Ariadna Welter

On Christmas Eve, three thieves brutally murder a woman and one of her daughters, leaving behind a second half-dead daughter named Elena (Patricia Rivera). When Elena recovers (physically at least), she decides to change her identity with plastic surgery and hunt down the killers, dispatching of them in gory ways that involve a chainsaw, drill and more. Only a cop (Roberto 'Flaco' Guzman) can stop her by following the bloody trail she leaves on her suicidal quest for revenge.


Lucerito is a teenager of 17 who lives in a gloomy castle that belongs to her aunt Raymunda, her tutor and executor, too. Raymunda is very strict and scold and she makes Lucerito's life impossible and she wants to marry her to Don Gastón forcely. One day Lucerito watched on TV a contest, where the one who gives the pize of "Queen for one day" is Manuel, an old friend. She decided to sneak out and travel to the capital to participate in the contest; on this journey she meets several characters and experience unexpected adventures.


Raunchy comedy about class distinctions.


Reporter investigating an actress' death gains an overview of her whole biography.


A worker's wife and six pretty daughters are desired by all the men in their little town, so he decides to move his family elsewhere.


Young man avenges the murder of his family by representatives of a US oil company.


Triumphs and cock-block episodes in the social life of an obsessive horndog.

Wanted to fly to the sky ...And one day he got it When a child dares to steal the keys to the orphanage, guarded by a soldier, is exposed to too many dangers. This is the story of that child, freeing his birds, he demanded to life and men, their own freedom. '


The Panther women are worshipers of Satan and perform rituals in their honor and sacrifice. The fighters will face them up and down the ring.


Small-town doctor bitten by rabid dog, races the clock to get to the city and receive treatment.


Shady waterfront guy rents a yacht from a married couple and they all go off on a secret mission together.

A husband and his lover hatch a plan to murder his wife, and a woman is buried alive in a mausoleum.


Sixteenth century swordsmen adventure.


Evil aristocrat covets his brother's wife, swordsman-for-hire comes to her rescue.

A rare and impossible to find Mexican adventure / fantasy / horror.

In 1661 Mexico, the Baron Vitelius of Astara is sentenced to be burned alive by the Holy Inquisition of Mexico for witchcraft, necromancy, and other crimes. As he dies, the Baron swears vengeance against the descendants of the Inquisitors. 300 years later, a comet that was passing overhead on the night of the Baron's execution returns to earth, bringing with it the Baron in the form of a horrible, brain-eating monster that terrorizes the Inquisitor's descendants


Two spoiled rich kids learn to value their father's working-class heritage.


Five city boys and five country boys compete for the attentions of five city girls.


The Big Bad Wolf and the Stinky Little Skunk from the Caperucita Roja movies in their final adventure, as swashbuckling 17th century swordsmen in a king's service.


Working in a department store exposes young ladies to corrupting influences.


A man is haunted by visions of a beautiful woman. When he finally meets her, he winds up involved in a satanic cult.


Three childhood friends are reunited after twenty years to receive an inheritance.


Family in crisis: the American Dream collapses for four members of a Mexican family in Texas, all at the same time.

Comical mix-up in the operating room: by mistake, a notorious gangster's arm is grafted onto an accident-victim's stump.


Undefeated boxing champion for 15 years faces retirement. One final bout...


Graverobbers stumble upon the tomb of a vampire, who turns them into zombies to do his bidding, which is to stalk and capture beautiful women.


Family melodrama -- I think she got pregnant, but it's been a long time since I saw this.


A cellist and a pianist, along with the daughter of the owner of a musical home, form a classical trio. A television producer challenges confronting the modern equipment. Accept and so begin a new career in popular music, so despises his former employer, thus limiting the affair between his daughter and one of them.


A pretty young Mexican girl returns to her hometown to make funeral arrangements for her beloved aunt, who has just died. Soon she begins to hear disturbing stories about the town being infested by vampires, and she eventually begins to suspect that her remaining aunt and the mysterious next-door neighbor may be involved.


Family melodrama: manipulative parents ruin lives with their meddling.


Three young women all find the deepest and abidingest and truest of true forever loves during a one-week vacation.


Police procedural: some detail pertaining to a murder case is nagging at the back of a detective's mind "like having a stone in his shoe." Once he teases it to the surface, he solves the case.


Artist has affair with his favorite model. She reveals to him that his wife had a baby before they married. And the-e-en...

A bizarre black comedy about a man whose overwhelming ambition in life is to be a renowned serial killer of women, and will stop at nothing to achieve it - but not everything goes according to plan...


With the purpose of using barbasco roots in the production of cortisone, a pharmaceutical company sends a scientist to investigate the possibilities of exploitation in Veracruz, but the man gets lost in the jungle and lives a strange romantic adventure in a remote location called Paradise.


A peasant who works in a mahogany camp in the Mexican jungles with his family is disgusted with the miserable living conditions imposed upon himself and his co-workers, the peasant finally spearheads a revolt against the sadistic bosses.
