Antje Westermann

For the first time since her husband's death, Ute visits their former FKK-club. Curiously she enters this familiar place and immediately receives a warm welcome. However, she painfully has to realise that in the eyes of her old friends she primarily has become the widow. Unintentionally she finds herself involved in a group game in which you have to make your teammates laugh by saying one simple sentence.

Als sie den Angeklagten Robin Böhme (Simon Licht) zum ersten Mal Auge in Auge sieht, bricht die Staatsanwältin Esther Dorwald (Ann-Kathrin Kramer) unter Schock zusammen. Sie hat in ihm den Mann wieder erkannt, der sie vor etwa zwanzig Jahren im Park überfiel und schwer sexuell demütigte und nötigte. Damals waren die Ermittlungen im Sande verlaufen, jetzt ist der Geschäftsmann wegen Waffenhandel und Mord angeklagt. Die Staatsanwältin will ihn zur Rechenschaft ziehen lassen, muss jedoch feststellen, dass die Tat verjährt ist. Der aktuelle Prozess gegen ihn droht ebenfalls zu platzen. Verzweifelt setzt Esther alle Hebel in Bewegung, riskiert den Bruch mit ihrem Mann Lukas (Klaus J. Behrendt) und schreckt auch vor illegalen Maßnahmen nicht zurück, um Robin Böhme dingfest zu machen.


Two couples driving through the night. As they hit a biker with their car, they have to make a decision.


Brilliant composer and organist Johann Sebastian Bach completes the long journey from his home in Leipzig to Potsdam.


Alice is 16 years old and an introverted girl with a special ability: she hears extraordinary good. When her mother sends her to a Catholic foster home, she remains an outsider in a group of self-confident teenage girls. Only Berivan, a Kurdish refugee who seeks for asylum in Germany, tries to learn more about Alice. They finally become close friends, but Berivan's relationship to an Albanian guy destroys the girls' friendship


Philipp Gerber is a smart, but self-satisfied car salesman. In an inattentive moment at the wheel of his car, he runs over a biker and drives away. As he has feelings of guilt, he tries to find out more about the accident's victim and learns that the boy lies seriously injured in a hospital. Philipp wants to tell his mother Laura Reiser the truth, but he doesn't. After a carefree holiday with his girlfriend Katja, he learns that the boy is dead. Meanwhile, Laura staggers between grief and the desire for revenge. One evening, she can't bear it any more and jumps off a bridge, but Philipp saves her life.


Gesche's Poison is a psychological portrait loosely based on the true story of Gesche Gottfried who became notorious in 19th century Bremen for killing fifteen people with arsenic. Known by her neighbors and friends as a merciful Christian, loving mother and devoted wife, she poisoned within fifteen years her parents, her brother, two husbands, three children and numerous friends. When caught, she never denied her deeds, but could not give any reason.


Young Piano teacher Lukas accidentally meets DJ Nathalie, the love of his life. After losing her telephone number, he starts looking for her. Finally, he finds her place and stays with friends of hers while she is abroad. Now Lukas falls in love with Alice, but does not want to admit it. And while his relationship with Alice is in doubt, Nathalie comes back home. Trouble had been breeding all along.


When the corpse of student Heike is found, the police book it as a case of suicide. But Heike's girlfriend Wiebke thinks otherwise. She believes that the Satan disciples are involved in the case.
