Antonio Ozores

By a misunderstanding two employees of a pharmacy, Alberto and Juan, delivers rat poison to a client.


Two friendly guys, tired of a monotonous and boring life, decide to live fully. They want to meet new sensations and to be surrounded by beautiful women. For these reasons, they start working in a travel agency as guides.


Aurelio is a famous opera singer who, while is been interviewed, receives a call which inform aboy his wifes' death. During the funeral there is a terrible mess.


A group of people are recruited by the brain of a band of robbers to commit the theft of some gold bars. Each character has a particular problem why he needs the money, but all are pretty sloppy.


The movie is about a candidate for mayor of Madrid who is immersed in a huge mess during the pre-election night, when a body needs to be disappeared.


Fabian and Casimiro are two respectable married men, who have their little adventures every now and then, like any good husband. The problem begins to Fabian when his wife Adela, accompanied by her friend Martirio, discover him with another woman. After this, and as revenge Adela decides to return the ball to Fabian, with his best friend. Aware of the plan, Fabian looks for someone to solve thesituation and finds Casimiro, which is suitable, precisely because he lacks "it".


Julian Cazorla, a political leftist, is caught by his wife and her mother in adultery. The mother, determined to apply the law of retaliation ("eye for an eye and horn by horn") assures his son that his wife will deceive him with his best friend. Meanwhile, Agapito Berlinches, a right-wing politician, surprises the president of his party with a young girl in his office; Agapito mounted such a mess trying to explain the event that the press has just published that he is gay and was caught with a transvestite. when Cazorla read the press decides to introduce Berlinches as his best friend.


Some gangsters believe they have been betrayed by Camilo, a small-time photographer, so they plan to kill him. First they send to Alexis, a murderer for hire, but his machine gun fails at the decisive moment. From that moment, Camilo and Alexis become inseparable friends.


Federico received a letter containing a few photos very involved with a girl. The problem is that his wife Alicia have seen those pictures, and decides to leave. To make matters worse, the next day comes to visit his uncle Federico millionaire and asks her maid to pose as his wife Alice for 24 hours so that it does not find out, but this will only the beginning of a big mess ...


A village is under the yoke of two bands of thiefs assaulting them every week. The mayor, in search of a solution, has decided to write a letter to Bill 'Warlock', the fastest man in the west.


Lola is a beautiful young girl who is going to have a child but doesn't know who is the father. So she says, first Paco and later Ataulfo ​​that the child is his. This causes the friends the enemisten and separate from Lola. Finally, reflect and come back for deciding that love between her and take care of the child. Then see who is closer, but in fact, none of them wants to take responsibility for the child.


Parody of a real event, the expropriation of RUMASA holding, owned by businessman Jose Maria Ruiz Mateos by the government led by Felipe González. The film chronicles the adventures of three friends José María (Antonio Ozores), Ruiz (Juanito Navarro) and Mateo (Raul Sender), dividing the shareholders of a company in serious economic crisis. Faced with adversity, go to the National Government requesting the expropriation of the company, so you do not have to worry about the salaries of the workers, or their own.


Hipólito, a factory janitor whose workers are on strike, is choosen as spokesperson for your workers' complaints to the principal. He, who is not willing to budge, decides to earn the concierge, naming his personal secretary.


Manolo is an electrician, plumber, bricklayer ... a hard worker. To his friends Manolo strange fate that gives as much money wins. And when asked, he answers laconically Oh, if I told you! What counts is that Manolo has a daughter in one of the inner most expensive schools in Madrid, and that it believes that his father is a senior executive, as any parent of her companions. The problem begins when the school closed by economic crisis, and the girl has to come live with her father. But Manolo find the collaboration of his friends, who will make the eyes appear currante small as a great man of finance. Adaptation "Spanish" the American film "A Pocketful of Miracles".


Not published writer, a sculptor who does not expose, a filmmaker who does not make movies ... amateur and professional around anything. His daughter, which is to care, is the only one who understands. A film producer who bombarded daily with an overview, each more extravagant reproaches his fantasy and challenges to look carefully for 24 hours whichever comes around to check that everything that happens follows a rigorous logic .


The movie tells the story of four beautifull and young girls: María, Pilar, Patricia and Virginia. They all work at the bingo and while they sell bingo cars they fill the room with smiles, happyness and excitement. But not all in their lifes is a game. They have all type of problems and dificult situations at work: the harassment of men, the quirks of the players ... but by the end love will win, as well as the joy of life and optimism.


