Armando Moreno

In order to get María Rosa, the woman he is deeply in love with, Marsal murders a moneylender hated by all the people and casts suspicion on his friend Andrés, the husband of his beloved María Rosa. After being imprisoned Andrés, Marsal becomes the protector of María Rosa while waiting for the development of events.


The tormented love story between an egoist academic and a superficial starlet.


Víctor is a handsome boy, skeptical and lover of the pleasures of life. He has no job or benefit and lives on women without realizing that his behavior triggers dramas and disappointments, pain and hopelessness.


Enrique kills a man for stealing him a check he has received due to an accident. However, things get complicated because it had not yet been cashed. This will force him to try to forge the signature and eliminate any suspect, including his girlfriend Clara, who works in a law office and who talked him about the check. Police tracks the case, but by chance Pedrito, the police inspector's son, is also investigating on his own.


Dramatizes one of the most famous legends of Guatemala: The tale of 'El Sombreron' or 'The man with the giant hat' who is considered to be a most frightening specter.
