who heads to Vienna to visit a relative. Stopping over at an outdoor carnival, Gaal is told by a fortune teller that she will enjoy a happy marriage with a handsome and wealthy stranger. Later on, she finds herself at a fancy dress ball, where a good-looking aristocrat, assuming that our heroine is a countess masquerading as a peasant, falls in love with her. Delighted that the fortune-teller's prophecy seems to be coming true, Gaal finds herself in a dilemma when she falls in love with poverty-stricken soldier Wolf Albach Retty. But things turn out OK when Retty, the regimental drummer, composes a hit song which brings him fame and fortune, thereby neatly fulfilling that prophecy.


Hans, living in Vienna during the Great Depression, intends to drown himself in the river after losing his livelihood. While there he meets a girl named Anna after pulling her from the river.


The already successful tenor Mattei is discovered after he already retired into private life. Der Wiener Staatsoper place a significant part in this musical comedy drama.


Felix Bressart, later one of the most delightful members of the Ernst Lubitsch "stock company," plays the title character in the Austrian comedy Hirsekorn Greift Ein (Hirsekorn Does Something About It). It's a typical worm-turns affair, as a mild-mannered provincial actor ends up working as a chauffeur for a scatterbrained female novelist. Slapstick is the order of the day, except in the scenes involving heroine Charlotte Susa. Guiding the actors through their paces was Rudolf Bernauer, a stage actor-manager of vast experience. Critics in 1931 felt that Hirsekorn Greift Ein was too thin to be stretched to 90 minutes.

a movie by Karl Leiter