Spain, 1982. In a small Spanish town produces special shock announcement of the next election. And above all, the political forces in center and right are moved to the claim that the Socialists will win by a landslide. Then begins the hunt for possible partnerships. Each of the delegates of the center parties want to win the favor of the delegate of the PSOE in the area.


A story of a family whose father tries by all means to maintain the strictest ethics and morality ... or at least appear so. His beautiful young daughter tries to emancipate hereself and looks for a job, but the chance is that the first thing that comes out is underwear seller. She starts to work and problems start for all.


A confirmed bachelor, over his sixties, is finally decided to marry, with the primary objective of having a son to inherit his business of coaches for tourists. Held the wedding, descendants don't arrive, but what comes into the house of the protagonist is an 18-year-old daughter of a distant childhood sweetheart willing to impose other points of view about everything.


Ramiro is a good man. He is a musician, but unemployment is so great that it has had to put Scottish bagpipes playing a Scotch Pub also married. One night coming home from work encountered in a corner, with Julian; believes has stolen his wallet and to take back what is theirs thinks Julian attacks is municipal councilor in the city. The theft of this portfolio will complicate the life of Ramiro, that of Julian and the many characters ...


Amador and Fidel are two small scammers operating in Torremolinos beach and surroundings with more misery than fortune.


Amancio is an entrepreneur who needs a son to inherit the shares of the Company to continue controlling the business. But it has a small problem, can not have children. One day, Amancio learns that the farm has on the field there is a gardener who has terrorized the inhabitants of a nearby town, for their ability to conquer women. So he decides to take his wife to the farm in order to stay in a state of good hope.


Third Roque Gonzalez is a freeloader who lives with his friend Federico, famous ex-jockey who is now racing in hours after low fat. Federico can not shake off Roque, as it constantly reminds that when they were seven, saved his life. The thing is that Frederic attends a gym with the hope of returning to thin enough to ride again, and learns that there Botija Kid, the champion of Spain in the welterweights, need to stake his title to qualify for the European Championship boxing. But of course, nobody wants to take a beating the champion, despite offering her coach bag. Among Paco, the owner of the gym, and Frederick, Roque to get rolling, deceived, you agree to fight the champion ... Parody of the popular movie "Rocky."


Fernando Esteso, Andres Pajares ..typical Spanish movie...FUNNY!


Fernando Esteso, Andres Pajares and Antonio Ozores... funny, sexy and great movie!!!


Daniel has as the only fortune a stud bull named Celedonio, which he rents for living.


Enrique Tolosa is a boss administrator of a small company which employs 50 workers. There never has gotten into politics, has made ​​himself stood professionally and created a family and no one has asked opinion on how would be the destiny of their country. The story begins whenheI first asked to give their vote at the polls for the election of political parties. With the decision to vote is faced with doubt and decides to investigate on their own to know which political trends that are managed as possible, is the one he goes to his temperament.


Medieval erotic comedy in which a young man, played by Manolo Otero, comes to a town where he pretends to be tooth-puller and physician. This man is able to invent any potion to quench the sexual thirst of locals.


Sergio, a film heartthrob in the decline of his career, agrees to spend 24 hours with the winner of a radio contest. The fate of the prize lies with Tina, a girl from the small town of Algarrobo of Mijares, a fervent admirer of the actor.


Carlos, a young "playboy" who lives on the Costa del Sol, has a servant named German who has made him believe he has a degenerative disease by maintaining many sexual relationships, and that he will die if he continues doing so. But Carlos does not want to lose his playboy reputation, so German, his "faithful" butler, substitutes him in bed while Carlos convinces all his conquests that he prefers to make love with the lights off. But the plan is endangered when Carlos meets a girl and wants to marry her.


Lola Reyes is a singer who is succeeding and, therefore, is besieged by everyone. A group of homosexuals are the only ones authorized by his possessive mother to be her friends. Lola falls for a painter, and he falls for her, so her gay gang make him pose as one of them for the mother to authorize the friendship.


Alberto comes to the capital to take care of her nine nephews. Intrigued by the question of sex, children will ask questions to Uncle Albert ... it uses the help of a neighbor.


Three friends who work together in an office have to stay in a bigger city without their wifes. Therefore they want to take the chance and have some fun joining three girls from Sweden.


Elvira Ruiz, a graduate in medicine, is aimed at a village inhabited by rude and stubborn people who don´t understand that a woman can exercise this profession. Due to their ancestral backwardness, the village people have trouble telling their problems to a female, so she must use unorthodox methods to accomplish their task.


Angustias, a hotel maid, and Rodolfo, play boy who will spend a few days in that hotel with Octavia, witness how a wealthy lady, seeking to steal her jewelry by thieves, is accidentally killed by her lover in a discussion.


