Arina Aleynikova

Dmitry Gromtsev was a volunteer to go the front where he was wounded. He couldn't get back to his beloved profession of musician. The movie tells us about difficult destiny of a person who couldn't become an artist because of war.


A young man tries to make everybody happy including the girl he's in love with and her divorcing parents.


Young boy traveling on the ship called "Equator" suddenly witnesses the activity of the spy and helps to catch him.


Mid 20th century. Industry is developing rapidly and the need for workers in factories is growing. After graduating from the tenth year, Viktor Chernyshyov, now a city dweller, did not bother to continue his education and went to the plant as a turner. He considered it quite normal that the guys enthusiastically listened to the stories of his peer Kolya, a lounger who boasted of victories over women, and participated in his dubious amusements. Only one of them, Pyotr — a real worker, a doctor, tried to reason with Kolya and the others.


This film, aptly titled "I Come from My Childhood" (a quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupery), is a deeply moving, heartfelt, lyrical memory piece about wartime childhood. Making very effective use of a distinctive cinematic idiom of the 1960s, the filmmakers authentically recreate the sights and sounds of a half-ruined town in recently liberated Belorussia where life is gradually returning to normal in 1945. The focus is on children, undernourished, poorly clothed, and emotionally scarred. Yet they have not given up their dreams and hopes and are making plans for a peaceful future. The film wonderfully captures the spirit of wartime friendship, solidarity, and common sacrifice. There is a refreshing harmony in the way this close-knit community is coping with the devastation and losses, clearing the wreckage, and rebuilding the houses.


This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job.


A satirical comedy about the excessive restrictions that children face during their vacation in a Young Pioneer camp.
