Arnold Willems

Straight-talking Superintendent Liese Meerhout leads the homicide department in the Antwerp police force. She and her team go to great lengths to ensure justice is served, even if it means they too cross the line between right and wrong.


Late 70s. The revue theatre Ancienne Belgique in Antwerp nearly has a future left, but director Leonard will not admit it. The artists and performers do not know this and try to solve their own problems. Marcel (orchestra leader), Willy (the flower shop comedian) and Jack (the producer with his stubborn character) their problems increase and everyone is sucked into the downward spiral...


The story centers around a group of friends (and girlfriends) who have been playing football together for over 10 years, and who are now getting everything ready for their 500th match.


Arno's contract with an oil company in the Sahara desert has come to an end and he's planning to return to Europe. On his way to the harbour his car breaks down and he's unable to get it running again.