Arthur Davis

Looney Tunes Platinum Collection Volume 3 is a Blu-ray and DVD release containing 50 shorts on 2 discs with special features. It was released for Blu-ray on August 12, 2014, and was released for DVD on November 4, 2014. According to Jerry Beck on the Stu's Show from early this year, he said it's the last volume of the series due to the low sales of the second volume in 2012 and no remastering budget for Warner Bros. to remaster more never-before-released on DVD and Blu-ray Looney Tunes shorts.[citation needed] Only 4 cartoons are new to disc. This is the first and only volume where the Blu-ray only has two discs. Included is a 12 page booklet similar to what came with Volume 2.

Looney Tunes Platinum Collection: Volume 2 is a Blu-ray and DVD box set by Warner Home Video released on October 16, 2012. It contains 50 Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons and numerous supplements. Disc 3 is exclusive to the Blu-ray version of the set. Unlike Volume 1, which was released in a digibook, Volume 2 was released in a standard 1 movie case.

Looney Tunes Platinum Collection: Volume 1 is a Blu-ray Disc and DVD box set by Warner Home Video. It was released on November 15, 2011. It contains 50 Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons and numerous supplements. A DVD version of the box set was released on July 3, 2012, but contained no extras. All but seven cartoons included on this volume - Lovelorn Leghorn, The Hasty Hare, Hare-Way to the Stars, Bill of Hare, A Witch's Tangled Hare, Feline Frame-Up, and From A to Z-Z-Z-Z - have been previously released, either as a part of the Looney Tunes Golden Collection or a Looney Tunes Super Stars DVD.

The Warner Bros. studio spawned more enduring cartoon stars than any other group in Hollywood history. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Tweety, Sylvester, Elmer Fudd, Speedy Gonzales, Foghorn Leghorn, Tasmanian Devil and the rest are so famous, and so beloved that their first names alone can put a smile on your face. Through the magic of animation they have come to life, becoming personalities we can identify with, laugh at, and care about. These superstars, the best "actors" in their field, introduce us to the greatest cartoons ever made: the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies.

A 1980 Looney Tunes Thanksgiving special, starring Daffy Duck. Cartoons featured "The Scarlet Pumpernickel" "Robin Hood Daffy" "Drip-Along Daffy" "His Bitter Half"


The Pink Panther goes to the launderette, and causes mishaps to a customer there.


An Indian fakir's magic rope falls in love with the Pink Panther's tail. (Reissue of "The Pink of Arabee" 1976).


Staying in a motel, the Pink Panther decides to practice his trumpet playing, while annoying the man next door in the motel.


The Pink Panther is scammed by a South Sea cruise, which turns out to be a pirate trap. He is then forced to do the captain's orders.


As a Dailey Blabbermouth reporter, the Pink Panther tries to get past the security man and guard dog at Howard Huge's mansion.


The Pink Panther operates a gas station for space ships, and ends up battling a space villain.


The Pink Panther encounters a music-loving gorilla who dances whenever he hears music.


While looking for a thousand year egg in a Japanese contest, Blue Racer stumbles upon a dragon who hatches in one of it, and the dragon thinks he is his mother. After many misfortunes raising him, Blue Racer sends the dragon to Tokyo to become a movie star. In the end, Blue Racer reads in a newspaper that the dragon did became an actor.


The Japanese Beetle goes to school to learn to be a photographer. The Blue Racer uses the opportunity to try and catch him.


The Blue Racer is trying to catch Japanese Beetle. He first tries to catch him by hiding inside a hose, however, plan is backfired when Japanese Beetle turns on the faucet. Then he tries to catch him by hopping, but again, plan foiled because he ran across a rolling roller. While chasing the Beetle again, Blue Racer runs into a venus flytrap, which spits the snake out (the flytrap claims that it tasted awful). The Blue Racer decided he needs to fly in the air to catch the bug and sucks a can of helium, and floats in the air. However, when he opens his mouth, he flys off in the air and falls into a bag of genuine fertilizer.


The Japanese Beetle uses his karate skills to fight The Blue Racer.


Crazylegs Crane are chasing after Toro and Pancho, and the toads wind up in an abandoned shack. The Crane tries to disguise himself so he can trick the Toads to let him in, but all efforts fail. Last "Tijuana Toads" cartoon.


