Arturo Martínez

An elite police squad in Mexico fights against crime.

A secret agent who dies on a mission asks Heaven to let him go back to Earth to complete his mission, and much to his disapproval, he is reincarnated in a bellboy's body.

A humble shoe shiner is hired by a drug lord as a driver, and he quickly raises up the ranks to become his most trusted hitman. But his biggest desire is a woman that can't be his.


A med student goes on vacation to see his family, only to be gunned down. As the only survivor, he seeks revenge for their deaths.

A news reporter sparks a war between two criminal organizations, and is targeted by both of them.

The cards indicate a bloody death and everyone knows that tarot never lies.

A satanic preacher comes to a small town where he unleashed the terror of the inhabitants.


Realizing that he's out of touch with "the common people," a Mexico City politician spends a weekend slumming among the plebes he's supposed to represent.


A family of three moves to a haunted house. The couple's 10-year-old son runs into the ghost of the house but isn't scared. He tells the ghost that since his father is a writer of horror novels he lost fear of horror stories. The ghost then confides in the boy that he is a lonely ghost on account of the modern world focused on so many material priorities. Child and ghost become best friends, playing together, telling stories and helping the ghost pay his rent by scaring people every month.


A guy whose brother was killed and a waitress whose sister was killed run afoul on a psycho killer who gets his jollies running people off the road with his big truck. Overcompensation much?


A Mexican scientific team and an Arab expedition clash over a powerful piece of metal hidden in the jungle. Oh yeah, and there's also aliens, a psychic, a sorcerer and a hostile tribe who do the occasional human sacrifice.


Unhappy about his daughter's choice of boyfriends, a wealthy big-wheel arranges to have the young man arrested for cocaine trafficking and continues pulling strings after his arrested, tried and incarcerated.


Young woman's character flaws and aristocratic pretensions become an obstacle when she falls in love and decides to marry. Numerous lives are ruined.

Family conflicts and shady business practices lead to fratricide. And then...


Sketch-comedy collection, heavy on the 'sketchy'.


Henpecked husband is henpecked, until the worm turns.


A stranger arrives in a small western town and starts gunning for people.

The arrival of a new school-teacher to a small town triggers various large and small upheavals, including the Police Chief's total meltdown into raging psychosis.


Marginal/unemployed dude with heart of gold tries to make life better for crippled niece, unapproachable girlfriend, others.


Young man returns from college to his family estate; when he learns that a rival family is trying to take over all available acreage, he gradually warms up to the idea of defending his turf.


Two criminals, Emilio and Camelia try to smuggle drugs into the USA.


Mexican movie

Respected civic leader hired a gunman twenty five years ago to commit a murder for him. Now that guy is blackmailing him, and meanwhile his two daughters are competing over a boyfriend.


Footloose roving-gambler type marries a young woman against her father's wishes; she assimilates herself to his rootless, random lifestyle, but her family is working to track them down. Eventually, he decides to settle down and lead a more responsible life, home-and-family style... and then...

Card-shark risks getting caught cheating. Safe in his home town, he may turn over a new leaf... but his previous victims are still looking for him.

Working-class family melodrama, rapey-stepfather style.


Two street gangs vie for primacy, which will give them control of drug smuggling and stolen jewelry.


A young man is the heir of a very old house in San Angel. Upon marriage, he decides to live there but after a long time, very strange things begin to happen in the house. Then he discovers that there are mummies hidden that awake in the night.


Timid smalltown schoolteacher has a look-alike who leads a gang of bandits; when that gang invades the teacher's town, it gives rise to all manner of confusions and complications.

In the service of Satan, a murderous vampire is turning wrestlers into his unwitting thrall, and it's up to Mil Máscaras and Superzan to stop him and save the world.


