Antonio Espino

When his father dies, a Colombin child decides to go to Mexico to find his grandfather. And become a ranchera singer.

Owner of an auto repair shop deals with marital problems and neighborhood gangsters running stolen cars and contraband electronics.

Housebreaker/general all-round spiv gets in over his head dealing with some crooked cops.


Young woman just-arrived in the big city makes friends with two middle-aged couples.


Slice-of-life melodrama in a Mexico City slum.


Two fake fortune-tellers at a carnival accidentally conjure up some real ghosts.


The comical misadventures of two brothers who are part of the local soccer team and their family.


Working class family owns a restaurant: one brother's a rising star in local soccer, one's a priest/semi-pro boxer, sister's an aspiring ranchera singer and the other brother's a waterboy at the stadium.


Townsfolk expect that when the dead sheriff's son comes home, people will quit doing crimes... but he turns out to be an inept comedian type bozo guy.

Average guy is mistaken for notorious gangster.

A young man hires somebody to impersonate his father when it comes times to meet his girlfriend's parents.

Loose remake of Chaplin's The Kid.


Bush-league actor allows two adorable grannies to believe he's their long-lost grandson. Then: complications!


A family has their daughter marry a dying man in order to get an inheritance, but get into trouble when the man survives his illness.


Called to the home of a scientist to deal with a simple electrical problem, bumbling electrician Bartolo finds himself aboard a rocket headed for the moon!


Pathetic shmuck loser tries to rival his twin brother's exploits in the Mexican Revolution.

"Old dark house" spooky-comedy.


Craftsman who sculpts religious figures goes deaf. Lotsa pathos.


Ice-cream vendor gets caught up in wacky misadventures.


A couple are forced to stay in a scary castle, and the castle is filled with monsters!


Mexican feature film


Blowhard's mouth runs away with him and he's trapped into having to prove that he knows Maria Antonieta Pons, the big movie star and stuff.


Organ grinder grooms his girlfriend as a professional singer.


Squatter neighborhood finds a wealthy sponsor.


Hapless Melquiades arrives in the city and embarrasses his relatives.


Experimental drug gives the ability to foretell the future.


Parody of Rear Window: skeezy peeper with a telescope accidentally discovers serial-killer activity across the courtyard.


A millionaire's ghost watches while his heirs murder each other over his fortune.


Clavillazo is a likeable drifter who gets his diploma because his teachers want to lose sight of him. He lives on what he can find in the street. However, nothing can stop him from helping those around him.


Humble craftsman runs afoul of a rich girl's father and ends up in prison; the ill-fated romance has repercussions over the course of twenty-odd years and ultimately drives him to a life of crime.


In this Mexican comedy, Mr. Lazaro's fashion house is on the brink of bankruptcy and in desperate need of a new model to replace his current business partner's wife, whose appearance is driving customers away. Lazaro's son, Raul, realizes what a diffucult dilemma his father faces and sets out to restore the integrity of the family-owned business by teaming up with his lovely fiancée to put on a fashion show. Domingo Soler and Sara Montiel star.


Authorities close down a restaurant after a violent crime is committed on the premises; the employees look for new jobs and try to track down the murderer.


Bumbling detective solves a murder on board a train.


Anthology-movie, series of anecdotes about the personal tragedies that lead people to take their values posessions to the state-run pawnshop.