Japanese Beetle helps the lonely Blue Racer make friends with humans. Beetle tries everything from making him a pet who can sing and do tricks, disguising him as a dog, and joining a hippie parade. However, all plans fail.


A series of vignettes exposing how women manipulate their men into submission.


Rattfink helps the Indians defeat the fort guarded by Roland, but the Indians goof up. Roland managed to get rid of their leader, Rattfink and signed the peace treaty. The Indians invite Roland for peace pipe, and one of the Indians accidentally filled the pipe with gun powder.


In this spoof of Blake Edwards' "The Great Race," Roland and Rattfink compete against each other in a car race in 1901.

The Aardvark chases The Ant, but this time The Ant has found a new pal in a termite.


After waiting 400 years for a first kiss, the witch gets impatient and decides to make a brew that will make her attractive. She needs a hair of a frog to complete her brew, so Toro and Pancho is in the chase to avoid being caught by the witch.


While changing a flat tire, the Pink Panther loses his spare tire and chases after it.


Rattfink wants to give revenge on Roland for getting him banned at the roller skate rink.


Rattfink tries to steal cattle guarded by Roland, but one of the herd- a bull- keeps ruining Rattfink's plan. Meanwhile, Roland's horse, who hates Roland's music, keeps destroying his equipment he plays. NOTE: Last "Roland and Rattfink" cartoon.


All is peaceful on the pond till Toro sends Pancho out to bring back lunch. Pancho finds some alligator eggs, and he brings just one back. Our Tijuana Toads heroes' choice backfires when an angry mother comes looking for the egg. By then, little Georgie is hatched. Georgie has a great appetite, and he will eat anything in sight... especially frogs. Georgie's mother helps him with his lunch.


After being run over by a truck, both the ant and the aardvark wind up in the hospital with broken legs. However that, along with sharing the room with an aggressive bulldog, doesn't stop the aardvark from continuing to pursue the ant as his dinner. NOTE: Last "Ant and the Aardvark" cartoon.


The Pink Panther reads some old letters from his army friend Loud-Mouth Louie.


In the Alps, The Pink Panther's sleep is disturbed by a tuba player and his howling dog, and he decides to stop it.


Whilst hiding out in a house after escaping from being chased by the Aardvark, the Ant discovers a bottle of "Vitamins for Strength"; and after eating a couple of them, becomes ten times stronger than he used to be- much to the Aardvark's displeasure!


Roland is building a suspension bridge across the big river outside the city, so Rattfink's boss orders him to sabotage the construction. All of Rattfink's attempts at trying to sabotage the construction backfire, and make him end up in the river, and every time he reaches the bottom, Rattfink tells a passing fish to go away. Finally, during the bridge's opening ceremony, Roland cuts the ribbon, and Rattfink and his boss are allowed as the first passengers to go across the new bridge. The middle hasn't been completed, so Rattfink and his boss fall into the river, and at the bottom, use the windshield wipers to wipe away all the fish, that are clouding the windshield.


Tired of being poor, Ratfink marries a widow for her money. But the situation may be more than he can handle, when he has to put up with her bossiness and the non-stop chatter of her gargantuan son.


Roland and Rattfink are movie stars in this cartoon. Rattfink gets fed-up playing as a villain who gets beat up by a hero (Roland) in his every movie, so he his father (who's a producer of the studio) to make him a hero in his future movie. His dad makes him a hero, and makes Roland Rattfink's stunt double, all the stunts miss Roland and hits Rattfink instead. Fed up again, Rattfink demands that he and Roland acts in separate features. Rattfink gets a script where he is General Custard. Fed-up again, Rattfink chases his dad by throwing his Oscars at him.


The Ant's "lodge brothers" come to his rescue and thwart the Aardvark's nefarious plans.


King hires Roland to arrest pirate Rattfink. Rattfink tries the cannon, but the giant cork covers it and when he tries to take it out, the cannons shoots at him. Rattfink shot the cannon at the Roland's mast hoping it would hit Roland, but instead hit Rattfink. He uses a little raft with a bomb going to Roland, but Roland had a fan and exploded at Rattfink. Than he uses an flying object, but did go very good. Than he used an Tarzan style by holding a rope and going to Roland's, but the rope was too long and was chased by a shark. Than Rattfink hammers a plank to two ships, so Roland can walk to him, but his plan was to cut the plank so Roland can fall down in the water, but Rattfink and his ship sank and Rattfink underwater holding a bomb to Roland's ship, but shark swallowed him and the bomb exploded and Rattfink was locked up (in shark's rib bones under water).