The Mexican luchador Tinieblas buys an ancient painting of a dead woman ignoring the warning that it is haunted. Later, after a fight his partners El Fantasma Blanco and Mil Máscaras joins him in a party at his apartment with two beautiful ladies, but when the clock reaches midnight the painting transports them all to colonial times. In order to return home they must face Spanish Conquistadores, Aztec Warriors and an evil witch whose mother, an unstoppable living dead hungry for human sacrifices, is the woman in the painting.


Weaselly bad guy wants to get in good with a woman he's hot for, so he frames the hero for a murder and then organizes a lynch mob against him... all to further her plans.

Band of ex-soldiers embark on a life of crime; their leader, meanwhile, wants to track down the man who murdered his parents.


Young woman just-arrived in the big city makes friends with two middle-aged couples.


Two buddies from Pancho Villa's regiment go on a mission. Light comedy, romance, songs...


After killing an opponent in a freak wrestling accident, El Enmascarado Negro has a midlife crisis and considers retiring from show business.


Young man returns to his childhood home-town, planning to git the people that killed his father.


Two Air force pilots are best friends in that competitive, always picking fights with each other way.


Working-class dude gets a gig as a waiter doing banquet service, and loses his moral compass through his contacts with decadent rich folk.


Boy/girl stuff at a health spa that's famous for aphrodisiac waters.

Federal-agent/cowboy battles crime

Upon hearing the news of Madero's death, Porfirio Alcalá and his four cousins interrupt their peaceful lives as farmers to again join the Mexican Revolution.


Adaptation of the adventures of Tom Sawyer, played by actor Juliancito Bravo.


In his home-town, he's a respectable rancher... but out on the range he's a hitman for hire. His son finds out about his double life, and...

Two cabdrivers accidentally get caught up in criminal/gang activity.


After his family is murdered by bandits, a young man enlists a wandering cowboy to teach him to gunsling.


One of Zapata's field marshals runs afoul of dictator Huerta's stooges in his home town.


Teen-romance comedy with unrelated dramatic subplots.


Western with romance subplot.

Two cowboys fight over ownership of a horse and a woman.

Three bad dudes are each hot for Lupe. They kill a guy while committing some crimes together, and that guy's brother goes gunning for them. Eventually, he meets Lupe; she helps him track down the killers and a thing develops between them.

The bodies of murdered young women are turning up on a beach.


A crime organization that deals with drug trafficking discovers that more and more drugs keep disappearing. Joe Luciana, a man who is respected for his good deeds, appears to be responsible.

El Cachorro is falsely accused of two murders; right after he's arrested flor those crimes, another murder is committed and he has to clear himself of that accusation. We never find out what happened about the first two deaths.

Crooked dude schemes to deprive stepdaughter of her inheritance after her mother dies.

Cowboy drifter goes home for a visit, gets into trouble messing around with another man's woman.


A man comes home after serving 18 years in jail for murder in this routine western. Although the man killed in self defense, rumors in town circulated that he murdered the victim in cold blood. The ex-con wants to get his life together, but the two sons of the slain man are gunning for the man who killed their father.


Sequel to El Zurdo: ten years later, El Zurdo returns to his home town. The little boy whose father he killed in part one has grown up, and still wants revenge... but doesn't recognize him. Meanwhile, his ex-girlfriend, now a widow, needs help protecting her property and her person from the predatory owner of a neighboring ranch.


Professional gambler is made responsible for the upbringing of an orphan whose father he killed.


Two ranchers competing over a woman. Cult actor Noe Murayama plays a mentally handicapped character.


B-movie western, sequel to El solitario.


Sixteenth century swordsmen adventure.


Follows an "unlucky" gun across the paths of five owners.


Evil aristocrat covets his brother's wife, swordsman-for-hire comes to her rescue.

A rare and impossible to find Mexican adventure / fantasy / horror.

A young man wants to create a reputation for himself as a gunslinger; an older mentor tries to warn him that he's making life decisions he'll regret and never be able to undo.

The bad guy's trying to push through a land-speculation deal and force his sister to marry someone against her wishes. The good guy interferes.


