Antonina Maksimova

Growing up in an orphanage, Florin is trying to find his mother Dorina, whom he has not seen for 15 years. His beloved Liza is very jealous of Florin's plans. Having met his mother, an already adult son is trying to understand the person who gave him life and abandoned him. But can a son forgive his mother, who deprived him of a happy childhood?


The action takes place during the Great Patriotic War. Peasant Matryona Bystrova loses her husband at the front, then her eldest son goes missing. Matryona decides to save the youngest son at all costs and shelters him from being drafted into the army in the attic of the house until the end of the war. But it turns out that saving her son, she condemns him to spiritual death, and herself to torment of conscience. A private story about the mother of a deserter grows to epic proportions...


The heroes of the film are students of a pedagogical university, those who, after a year or two, have to carry knowledge to schoolchildren, "to sow the rational, good, eternal." In the meantime, student practice. True, the practice is not quite ordinary, because for the first time students leave far from the walls of their own university, for the first time they meet with students in the classroom not in the presence of their teachers, those with whom life encounters them daily at the institute, but with those who have been working for more than a year at school.


The main characters are two graduates of a music school, gifted violinists. Andrei is ambitious, able-bodied, absorbed in the desire to achieve recognition. The other is Ladya Bragin, simple and reckless. On the day of the exam at the conservatory, he meets a girl who works as a clown, and immediately decides to stay in the circus. The creative successes of the heroes do not immediately and not simply take shape. Their will, their conviction of a calling, are severely tested. And yet both come to understand what happiness music can give and how much it demands from a musician...

In one small provincial town lives Savva Kulikov. In ordinary life, he is an exemplary Soviet citizen and an up-and-coming economist, but Kulikov has an unusual hobby — he trains his own pets, teaching them many amusing stunts. Among the "pupils" Savva already have a dog, a cat and even a parrot. One day the chimpanzee gets into Savva's hands. The animal was easy to train, with dexterity performing all the tricks of Kulikov, and he decided that his hobby should go to a new, more serious stage - performance in public. Circus friends help Savva break into the circus arena. The main character performs with his monkey in a local circus and the show was an incredible success, breaking a storm of applause from a grateful public.


This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job.


The girl Frosya Burlakova comes to Moscow from the remote Siberian village of Eltsovka to become a singer. She stops at the sculptor Nikolai Vasilyevich, who studied at a school in Zaporozhye, where their mutual friend worked — a school caretaker, who then moved to Siberia. Completely unfamiliar with the life of big cities, Frosya amuses Nikolai Vasilyevich himself, his girlfriend Natasha and the housekeeper with his provinciality and spontaneity. However, the absolute sincerity and spiritual purity of Frosy make the sculptor think that he himself has long been stuck in lies, vanity and commercial work, exchanged his artistic talent for trifles and lost his creative path.


Three of them hunted a bear, but a man was accidentally killed instead. The investigation must determine which of the hunters is responsible for this death. However, there is also a judgment of conscience — the most difficult judgment, because a compromise with one's own conscience never leads to good...


During World War II, the Frenchman Léon Garros and Boris Vaganov escape from the Nazi concentration camp. After 15 years, Léon, who became a journalist, and his friends came to the USSR to make a report and find Boris in the meantime. In Moscow he doesn't found, and for the sake of meeting with a friend, Garros has to travel around the country by car... The foreigners are accompanied by Nikolai, the translator, who, in turn, is looking for his brother's runaway bride, Natasha.


Seven year old Sasha practices violin every day to satisfy the ambition of his parents. Already withdrawn as a result of his routines, Sasha quickly regains confidence when he accidentally meets and befriends worker Sergei, who works on a steamroller in their upscale Moscow neighborhood.


During World War II, earnest young Russian soldier Alyosha Skvortsov is rewarded with a short leave of absence for performing a heroic deed on the battlefield. Feeling homesick, he decides to visit his mother. Due to his kindhearted nature, however, Alyosha is repeatedly sidetracked by his efforts to help those he encounters, including a lovely girl named Shura. In his tour of a country devastated by war, he struggles to keep hope alive.


Soviet film of the Shakespeare play.


Osip Dymov, the titular counselor and the doctor of thirty one years, serves in two hospitals at the same time: intern and anatomist. From nine o'clock in the morning and in the forenoon accepts patients, then goes to open corpses. But its income is hardly enough for a covering of expenses of the wife mad about talents and celebrities in the art and artistic environment whom it daily accepts in the house.


1941 year. The flagship of the head detachment of the Black Sea Fleet gives an order to one of the submarines to remove the crew from the damaged torpedo boat. An enemy cruiser discovers a Soviet submarine and bombards it with bombs. Submarine forced to lie down. But the task will be completed - and the enemy will take flight.


A loose Communist adaptation of a Dostoyevsky novel.