Roland is a good spy who is assigned to deliver a message, but Rattfink keeps stealing it. Who will get it, and most importantly, what's in the secret message?


The Pink Panther has problems waking up in the morning and buys a cuckoo clock, but it causes more problems.


Roland is assigned to capture Rattfink in Yukon, but Rattfink have Roland hostage.


The Ant is spending his vacation at the beach, but the Aardvark sniffs him out. A beligirent Life Guard mistakes Aardvark for a dog a repeatedly kicks him off the beach. Ultimately Aardvark is send off to the Dog Pound.


Poncho, a pushy but experienced toad, shows his apprentice Toro how to catch flies and otherwise survive the pitfalls of being a toad.


When Pancho and Toro caught the El Kukaracha, they thought they would share it for breakfast tomorrow, but when they're asleep, one of them would sneak to the breakfast and eat it themselves.


The Pink Panther is forced by a criminal to deliver a package to the Slobvanian Embassy, but must first get past the guard dog.


In medieval times, The Pink Panther tries to rescue an imprisoned peasant because he is too poor to pay taxes.


Smedley is fed up with Arctic weather, and wants to leave for Hawaii. But his longtime pal Chilly Willy won't let him.


Chilly tries to borrow some coal from the ski resort Smedley works at, but Smedley stops him.


In this one, Charlie is trying to go on a fishing trip but Bessie's mom is coming along to bark orders at him.


As Pesky Pelican flies south for the winter, his wings begin to ice up. He's puzzled until he finds the South Pole.


Daffy Duck is ordered by his loud-mouthed wife to sit on their egg in a nest. When Daffy adjusts the nest to make it more comfortable, the egg rolls away from him and into a crocodile hatchery, where it is indistinguishable from all the other eggs. When Daffy picks what he think is his egg from the crocodile hatchery, a male crocodile gives chase and does battle with Daffy for the egg.


Sylvester Cat and a scrawny bulldog escape from a truck headed for the city animal pound and make like convicts on the lam.


Sylvester, his wife, and son go for a walk while their porridge cools, when Goldimouse wanders by to eat the porridge and sleep in their beds. Sylvester then tries to catch her for his "spoiled brat" of a son to eat.


In his Hollywood home Bugs is being interviewed by the Edward R. Murrow TV show "People to People" when Daffy and Elmer show up.


Sam, the Duke of Yosemite, will inherit one million pounds if he can keep his temper in check. Thing is, he has to endure Bugs Bunny as his house guest.


Sylvester alternates chasing the normal Tweety and fleeing a monster version of Tweety.


Outer space invader Yosemite Sam wants to capture typical earth creature Bugs.


Sylvester Cat and his orange feline friend, Sam, are rummaging through trash cans for food in the evening on a waterfront when they spot a mouse. They agree to share the little rodent for breakfast the next morning, while during the night each tries to snag the mouse for himself.


An absent-minded wolf sets out to catch Bugs for dinner but keeps forgetting what he was heading out to shoot in the first place.


King Arthur's kingdom and the knights of the Round Table are in the doldrums since the Dark Knight stole the Singing Sword and put it under the protection of a fire-breathing dragon. The king's jester, Bugs Bunny, says only a fool would try to steal it back, so the king orders him to try. The jester boldly enters the Dark Knight's castle, initially catching his adversaries napping, but when the Singing Sword wakes the knight and the dragon, can Bugs complete his mission? He's a clever fool. A moat, portcullis, and catapult all figure in the face off.


In this spoof of Alcoholics Anonymous, pussy cats are cast as bird-eating addicts and go through the 12-step process to deal with their addiction. Sylvester, who could never quite get the best of the object of his desire, Tweety Bird, joins and resolves to quit chasing and eating the canary.


Tweety Bird and Granny are at the controls of a tugboat that Sylvester tries unsuccessfully to board.


Two polite twin gophers find that their home, a tree, has been cut down and taken away. They find it in a log pile about to be taken inside a processing factory. When they follow it into the factory, they become caught in the bizarre human machinery whose purpose, among other things, is to grind whole trees down to make toothpicks.


