Arthur Klemt

Doctor Nina falls in love with the charismatic architect Mark, who was imprisoned for manslaughter. Her neighbor Melanie, unlike her husband, is thrilled with Mark. But one day Melanie disappeared without a trace.


The story of Anne Frank, the Jewish girl who went into hiding with her family in Amsterdam and became a victim of the Holocaust.


The 16-year-old daughter of the highest dignitary in Hüttenberg is found murdered in the disused mine. For the first time, Muck has to deal with a case of this magnitude.


Based on explosive investigations, the thriller "Meister des Todes" ("Master of Death") tells of a German arms manufacturer and their questionable weapon exports to Mexiko.


The new forester Georg Walch wants to put the poachers out of business. Believing that the animal will return to him, the poacher Wolf Pachler leaves him his hunting dog Krambambuli. The feature film "Krambambuli" is based on the eponymous novella by Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, the script was provided by Felix Mitterer. The main roles are played by Tobias Moretti, Gabriel Barylli and Christine Neubauer.


Six short episodes about a car key, a flask, a screw, a nut, a pocket dictionary, and a photograph, the pocket contents of five lumberjacks and an automobile salesman.


Three young soldiers in a car have twelve hours to spare and only one thing on their minds: WOMEN. They are accompanied on their journey by the music of Freddy Quinn: "Destiny strikes aimlessly; today it's you, tomorrow me".