Antonio Falsi

1936. In a village in the Bassa Padana, a beautiful and shapely forty-year-old girl is aunt of some boys in the middle of their sexual maturity.


A woman who was promised to a powerful family's son at birth falls in love with another man, refuses to renounce him, and is sent to a nunnery by her shocked parents. Once there, she first undergoes degradation to acclimatize her to convent life; then she experiences rampant lesbianism by the repressed nuns, and becomes pregnant by her lover. Finally, her refusal to accede to one nun's lascivious lesbian advances leads to plotting and treachery, and her lover being murdered out of jealousy. Her life now ruined, she further scandalises her family by refusing to take her vows, and leaves the convent, devoting her existence to those in need. Claims to be based on a true story!


A group of young desperados is hunted for several years by a determined bank guard


The film’s premise had to do with a wise and experienced maestro in the arts of love (Rossano) imparting his knowledge and techniques to a younger man before he dies ... Rossano’s character’s final great act of love was to “expire in the arms of the outrageously beautiful Lady Death”. The film is considered an erotic comedy, the majority of the cast spending a considerable amount of time without the benefit of clothing, in a variety of unusual circumstances. By the way, the “student” is played by Ben Ecklund, Britt’s younger brother, and even Lidia Brazzi was in the cast of this film, so really - how much fun could Rossano have really had, making it?


Annabella marries Soranzo. She happens to also be pregnant by Giovanni — who also happens to be her brother. Destiny, and jealousies threaten to expose her past, and Soranzo plots revenge. Based on John Ford's play, "Pity she's a whore", respecting its poetic text, and careful Italian Renaissance settings.


Bubu leaves his job in a bakery, forces his girl-friend into prostitution, and from then on lives out of the money she makes. The young couple find their place in the world of prostitutes and pimps, but the lack of perspective in their life - which is permanently haunted by the possibility of an incurable and fatal venereal infection - and the humiliations the girl endures strain their relationship and lead to conflicts.