Working class family owns a restaurant: one brother's a rising star in local soccer, one's a priest/semi-pro boxer, sister's an aspiring ranchera singer and the other brother's a waterboy at the stadium.


Itinerant gunslinger poses as local gal's fiance to protect her from an itinerant blackhat.

Jungle adventure about the search for a lost treasure.

Masked hero on horseback,. number 1 of short-lived series.


Stage-struck small town girl is invited to join a vaudeville troupe.

Police procedural, structured like a TV cop show with three independent half-hour episodes.

Masked horseman avenges the deaths of family members and resolves questions about a contested inheritance. One of four in a series ("Relampago").

Western, first of two in series. Sequel: Alias El Alacran.

Bad hats try to manipulate townsfolk and neighboring Apache tribal settlement into a range war.

Gentleman swindler runs cleverly-orchestrated scams. Four of four in a series.

Western heist movie; a complicated bank job goes bad, and two groups of thieves fight the sheriff and each other.

All it says in my notes is "Like 'Juan Sin Miedo', only with soldiers." So... Army officer seeks revenge for... something...


Masked wrestler/cowboy hybrid -- avenging a murdered brother and protecting the homestead.

Four bad eggs from the traveling carney are setting up local men for a blackmail scam, and it's up to western-series hero El Hijo Del Charro Negro! to make things right.

The vedette Miriam ignores her pretender Carlos because her daughter Margot, whom she passes as her sister, is in love with him.


Hero vs bad-guy western.


Hero on horseback.


Young man puts on the Black Mask Of Vengeance to solve some tangled legal problems concerning a contested inheritance and several murdered family members. It took him four feature-length movies to do it. (Series: "El Relampago.")

A cabal of bad-hats is conspiring to dispossess the local Indians of their hereditary lands, but Pancho fights to defend them... while a messenger is securing copies of some needed legal documents. Etc. Second film of four in the series "Pancho Pistolas."

Female CEO hires a man to pass as her husband and act as figurehead of her business concerns.

Satan tries to corrupt mortal man by gifting him with an enchanted tie-tack. First of four in a series.


Number 2 of 4 in a series about the exploits of a crew of Robin Hood-esque con artists.

Two construction workers discover a stash of gold coins hidden in the walls of a building they're demolishing.


Mexican western 1961


The son of a famous vigilante returns to his home town... but he's all citified and pantywaisted. Or is he?

Final four episodes of Pancho Pistolas serial, reedited into feature format. PP finally thwarts the Four Bad Brothers in their plan to take over the lands belonging to local indigenous tribe and in getting that territory restored to tribal governance.

"Gentleman bandit" and his gang execute a series of elaborate heists. #3 of 4 in a series.

Crooked promoter has a secret weapon who goes around beating fighters to death after their matches if they aren't in line with his rigging schedule. Part one of two.


Masked horseman avenges the deaths of family members and resolves questions about a contested inheritance. One of four in a series ("Relampago").

Bandits rob mail from stagecoach. First in series of two.

First of four in series about Robin Hood-type social-justice criminal. Elaborate heist scenarios.

Bankrupt millionaire discovers a treasure map belonging to a distant ancestor.


College student returns home after the death of his father, then discovers Pops was killed by members of a crime syndicate.

Gambler faces comical mishaps trying to pay off a poker debt.

This film tells several short stories that end up lapsing in the emergency room of a hospital, because it is dedicated to nurses. Cantinflas appears at the end of the film playing the role of Luis, a man who has five daughters and looks forward to a boy, but fate plays a trick and the child dies at birth, but history gives a nice twist and a message of hope.


Masked horseman avenges the deaths of family members and resolves questions about a contested inheritance. One of four in a series ("Relampago").

Comical mix-up in the operating room: by mistake, a notorious gangster's arm is grafted onto an accident-victim's stump.


Mad scientist is trying to transplant the soul of an animated, talking skeleton into a living body. Also, there's a monster. Number three of three in Zorro Escarlata series.


Undefeated boxing champion for 15 years faces retirement. One final bout...