Nati has no choice but to work as a prostitute to support her siblings. Unfortunately she has not had much success; it's difficult to get customers and she also owes money to her "protector", Florencio. But one day a kind of Prince Charming shows up...


Trini is the daughter and granddaughter of thieves. Before it was a specialist in the art of opening safes, but one day decided to change their way of life and is now a cashier at a supermarket. It has also taken a law student boyfriend, but all will be dashed when his father stop, Mr. Baldomero, for stealing 36 kilos of appliances.


While Manolo, employed in a tourism agency in the Costa del Sol, enjoys the foreign babes, his wife suffers at home in the city. Advised by a girlfriend she plans revenge by simulating pregnancy. At first, Manolo is very happy to have a baby. However, soon he realizes that he cannot be the father since he was not in the city at the time of conception.


A Madrid theater is looking for girls for a new company of magazines.One of the girls presented is Catalina, very sawy and restless, daughter of a seamstress of the theater. Another candidate is an innocent girl who studies ballet abroad and is the daughter of a famous star, Cecilia Alcaraz. Soon the two girls become good friends and Catalina intends to succeed Alice. Alicia's success also benefits her friend making them the most famous theatrical couple times. But with success comes love, which is also a major impediment to their careers.


Four families intend to buy a flat. In one of them, Margarita wants to marry Ernesto, despite his reluctance. The purchase of the flat is a great inconvenience and he uses this to delay the wedding as much as possible.


Raúl Arévalo and Miguel García seem like a drop of water to another, but there the similarity ends. Raul is a famous singer, womanizer, despotic, cruel and millionaire. Instead Michael is an honest worker, cheerful and loving who enjoys the simple things forward. Fate will know them and life will never be the same for either.


Pedro is a famous singer who fall in love with a psychiatrist girlfriend, he decides to attend to the doctor with the story that he does not like women. The psychiatric nurse helps him with the girl as she is in love with the doctor.


Guillermo's family has been living for years a terrible curse. All the women in his family have died because of love and murdered by men of the clan. The funny thing is that before each death a cat appeared. One day, while Guillermo prepares the papers for his marriage with Beatriz, he discovers that both are distant relatives.


Don Manuel, a fisherman from Vigo has raised an important fishing fleet, seeks to place his son Andrew in front of the business. But he hates it because most outstanding live music and women. A good day appears Elena, daughter of the owner of a large factory, interested in Andrew with a view to achieving an agreement with the fishing theme. Andrew did not suspect anything, however, love will cause some changes.


Juliet and Alberto are a marriage in which peace reigns home. Mood surely be upset if Juliet suspecte that her her husband uses the vet who runs to assist clients instead of animals.


We are in the town of Minglanillas. While the man arrives at the Moon, a group of friends observes in a bar on television the broadcast of the event. Pepe Fernández, one of the customers of the bar, says that with some money and a lot of dedication they can do the same. After discussing the issue, they decide to get down to work.


From the Olymp the gods keep an eye on a married couple whose disputes are endangering the stability of their marriage. In order to repair the relationship they use unconventional methods...


Musical. Thaddeus (Juanjo Menéndez) is a taxi driver who is about to experience a busy work day. Throughout the day you climb into his cab heteogéneos the more characters, which give rise to the most varied situations. When one of them left in the taxi leaves a baby, Thaddeus will have to find out who's not forget that at the end of the day has a date with a mysterious woman (Concha Velasco), apparently, have to tell you something very important.


Susana is a girl that is sent to work to a small coast village in the south of Spain. The women in the villages receive her with a cold shoulder. Susana finds out that they are resentful towards their husbands: before, they used to fish close to home and now they fish far away for months and months. Susana will give the women some lessons about living together, so the men would consider going back to old ways. This will make her fall in love again.


After a vacation to a seaside resort, a Spanish mayor attempts to modify his small rural town for tourists in an attempt to make money.


In Cape Kennedy, a con man accidentally swallows a valuable microfilm, believing it a pill for heartburn. Parody of the James Bond films.


Vicenta Verruguillo came to Madrid to work as a bridesmaid in the house of a doctor and falls in love with his son. The boy, to keep his family is left without service, follow the advice of his father and pretends to be in love with her. Meanwhile, his cousin Manolo, a likeable rogue, who works as a nurse, several maids dupes that get her salary every month because he has promised to buy a flat before marrying them.


