Antonio Aguilar

General Pershing invades Mexican territory in retaliation for Villa's attack on the town of Columbus.


A priest recruits some secular friends of his to help him break the stranglehold a political boss has over their town's economy.

Drug-trade kingpin tries to coerce a woman into marriage, but her former boyfriend turns up and she finds new reasons to resist being pressured.


Lamberto Quintero is assassinated and his son intends to avenge him following in his footsteps. The pair of father and son, Antonio Aguilar and Pepe Aguilar star in this action film.


Son looks for his father's murderer.


A young man gets involved in the drug trade and is murdered. His father sets out to find the killers.

Historical melodrama on horseback, 1840s or so in central Mexico. Pulpy, Zorro-ish...


Antonio Aguilar in this great movie starring the king of diamonds where the fairs were not fair if it was the king of diamonds.


A movie projectionist discovers that he has magical powers.


The struggle between two rival families brings many complications into the life of a people. The priest, with the agreement of the women, get a strike of crossed legs until peace is a fact.


Song/action clips from 8 or 12 movies that starred Antonio Aguilar as historical figures, with an onscreen narrator who splains things.

Gumaro and his buddy Chon are among the First Citizens locally. One day, unexpectedly, twin brothers of both of them turn up in town. Adaptation of A Comedy Of Errors.


General Argumedo refuses to disband his troops at the end of the Mexican Revolution because he doesn't trust the new regime.

Romantic triangle on the hacienda. Ends badly for all concerned.


In "Sabor a Sangre" (literally, "Flavor of Blood"), Antonio Aguilar plays Mauricio Rosales, whom along his good friend Chelelo (Eleazar García) are traveling towards another friend's ranch. During their trip, they find the dead bodies of a group of men, so they take them to the next town hoping to find some answers. At the town, they are informed that the dead men were a posse sent by police chief Rómulo (José Gálvez) to kill "El Tigre", a mysterious serial killer who has been hunting down the townspeople, viciously killing even women and children. (cont.


Biopic about a General in the Mexican Revolution. Sequel: Persecucion y muerte de Benjamin Argumedo.


A group of friends go to the United States to hit it big as a musical group and follow the American Dream.

Dramatization of a popular '70s corrido.


Mom and Pop Aguilar and their two boys tour the island.

Good son vs bad son melodrama complicates life on the hacienda.


Mexican Revolution era: a guerilla faction kidnaps two members of a governing family to negotiate a ransom.

The peasant and revolutionary Zapatista Simon Blanco still in arms but Zapata is dead. Simon with his lieutenant Andres visits his mother and his girlfriend in his hometown. The cacique Onesimo and his brother, the commissioner Martial put ambushes but he eludes them.


Doddering old man makes a play for a married woman. Her husband gets practical joke-y in revenge.

After the Revolution, Villa works on defining his legacy... and then he gets assassinated.


Biopic: the last year or so in the life of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Governor of Yucatan in the early 1920s.


Two best friends tragically fall in love with the same woman.


Landowner counts on his super-champeen race-horse to help him win back the hacienda he was swindled out of.


The Kid is a vicious psychopath given to laughing a lot, an actor manqué who leads a gang of looters and rapists, and is incestuous with his father to boot. The town’s resident Mater Dolorosa, madam of the brothel, hires her lover Marcado to kill the Kid, who is of course her son.


Alicia, the wife of the vengeful Gabino Barrera, is killed by an escaped convict. Stripped of the one woman he's ever loved, Gabino vows to make the killer pay and pursues him. As he gets closer to his prey, Gabino turns deadlier.

Emiliano Zapata was a peasant who understood the ideals of the working class. He became a figurehead of the revolutionary uprising in Mexico..


Upon hearing the news of Madero's death, Porfirio Alcalá and his four cousins interrupt their peaceful lives as farmers to again join the Mexican Revolution.


International playboys in NYC get mixed up with a bank robbery and have to evade the police long enough to reach Mexico. long the way, they pick up an orphan boy who says he's running away from an abusive stepfather. Fourth in a series of four.

After the Civil War, ex-Union Colonel John Henry Thomas and ex-Confederate Colonel James Langdon are leading two disparate groups of people through strife-torn Mexico. John Henry and company are bringing horses to the unpopular Mexican government for $35 a head while Langdon is leading a contingent of displaced southerners, who are looking for a new life in Mexico after losing their property to carpetbaggers. The two men are eventually forced to mend their differences in order to fight off both bandits and revolutionaries, as they try to lead their friends and kin to safety.


One of Zapata's field marshals runs afoul of dictator Huerta's stooges in his home town.


Blending historical fact and adventure fiction, Emiliano Zapata's (fictional) right-hand man takes leadership of his regiment after he's killed.


