Arata Tendo

Shizuto Sakatsuki (Kengo Kora) is a mourner. He goes to scenes of accidents and mourns for the victims. Yukiyo Nagi (Yuriko Ishida), who killed her husband and served prison time, goes to the scene of the murder and meets Shizuto. She follows him from that time. Other people that exists in their lives are Shizuto’s mother Junko who is terminally ill with cancer and waits for Shizuto’s return, his younger sister Mishio who is pregnant by her now ex-boyfriend and a magazine reporter who chases after Shizuto. The movie examines life and death, love and hate and sin and forgiveness through these characters.


A high school girl, Wara (Ishihara Satomi), looks cheerful, but she conceals darkness deep in her mind. On a sudden impulse, she nearly climbs over a fence on the hospital roof, when an unacquainted boy, called Dino (Yagira Yuya), persuades her otherwise. Concerned about troubled Wara, Dino puts a bandage on the fence. Wara feels comforted by his act, and comes up with an idea to form "Hotai Club" (Bandage Club). The Club asks people to post their bruising experiences on the site, then the Club applies a bandage to the damaged part or the place, and a digital photograph is sent back to the original poster. Wara started the Club with Dino and other friends. Club members each have their own problems, but they are gradually freed from their worries through the activities of the Club.


Rin Jyoshima lost her father to death-by-gambling; years later, she's grown up in the Kosugi household and has fallen victim to gambling herself.


Veteran director Kaizo Hayashi made this post-modern samurai action adventure saga. The film centers on Jigoku-gokuraku-maru (Masahiro Takashima), a samurai on the lam. One bounty hunter hoping to collect the sizeable reward is Teppo Oyuri (Narumi Yasuda), a comely lass who is an ace shot with her pearl-laden pistol. Before she can set her sights on Jigoku-gokuraku-maru, he is attacked by a hoard of sword-wielding thugs also hoping to collect the reward. He dispatches them with bloody aplomb. Later, Jigoku-gokuraku- maru and Teppo Oyuri -- who has fallen for the master swordsman in spite of herself -- ventures to Zipingu -- the Land of Gold -- in search of a magical gold sword.