Tweety Bird goes to the beach with Granny, and Sylvester tries once again to catch him.


To escape a bulldog, Sylvester Cat allows himself to be adopted by a little girl. The little girl turns out to be rougher than the bulldog, though in her case it is entirely out of love.


When Bugs calls a cab he doesn't know it's the getaway car for a couple of bankrobbers (he does know the capital of Nevada).


Sylvester Cat and Tweety Bird are snowbound in a mountain cabin, and though Tweety has lots of bird seed, Sylvester will starve unless he can cook the unsuspecting Tweety. Meanwhile, a starving mouse thinks Sylvester is edible and keeps springing on the cat, chewing the fur off his head and tail and trying to cook his various body parts. Granny returns just in time with groceries, to find she mistakenly brought back only more bird seed!


Sylvester Cat spots Tweety Bird in a display window of an after-hours department store and sneaks inside through a mail server chute. Tweety flees Sylvester by hiding in a hat pile and a doll house, evades the shots from a rifle Sylvester uses, and escapes in a vacuum tube. Tweety sends a dynamite stick through another tube, and Sylvester swallows it, thinking it is Tweety. The dynamite blows up inside Sylvester after the cat leaves the store and walks down the street.


Sylvester Cat discovers Tweety Bird in a pet store window. Tweety is taken to be delivered by truck to a new owner - Granny. Sylvester chases the delivery truck to Granny's home, where Granny has a huge, fenced-in area for her army of bulldogs. Sylvester makes several unsuccessful attempts to pass the dogs and reach Tweety inside Granny's house.


It's Christmas Day in the home of Granny, and her pet cat Sylvester delights at chasing her new Tweety Bird and takes fright at the bulldog unwrapped from under the tree.


An elderly mouse tells the bedtime story of Little Red Riding Hood to her grandson, who visualizes the tale in cat-and-mouse terms, with himself as Red and Sylvester as the Big Bad Wolf.


Tweety Bird is shoveling out his nest atop a city pole after a snowstorm and is spotted by Sylvester Cat and a one-eyed orange tabby, who fight over Tweety. Tweety runs into a cellar where he befriends a wooden dunking bird. The two cats then chase Tweety into a park and onto a sheet of ice covering a pond. Tweety cuts a circle around the cats so that they fall into the freezing water and become bedridden with cold.


Sylvester Cat leaves a trailer in a National Forest Camping Ground to go bird hunting and discovers an egg in a nest. Sylvester decides to sit on the egg to hatch it, and when it hatches, out crawls Tweety Bird! Sylvester chases Tweety into a geyser and down a river in a boat toward a waterfall.


Sylvester Cat and Tweety Bird are pets of tenants in the Spinsters Arms Hotel, where pets aren't allowed. As they try to keep out of sight of the landlord, Sylvester discovers Tweety and chases him in and out of the hotel rooms.


Sylvester Cat stows away aboard a seagoing passenger liner to try and catch Tweety Bird, who is guarded by his mistress, Granny. Sylvester becomes seasick and runs to the sickbay for a remedy. Tweety mixes nitro into the medicine before Sylvester drinks it. When Granny hits Sylvester with her broom, he is blown sky-high.


Sylvester Cat finds that his people have gone on vacation and left him alone in a locked house with a large stash of canned food in a cupboard. Sylvester needs a can opener, or he'll starve. And a pesky mouse has the only can opener in the house and torments Sylvester into trying more and more desperate measures to obtain it.


Tweety Bird is on a train with Sylvester.


Tweety Bird is washing in a bird bath in a city park when Sylvester Cat interrupts him. Sylvester chases Tweety, and Tweety takes refuge near a feisty nanny and her toddler. Sylvester dresses as the toddler to try to grab Tweety but is stopped and spanked. Tweety flies to a building ledge, and Sylvester unsuccessfully uses chewing gum to try to reach him. Next, Sylvester angers a bulldog, who chases him away.


Bugs Bunny escapes hunters by leaping into his rabbit hole and tunneling to safety. Unhappily he tunnels into the Sing Song prison where a sadistic prison guard named Sam Schultz refuses to accept that he's anything but one of the prisoners. Soon Bugs is in stripes, but it's the guard who will find prison life to be hell when Bugs Bunny is around to trick him into a cell, the hangman's noose, an electric chair and even into the warden's office, where Bugs will put a severe strain on the relationship between boss and underling. Finally, Sam decides that enough is enough.


