Antônio Cândido

This communist and parliamentarian leader was arrested and tortured, and became famous for having written the "Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla". Greatest name of the left-wing militancy in Brazil in the 1960s, Carlos Marighella acted in the main political events of Brazil between the 1930s and 1969 and was considered enemy number one of the Brazilian military dictatorship. His life was a great act of resistance and courage.


To celebrate the life and the work of a multifaceted creator – playwright, poet, partner of the most important names of Brazilian pop music and, above all, an enlightened character of the Brazilian cultural history - director Miguel Faria Jr. gathered an incomparable cast of partners, singers, friends and rare images from the archives recalling Vinícius’ genial simplicity, with the spontaneity, the humor, and the freedom of a person chatting over a bar table, exactly how the eternal Vinícius would enjoy.


Documentary in two parts about Brazilian writer, journalist and sociologist Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. The first part describes how the author used to pass his days with family and friends, while the second offers a historical panorama of the times, including his reaction to Nazism and the years of Vargas’ dictatorship, and the arrival of the modernist movement in Brazil.


Directed by Isa Grinspum Ferraz, the series O Povo Brasileiro proposes a deep dive into the history of Brazil to talk about historical, social and cultural formations that constitute the identities of the Brazilian people. The production approaches from aspects of the native peoples to the formation of Brazil as a national unit, in a recreation of the literary narrative of the homonymous work written by the anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro.