Antonio Martorell

A movie based on the famous novel "Las Camelias"

Embarks on a journey that traces the life and work of Antonio Martorell, a prolific plastic and multi-disciplinary artist in Puerto Rico. This film is a dance between the director (Paloma Suau) and the portraitist while portraying each other. More than a documentary, this film is an experiment of a director trying to reconnect with her creative voice.

Documentary of Puerto Rico's most infamous fugitive, Toño Bicicleta, and the roles that media manipulation, police corruption, and colonial repression played in the transformation of a common criminal into a folkloric hero.

This documentary presents the passion, the talents, the history, the struggles, and the local and international triumphs of the most renowned fashion designers in Puerto Rico. The history of garment making in Puerto Rico has marked our history, culture, and traditions forever. The exploitative history, as a labor manual industry, which served as the base for what we have today as a fashion industry is also portrayed.

A poetic journey about the life and work of Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos.


Documentary about the life and work of noted journalist and writer, Nilita Vientós Gastón.

A group of filmmakers analyze the situation of their country's cinema while some children record them.

Documentary that celebrates 100 years of cinema in Latin America and talks about the origins and the development of cinema in this subcontinent. Its structure is based in 12 short films directed by various Latin American directors. These are: 1) "Los inicios", Iván Trujillo 2) "Cuando comenzamos a hablar", María Novaro 3) "Jugando en serio", Jacobo Morales 4) "De cuerpo presente [Las espirales perpetuas del placer y el poder] Cine Mexicano [1931- 1997]", Marcela Fernández Violante 5) "Cuando quisimos ser adultos", Edmundo Aray and David Rodríguez 6) "Cinema Novo", Orlando Senna 7) "Memorias de una isla, Juan Carlos Tabío 8) "Un grito, 24 cuadros por segundo", Julio García-Espinosa 9) "El día de la independencia", Federico García 10) "¿Sólo las formas permanecen?", Fernando Birri and Pablo Rodríguez Gauregui 11) "Todo final es un principio", Andrés Marriquín.


Facing financial ruin, four siblings decide to sell the valuables within their mother's house, without telling her and by embellishing their history.


In 1942, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, a casino is organizing a farewell party for its patrons, since it's about to be turned into a US military base. The guests drink, seduce and gossip, but some also plot against each other.