Sylvester Cat spots Tweety Bird in a San Francisco apartment and tries to gain access but cannot make it past Granny or the cat-hating desk clerk.


Mutiny on the Bunny is a Looney Tunes cartoon short starring Bugs Bunny, directed by Friz Freleng and released by Warner Brothers studios in 1950.[1] The cartoon was made in 1948 but not released until 1950. It features Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam as "Shanghai Sam". It is one of three nautical-themed shorts with Sam as a pirate, along with Buccaneer Bunny (1947) and Captain Hareblower (1954). The title is a reference to the film Mutiny on the Bounty.


After a man down on his luck comes looking for a rabbit's foot, Bugs Bunny embarks on a campaign of terror that eventually provokes him to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge.


Porky has a series of altercations with a mischievous mouse and a vicious serial killer.


Lumber jack Porky Pig intrudes upon the peace of a hipster squirrel vacationing in the Northwoods by trying to chop down the squirrel's tree. The squirrel retaliates by enclosing the base of his tree with steel so that Porky's axes cannot penetrate. The ensuing conflict between Porky and the squirrel awakens an angry bear.


The patriarch of a family of farming hill billies is fattening a turkey to slaughter for Thanksgiving Day dinner, and he is fattening the fowl by providing him with a veritable feast of roast beef, ham, fruits, vegetables, cakes, and pies. A jealous Daffy Duck, one of the turkey's fellow farm animals, wants to have all the food for himself. So, Daffy pretends to care for the turkey's welfare and warns the turkey off the food, and he urges the turkey to lose weight so that the hill billies won't want to slaughter him. Daffy gorges himself on the food while acting as coach to the turkey, who is frantically and strenuously trying to reduce himself. When Thanksgiving comes, the turkey is toothpick-thin, and the hillbilly father turns his hungry sights on an overweight Daffy!


A mouse named Elmo, who's a bit of a yokel, goes to beautiful Daisy Lou to woo her. However, he finds her with the slick Blackie.


No matter where vagabond Daffy Duck goes to sleep, policeman Porky Pig is there to toss him out. Finally, Porky kicks him out the city park entirely, and it starts snowing. Daffy decides to take shelter at the closed Macys department store. When Porky catches him, he's determined to be rid of Daffy once and for all.


On a cold winter's day, a stray dog is looking for shelter, then finds and sneaks into a cabin with an open fireplace and a cozy bed. But he has a stinky rival for occupancy of the cabin - a skunk, (but not Pepe Le Pew). The dog and skunk do battle by spraying each other with scents, Pepe with his foul odor, and the dog with perfume. Both run outside and dive into a frozen lake to remove the smells, and both catch a cold in the process. The sneezing dog and skunk then decide to share the bed in the cabin. However, it led to Pepe Le Pew's creation.


It's duck season, so Daffy plays hunter Elmer and a hungry fox off against each other.


Louie the Parrot finds a written will stating that his master bequeathes the family fortune not to him, but to his fellow household pet, a lunkheaded cat named Heathcliff, with the proviso that Louie is next in line to inherit the wealth if Heathcliff dies. So, Louie plots the untimely demise of Heathcliff.


Slug McSlug, a notorious bank robber, is chased by police after his latest heist. He reaches his country hideout, where he is promptly visited by an uninvited Daffy Duck, who is a door-to-door vendor of a variety of items.


Porky Pig travels by horse-pulled, covered wagon to California to join in the 1848 Gold Rush and is ambushed by a diminutive, large-nosed, nasal-voiced, ever-so-polite Mohican with glasses, who wants to scalp the west-bound pig.


Porky Pig soon discovers that a termite is responsible for his belongings crumbling to dust. When he can't exterminate the termite himself, he goes to a shyster who offers him a series of unsuccessful methods to remove the termite.


A rooster is unable to get worms; the other chickens either get there first or trick him out of the worms. But there's one worm nobody else competes for, because it's a trickster.


An archaeologist at a museum scolds his small, silent dog, Shep, for supposedly removing a bone belonging to a dinosaur skeleton and orders Shep to bring the bone back, but Shep finds that the place where he buried his most recent bone has been dug up and a bulldog is walking away with the bone in his mouth. Shep chases the bulldog with intent of retrieving the bone, and so begins a battle of wits between Shep and the bulldog.