For eleven months a year, Evaristo, Máximo and Jacinto have only thought of one thing: summer vacations. Each one, in his own way, will try to deal with the forty degrees in the shadow of Madrid. Evaristo is a beach man and this year, as always, he approaches the coast with Filomena, his wife. The agglomerations to get a square meter of sand, the cakes in the chiringuito to eat the tortilla will be about to kill him. But it does not matter, September will come to rest from the summer. Maximum, on the contrary, is of the mountain. And this year he has rented a villa for himself and his family, including mother-in-law. Finally, Jacinto, owner of a gym, has sent his wife and children to Benidorm, while he remains "rodríguez" in the capital,


Your job as a hostess in Malaga allows Hippolyta meet many men. One of them is a Chinese traveler, just in time to take her to her room, is killed. So, the blame falls on another Hippolyta customers.


An incredulous journalist witnesses how a gentleman in a portrait of the twenties comes out from the photo and becomes alive to discuss what has not progressed as much as he believed, and to confirme that living was better at his time


In a small Spanish town, is expected to explode a nuclear bomb to ten at night. All neighbors leave, except for thirteen people who are gathered in the church and, with the help of the pastor, will find that there is still a possibility of salvation.


Inspired by the American gangster films, a group of thugs decides to dock the Bank of Spain. "El Rubio" explains to his men that, to commit the armed robbery, they will have to dig a gallery in the Cibeles. But, due to the threats of a rival band, "El Rubio" decides to disguise itself and pretend to be one of the most famous actors of the moment.


Luis, Julio, Miguel and Carlos are four young men who, moved by a strong religious vocation, have left behind family, friends, work and a love of youth to enter a seminary and start a life consecrated to God.


John is a shy and good-natured man who lives in Ceuta and does everything by correspondence, from studying a career or learning judo to getting a girlfriend. She is from Madrid and the time has come for Juan to meet her so he takes a boat to the peninsula. In the boat he coincides with Maria, a beautiful young woman who goes to the capital to study chant and which he had previously met accidentally. During the trip, foreign smugglers try to use John to pass inadvertently stolen diamonds in Tangier.


As the era of silent films finds itself at a close, four down-and-out silent film actors and musicians struggle to find work. Fate leads them to a former star of the silent era as she struggles to escape her reputation as a wild and evil vamp of the silver screen and longs to be just thought of as an honest and decent woman. They join forces, and for a short time have a decent amount of success singing and dancing at clubs and bars. But the public has an insatiable taste for foreign black jazz bands, and they will stop at nothing to become a success.


Catherine bears a strong resemblance to Silvia, daughter of a millionaire who has escaped with a bullfighter. A group of ruffians who intends to defraud the Silvia's father used to Catalina for their plans.


Some bizarre figures (bullfighters and future fighters, athletes and boxers) get together in a park from Madrid to improve and rehearse their techniques.


Don Senen has spent inheritance Begoña sprees, his niece, who only had to administer. It remains to receive a million pesetas, which will only be delivered to the death of Don Senen. The old man, in complicity with Begoña and two nephews going to fake his death by a false certificate. What you may not know is that some of his relatives did not want it to be false and plan to poison him.


Comedy about the surreal holiday of two teenage Spanish girls, where they meet a bizarre assortment of villains and new friends.


Two guys live without working quite well using thousands of tricks and fakes. But they soon change their attitudes when love arrives at their hearts.


A village teacher, in love with the same girl as a bullfighter, is challenged to kill a bull.

A 1957 Spanish film.

César Neira, an almost forgotten actor, gets involved by chance with Teresa, a teacher from a small village in Cáceres who has won a radio contest. The prize is a trip to Madrid to experience just for a fortnight the life of the famous and wealthy people…


The film tells of a young woman travels to Malaga to Barcelona to meet and live with his grandfather, a poor blind man selling matches in the Catalan city harbor. The young man with his panache and salt shines in the port environment dominated many young rogue like Martin, who falls in love with her, and love her is closing the doors opened she seeks to earn some money and try be famous in the art of singing.


A serene mind a person is in a coffee some of their experiences: the story of a poet who gives shelter, a nun who takes off to find a drug habits in the black market, and his own witness of a robbery and as a lover.


When the pieces of a singular figure are unearthed and then joined together, a devil of the lowest category breaks into a small Mediterranean village. From that moment on, the demon will enter the life of a painter named Bernardino, in the affairs of a "modern" marriage, in the existence of a frightened gardener and, finally, in the day-to-day life of the Great Momo.


Juan and Carmen are a humble couple living in Madrid. She does the housework and he works as an electrician in a film studio. Their dreams of wellness come true when they win a contest sponsored by a soap brand…
