Antonio Buonomo

In Naples, the four different individuals are crossed by destinies: a Camorra boss decides to change life and tries in all ways to disappear from the circulation with the aid of his wife, while a sleeping nurse and a feared dwarf are suspended between Their past and an uncertain future.


Marino Pacileo has a soft spot for gambling. When he discovers that Lila's father, the young Chinese girl that he is in love with cannot pay a debt, the gambler steals money from the jail he is in to help the love of his life.


The story of Giancarlo Siani, a journalist killed by the Neapolitan Mafia in 1985.


Marco Baldini is a young man determined to become the voice of a major radio; he alternates between his job at Radio Deejay and his gambling addiction, that slowly consumes his life, his relationship with his girlfriend and his work skills.


Helmut Berger and Corinne Clery are a couple of junkies finding their lives spiral into a world of sleaze and crime as their addiction gets out of control...