A theatrical dog decides to answer the call of the wild and hunt for his food. He targets two polite twin gophers as his first conquest and tries to kill them with a falling-rock trap hooked to a radish patch, then plots to attract them into range of his clutches by dressing himself like a baby, then by playing music. The gophers foil all of these schemes and trap the dog in his own piano as they play the keys, which are linked to hammers whacking the dog's rear.


Wellington the dog is given a package to deliver to Uncle Louie, with strict instructions not to let go of it. Sylvester and another cat that Wellington has been tormenting see this as their chance to get even. Besides repeatedly filching the package, at one point they drop a duplicate off a bridge. Wellington still manages to retrieve the package a few times, but never for long.


Daffy Duck drives to Mexico for a vacation, and after a harrowing experience with the local cuisine that literally sets his mouth afire, Daffy goes to a bullfight ring to observe the spectacle. When Daffy jeers at the bull, the horned beast removes the clothes from the human matador and puts them on Daffy as a challenge to the duck to fight the bull in the ring. Daffy foils the bull with a proposed wager on a hat trick, betting the bull to guess which of three sombreros Daffy is hiding under. Daffy sees to it that the bull guesses wrong and supplies a machine gun for the impoverished bull to commit suicide. The bull realizes that he is being fooled and, firing the machine gun, chases Daffy out of the bullfight ring. Daffy scrambles to his car to leave Mexico, thinking he has escaped the belligerent bull. But the bull is riding in the back seat of Daffy's vehicle.


An insomniac fox residing in a forest needs duck down for his pillow in order to be comfortable enough in his bed to fall asleep, and to this purpose he pursues a wily yellow duck. The fox uses a decoy and duck call, and is blasted by hunters' rifles. He builds a series of wooden extensions from a tree branch in an effort to reach the airborne duck, but the duck drops a feather onto the fox's head, and the extensions beneath the fox collapse, with the fox plunging mortally to ground. His spirit, while ascending to Heaven, encounters and chases the duck.


Two polite twin gophers raid a vegetable patch guarded by a rather smug dog, whose various unsuccessful schemes to nullify the crafty and modest gophers involve a female gopher disguise, a hand grenade, and a carrot stuffed with TNT.


An emaciated canary, singing like Frank Sinatra, is getting on the nerves of a pipe-puffing parrot, who speaks like Bing Crosby. The parrot spots Sylvester, foraging through the trash. Telling the cat he needs more vitamins (which the canary has been swallowing in bulk), he lures the cat inside to snare the canary. The straightforward approach fails (the canary bops him in the nose). He carves a female canary from soap, lures Frankie there; the birds slide down a greased counter, into the sink, and down the drain, but only the soap bird goes through the pipe and down Sylvester's throat. A trail of birdseed into the garage seems to work, but Frankie jacks Sylvester's mouth open. Sylvester laces the vitamins with buckshot; like all cartoon magnets, his attracts everything metal in sight except his prey.


Porky has a particularly menacing mouse in his house; after his traps, and an increasingly nasty set of cats all fail, Porky builds a robot cat. This cat proves to be a much bigger challenge for the mouse, who ultimately builds a robot mouse packed with explosives.


A circus is being set up just above Bugs' rabbit hole, causing much noise and vibration. The Lion cage is set up directly above the hole, and the Lion takes deep sniffs (alternatively yanking Bugs towards the hole or throwing him back) to determine that the animal below is Bugs. When the Lion (whom Bugs eventually refers to as "Nero") roars again, Bugs comes to the surface to see what's going on, riding an elevator that makes twists and turns. Bugs tries to reason with the lion ("I'm the tenant downstairs, and there's entirely too much noise!"), but soon makes a hasty escape when Nero takes a swipe at him.


Babbit hypnotizies Catsello, despite his efforts to resist, into believing he's Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, and Jimmy Durante, then a chicken, and finally a dog, who he sics on the cat. The cat hypnotizes him back. Finally, Catstello hypnotizes both of them into cowboy and horse, leaving him alone to enjoy the deli they live in.


The Looney Tunes Golden Collection is a series of six four-disc DVD box sets from Warner Home Video, each containing about 60 Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies animated shorts. The series began on October 28, 2003 and ended on October 21, 2008.

