Antigoni Glykofridi

Comedy series in a building that people from different appartments always in trouble


Alexandros wants to open a bar in a district town so he travels to Romania to find young girls to work for him.The bar has unprecedented success but then something happens.


A mysterious disappearance takes place during the shooting of a commercial on the beach in the early morning hours. An unknown man suddenly comes into the shot, then walks into the sea holding an umbrella and seizes to exist, before the bewildered eyes of the whole crew. After the police are notified, a confusing array of red tape manoeuvers begins, revealing the close affiliations of the Authorities with the advertising company manager and the whole mechanism of Mass Media, all of which are trying not to investigate the event but to conceal or even exploit it in their own interest. Only the musician involved in that commercial is trying to figure out what really happened.


A woman is hired as a debt collection agent in a call center. Under pressure from her team leader, she tries to adapt to her working conditions. After hearing a tragic story, she becomes interested in the lives of people she has been speaking to on the phone.