A young charro's head is turned by a glamourpuss from the big city, and he has a hard time putting his life back together after she kicks him to the curb.


Standing before Pancho Villa's tomb, horse breeder Jesus harkens back to his youth, when he provided bed and board to a nondescript laborer named Doroteo Arango. In time, Arango would transform himself into gang leader Villa. When the Mexican Civil War erupts, a man named Fierro wants to execute Jesus for selling a horse to an anti-Villa buyer. But in repayment of Jesus's debt of kindness, Villa intercedes on his behalf.


Identical cousins with mismatched Odd Couple personalities.


Ranchera comedy -- the hero thinks his girlfriend has another suitor... but the suitor is really she herself in man-drag.


Four cowboy-heros named Juan (from their respective franchises) team up to do hero stuff. Juan sin miedo, Juan Charrasqueado, Juan Pistolas and... um... Gabino Barrera? I forget. Oh, Juan Colorado, that's it.


Two rival landowners: one is exploiting the local peasantry and dispossessing them of their land, and the other believes in fair play and justice for all.


Rom-com about two horses. And some humans.


All-star ranchera fest, rom-com style. Four charros, four eligible young ladies.


A Venezuelan rancher tries to preserve his traditional way of life in spite of modernizing influences brought when international business discovers oil in his region.


Gabino's son tries to find out why his father was murdered.


Two young women need a hired gun to protect their ranch from marauders; the feistier of the two arranges for a gunman who has the right stuff to be busted out of jail so he can work for them.


Follows an "unlucky" gun across the paths of five owners.


Caravan of gypsies sets up camp outside an old-style Mexican hacienda.


Two rival gangs of outlaws are terrorizing a small town; el Comandante and his sidekicks pit them against each other and pick up the pieces.

Lawman on horseback cracks a case involving stolen gold bullion, the title to a mine, an evil twin and a plucky pre-adolescent boy. First in a series.

Antonio is a handsome men who loves women but flees of marriage as the devil. The pastor of his people is determined to straighten but despite amendment purposes always succumbs to a pretty girl, the problem is that he never see if girls are engaged or married before seducing them.


The Argumedo cousins have their clothes stolen while taking a shower, and they must find it at all costs, because there's a winning lottery ticket in their pockets.


Playboy bachelor poses as a woman's husband to protect her daughter's reputation at a private school. Remake of El Mil Amores (1955).


An apostate member of the ruling class renounces hs privulege and lives among the peons, educating them toward readiness for the Mexican Revolution.Unfortunately, the rival landowner's beautiful daughter.


White-collar criminals conspire to prevent a shmuck from collecting an inheritance.


Claimed by his grandmother, who lives in a Mexican village, Joselito begins the journey from Spain. Once there, while traveling in a stagecoach, is assaulted by bandits. Joselito manages to escape and, walking aimlessly, he meets Antoine, a rider who is ex officio of random player, and become close friends.


Third film of a trilogy -- all the secondary tasks have been completed and cowboy-justice-action-hero El Norteno settles the score with those cheating cheaters who deprived the young heiress of her inheritance.

White-hat with two sidekicks masquerades as a priest to break the stranglehold a blackhat has on a small town.


Animas Trujano is a colorful but irresponsible Indian in a small Mexican village. He hopes above all things someday to be chosen mayordomio of his village, a place of great honor usually conferred upon the wealthiest and most respected citizens. Animas has a loyal wife, but cheats on her and gambles away every cent they raise. Chances arise for Animas to turn over a new leaf and even hope realistically for the honor of mayordomio.


Gritty-western (B&W/1962 style) about bounty hunters.

Young woman disguised as a man sets out to kill two brothers that she believes cheated her father out of his property. She discovers they were innocent of that, and takes a job on their farm, provoking some gender-fluid wooing confusion from both of them.

Horseman. With a mask on. First in a series, "El Norteño."

This effective drama about vengeance and its results is loosely based on practices in the Mexican boondocks where the law can be ignored when it comes to seeking revenge. The tale concerns two brothers who decide to avenge their father's death, as would be expected. But this ill-considered decision leads to a set of problems that continue to spiral downward until both brothers are in way above their heads. The difficulty with vengeance, they discover, is that it never ends.


Card-shark takes a job as bodyguard-bouncer-etcetera in an upscale casino. Meanhile, a love triangle and the Mexican Revolution.

A busfull of tourists arrives in Acapulco; each passenger has his/her little chunk of drama or comedy.


When his town is devastated by a flood, a young boy takes it upon himself to seek the help of the president. He meets a variety of characters along the way, not all of whom are eager to help. The road to salvation for his little community becomes one of discovery as he learns to distinguish truth from deceit in director Mauricio de la Serna's charming fable. Antonio Aguilar, Antonio Carlos Pereira and Angela Maria star.