A wolf, deprived of meat by war rationing and starving, sees an article in the newspaper about a sheepdog leaving his flock to join the army and thinks it will be easy pickings. However, if he had read the rest of the article first, he would have known that the flock is now guarded by the ram, "Killer Diller," a formidable foe. When the straightforward approach doesn't work, the wolf dresses as an attractive lady sheep, which immediately lures the amorous ram. The hapless wolf's attempt to club the ram, however, fails when he whacks an overhanging branch instead. He escapes, to another tree that conveniently has a safe hanging in it; it drops on the ram, but he emerges unscathed. Next is an anti-aircraft gun, but the ram hauls the disguised wolf inside. The panicked wolf runs for hours, finally tearing off his disguise in desperation "I'm a wolf!" "So am I!"


A "Rosie the Riveter" type is in need of a baby-sitter for her awful child. The only person available is a clueless Porky Pig. His only instructions are to use a book of child psychology. After fruitless attempts to control the brat, his mother returns to show Porky how to use the book - as a paddle on his little behind.


Porky Pig and Daffy Duck owe an outrageous sum to the Broken Arms Hotel. The manager thwarts their efforts to escape without paying their bill.


Woman wonders why her little pet birds keep disappearing. Rudolph the cat knows, but other than burping feathers, he's not saying. But it looks like he's met his match when the woman orders another bird from the pet shop: a little yellow canary named "Petey".


With the homeowners away and the cat sleeping, two mice plot and execute a plan to steal a chunk of cheese from the refrigerator.


An exuberant little donkey lives for one thing: the joy of racing at top speed. But his mother, cautions her son to go slow and use care, for misfortune may be just around the corner. When the son tires of his mother's lectures, he leaves from home, dashing off into the desert. Meanwhile, a heinous villain enters the picture, and he uses Mother Donkey as a beast of burden. The little donkey comes back years later to find his mother missing. When the donkey learns what has happened, he dives into action, using his irrational behavior to find his mother. Then, using his superior speed and strength, he gives the miscreant a sound trouncing, thus liberating his beloved mother. The short ends happily with mother and son basking in familial bliss, and Mother Donkey reluctantly acknowledging that extreme caution is not always the only path to righteousness.

An orchestra conductor is frustrated by all the silly musicians in his band as they play the music.

While Tom Thumb is very, very small, his kid brother, Pee Wee, is even smaller and Pee Wee's only wish is to be as big and strong as Tom. When tiny Tom is cornered by a kitten, Pee Wee comes to his brother's rescue and proves to himself that what he lacks in size, he makes up for in quality.


Two recruiters, one from the army and one from the navy, fight over a pipsqueak, each making him ludicrous promises of fun, excitement, luxury and comfort.


Various members of the insect world join forces to harass a man who unknowingly makes their lives miserable.


Maisie is a secretary. We watch her dashing to work, then sitting through a typical day, reading novels and eating candy. But that's all prelude, as she lives to shop, particularly for hats. She tries on a wide variety of hats, but her heart is set on #36, which she's told must be special ordered. She orders it, and we switch to the hat workshop, where we see the designers, all of them clearly insane. Number 36 is let out long enough to whip one up for Maisie.


The title character has his truck in the circus caravan disintegrate and he wanders into an abandoned house where where he winds up drinking some medicine that is highly alcoholic.


Mother Hen's kids are aspiring singers and actresses, but Chester wants to become a G-Man. This fantasy of his lands him into trouble.

Scrappy is running a sideshow, and Margie wants to come in. She sneaks in and accidentally sabotages some of the acts, particularly those starring Scrappy.

A movie theater audience sees a trailer for Scrappy's newest movie.

Scrappy goes fishing, tying a worm onto his hook before casting it into the water to face a myriad of fish with sharp teeth. Can the worm escape from being devoured?

An animated short produced by Charles Mintz.

Scrappy is very happy when he discovers his friends are giving him a birthday party. An uninvited little girl crashes the party and proceeds to dominate and disorganize it completely. Scrappy's friends finally give up and leave, but Scrappy and the girl solve their differences and end up eating the whole birthday cake themselves.

Scrappy gets a Saint Bernard and drags it home from the pet shop. He introduces the huge beast to his parrot, Pete, and leaves them to get acquainted. Of course they have a comic battle.