Daniel is let out of jail for his mothers funeral. During his furlough he kidnaps his son and takes him to a movie set where a western is being shot.


The movie situated in post-revolutionary Mexico describes the way politics were done in those times. Ignacio Jimenez is chosen as the candidate of the Partido Radical Progresista, but he isn't so sure about it, because he knows his boss, El Caudillo has chosen another candidate. Several political moves are done between the parties, leading to a thunderous climax.


Bride backs out of her wedding at the last possible minute; she and her fiance get caught up in a power-struggle that ends with both running for mayor.


Professional gambler finds metaphysical meanings in the way he manages the workings of chance.


Meddling mom tries to set up her two cowboy sons to marry two sisters who are looking for domesticated, 'indoor' husbands that cook and keep house.


Three criminals break out of jail and head for a town where they've hidden their steals.


The Mexican Revolution serves as a backdrop to a torrid love triangle composed of three freedom fighters: a colonel, a widow, and a fiery female soldier.


A crew of happy ne'er do wells comes to town to gamble and party during the town fair... but then their leader gets serious about a local girl and about finding the rustlers who are stealing all of her daddy's horses.


Bandit crew with mysterious masked leader is doing lots of crimes. Mauricio Rosales and his sidekick ride into town all incognito and stuff to set things right.


Spoiled rich kid from a cattle ranch is pretending to study at university so he can hang out in the city and live large... until his family forces him to straighten up his act; he moves back to the ranch, accompanied with some urban-fauna hangers-on,, a-a-a-and...


Disgruntled 19th century peasants get militant and start redistributing some wealth. Part two of a historical-drama trilogy.

Pseudo-historical drama about a semi-civilian who decides to run guns across the border for Villa's troops.


Masked avenger on horseback, one of a series.

Historical drama/biopic about 1880s Social Justice bandits in a mining community in Sinaloa. First of three in series.


Cowboy-policeman-hero interferes with the bad guy's plans and prevents his engaging in monkeyshines. Part of the series "Mauricio Rosales, el rayo justiciero."

Wealthy plantation family during the Mexican Revolution.


Fed agent goes undercover as roving cowboy to solve rural crimes. "Mauricio Rosales" Series.

Federal agent on horseback comes to town to catch some crooks. Series western: Mauricio Rosales El Justiciero number 8.

Two itinerant cowhands hire on at a ranch owned by a woman, end up fighting two bad-hats who rustle la patrona's cattle and set fire to her stables.


Federal agent Mauricio Rosales goes undercover as itinerant cowpoke to clean up corruption in a remote Northern town. Series western.

Federal police agent goes undercover to bust rural crime ring. Series western.

Son of a first family returns to his home town, reconciles with his pops, pitches woo at the young lady from another First Family and gets rampy with his rival for her affections.

New sheriff cleans up the town. First (?) in "Mauricio Rosales" series.


Masked rider exposes the criminal misdeeds of a wealthy land-owner and his henchmen.


Father and son are sober, responsible pillars of the community in their home-town... but they make frequent trips to the city.


Mad-science/comedy scenario about reviving the corpse of an Egyptian mummy morphs into a love story set in ancient Egypt.


A circus dancer marries a famous singer, but is threatened when a figure from her past blackmails her.


Couple with preteen children break up; Dad meets a new woman and they marry. The children grow up, and they're spoiled-y rich kids flirting with criminal lawlessness. Cue the violins.


On vacation, an old lady and her niece pick up a hitch-hiker.


Slapstick/musical comedy parody of historical dramas, send-up of "Locura de amor," about Queen Juana 'la loca' of Spain.


A woman in an unhappy marriage trades places with her grandmother's ghost; Grandma whupps the girl's husband into line AND proves to her own husband that she was innocent of the infidelity that he was suspecting when she died, fifty years earlier.


Two young sweethearts get married, and then are made to believe that she's his illegitimate half-sister.


Teenaged slum-girl falls into show-biz by accident and rises to the tuxedos-and-furs class. Gangster drama and heartbreak, so she goes back to her own social class at the end, even though other options were available to her.


On reaching the capital, Pedro Gonzalez gets a lowly job and marries Margaret. After losing that job, get a new one as a bodyguard but is fired again. With so much poverty and despair Pedro believes that his only way out is suicide.


A sequel to "Un rincón cerca del cielo". Pedro Gonzalez first gets into trouble as part of a criminal gang and then works honourably to become rich. Money is his undoing allowing him to become a womanizer and drinker, almost losing his wife. Finally he rejoins her, they have a son and he pays for his mistakes.