Told in flashback, th story explains why one of the bunnies in the classroom is so much bigger and older than his classmates. He devoted his early years to disrupting the class rather than studying and learning his lessons, with the result that he remained behind while the other students were promoted.

Scrappy is reading Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People. A bird keeping him company hears Scrappy say "The early bird catches the worm" and goes in search of one. But will the worm or the bird be caught?

Farm-boy Scrappy and his dog awaken at dawn and, all day long, they work in the fields only to have crows undo their hard work, tear up the fields and eat the crops. They keep beating off the crows and finally win out just as the sun sets.

A little boy (as pilot/crew/mechanic) and a little girl (the title air hostess) do their best to get a delapitated airplane airborne and take their full load of adult passengers to their destination. They fail spectacularly.


An old German music teacher has Scrappy running scales on the violin, while Pete the Parrot laughs at every mistake. this makes the teacher angry, but Pete will have his way.

A small girl makes her living selling matches on the streets of New York. It's winter, and the hustling crowds at best ignore her, and some are outright rude. She takes shelter and, to try to stave off the cold a bit, lights a match. It gets blown out; this happens again, then on the third try, she falls into a dream. In this dream, cherubs attend her, she gets a new doll, then a new dress. The cherubs put her on a throne. Then a storm comes, and she goes toward a candle. That candle goes out, and we see that back in the real world, so did her match and her life. An angel comes along and takes her soul.


One of the it-takes-a-villageism cartoons with a message in which a happy-and-prosperous village of honeybees goes to the aid of a village of starving grasshoppers, by dropping honey bombs and food to the stricken bug community. Prosperity returns and all the world citizens are happy again. Although, in the real world it was usually the grasshoppers and locusts that caused most of the famine problems to begin with, and didn't leave anything for the bees to make honey from.


Scrappy is playing with the old gray mare who was the town's fire horse until being replaced when the town's fire department purchased a modern motorized fire truck. But when the fire alarm sounds, the old mare responds, and with Scrappy steering the discarded truck, they dash to the fire along with the fire chief in his new truck. After the new truck breaks down, the fire chief admits that the old gray mare is a s good as she used to be.

Against the background of the Grand Canyon, a young Indian boy and an-equally-young Indian maiden fall in love. While they are romancing along in the beautiful scenery, their little dog gets into a hassle with a snake. The snake was harmless, the animation was outstanding.

Mama Hen complains about all the work that she's gotta do. Her baby chicks run amok and drive her to collapse. The chicks have a change of heart because it's Mother's Day- and they begin to do all the work for her.


Scrappy stops all the clocks in the house and then goes around the neighborhood stopping all the others. This causes all the clocks in the world to stop, and everything stands still. This scares him but when he tries to re-start the clocks, all moving things start to go backwards.

Oopie wants to join the Boy Scouts, against the wishes of Scrappy and the others.

A newborn seal pup has to learn how to fish on his own, without help from any of his family or friends.


Two kids battle ducks. One of them decides to be a jerk for most of it. Turns out it was all a dream.

Barney, Snuffy and Lowezie are in attendance at the track to see Spark Plug take part in a big race. Unfortunately, he's so slow that he doesn't finish until the next morning. Incredibly,though he next gets a one-on-one race against the legendary Man O'War. It looks like he'll be super loser again, except that Rudy the Ostrich kisses him,which gives Sparky the adrenaline to win instead.

A young boy who is constantly teasing and tormenting his young puppy is taught the lesson of treating others as you would have them treat you.


The novelty shop owner has gone home, and that means it's time to party!


The Beetles and The Boogey Bugs have a football game. The Beetles seem outmatched until a brown bottle with three x's comes into play.


A homeless waif, staggering through a roaring snow storm, wanders into a small town. and no one except a poor shoemaker will give the little boy shelter from the storm. That night, the elves come in with their equipment and material, and make a new supply of shoes for the old man. In the morning, see what has happened, the old man tells the boy he has brought him luck, and can stay with him as his adopted son.


A Columbia Scrappy cartoon released November 7, 1935.


A Color Rhapsody cartoon


Scrappy and Oopie are a pair of wandering troubadours who wind up in a rain-starved farm, where their performance causes the skeletal animals to dance and sweat and finally the clouds do the same. Everything blooms in the rain and the short ends in a song.

Scrappy in Hollywood.

Color clash in the barnyard.

Short movie