Producer, director and projectionist watch an assortment of musical numbers and brainstorm about framing narrative that could contain them all.


Masked rider clears up the mysteries surrounding the ownership of two haciendas and the disappearance of a young heiress' father.


Giant scorpions wreck havoc after being released due to volcanic activity.


Cowboy justice: drifter takes on unscrupulous rancher and his sociopathic son.


A wrestler and a detective team up to stop a mad scientist who is kidnapping athletes and replacing their brains with those of animals to make them stronger and live longer.


Experimenting in hypnotic regression to past lives, Dr. Almada discovers that his fiancée, Flor, is the reincarnation of an Aztec maiden who was put to death for loving an Aztec warrior, her body placed at the entrance to a hidden chamber in the Great Pyramid of Yucatan where the treasures of the Aztecs were hidden, and her lover mummified but cursed to remain alive and guard the treasure. With her recovered memories, Flor is able to lead Almada, his wimpish assistant Pincate, and her father to the now-skeletal remains of the maiden. Attached to them is a golden breastplate with a map detailing the route to the treasure. But to their horror, the party is intercepted by the mummified warrior, Popoca, and flee with the breastplate back to Mexico city. Popoca follows. In the meantime, Prof. Krup, an unscrupulous colleague of Almada's, recruits a gang of thugs, whom he leads from behind a mask and known only as "The Bat"...


Bad-hat townsfolk want to dispossess local Indians of their tribal lands; priestess and white ally fight back. One of four in a series.


Two brothers butt heads: one's a gadabout charro playboy and the other's a priest.


College student enters the pro wrestling circuit, hoping to find out who killed his father. Third of four in a series.

The evil Dr. Krupp, once again trying to get possession of the Aztec princess Xochitl's jewels, hypnotizes her current reincarnation, Flor, to get her to reveal the jewels' location - Xochitl's tomb. Confusion reigns as Krupp and his thugs are opposed by Flor's lover, Dr. Almada, his assistant, and wrestling superhero, El Angel. Krupp finally meets his match, however, when he comes up against Popoca, the warrior mummy who guards Xochitl's tomb.


When an inexperienced police officer discovers a corpse while inspecting a crime scene, he flees with no explanation. However, that action will help his unit to recover some stolen jewels during a robbery.


Gang leader sets one of his flunkies up to take the fall for a certain job; after he does his jail time, the guy goes gunning for the people who set him up. Also some stuff about fixed boxing matches.


One son takes after mom, one son takes after dad. They don't get along, and the family splits into two households.


Judging by the number of times it has shown up on Spanish-language cable TV, La escondida is one of the most popular and best beloved of the Maria Felix vehicles. The star runs the emotional gamut as Gabriela, who rises from the depths of poverty to the heights of Mexican society as a much-sought-after courtesan. Eventually, however, Gabriela proves that she is still true to her peasant heritage by casting her lot with the rebels in the 1916 Mexican civil war. Pedro Armendariz co-stars as Felipe, the charismatic rebel leader who wins Gabriela's heart - and inadvertently causes her downfall. La escondida is stunningly photographed by the late, great Gabriel Figueroa.


The reading of a will turns into a scavenger hunt among the heirs.

Spoiled rich girl has massive temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way; a business associate kidnaps her to his private island to teach her a lesson and also tempestuous tropical love connections.


Local gal in a fishing/seaport resort has to decide between a local fisherman and a doctor who comes for vacations.


Cowboy-hero series, number two of two: Townsfolk pledge all their jewels and valuables as security for a large loan to undertake a public works project... and then the swag is stolen.

After breaking out of jail, a group of convicts finds a ghost town they can take possession of. They send word out along the grapevine that criminals and marginal people can make a home there... and as the population grows, their self-policing efforts turn the whole town into a model community.


Gangster's daughter learns about her dad's illegalist lifestyle.

Horse-trader gets absorbed into Pancho Villa's battalions, becomes a spy.


Cantinflas works as a model of tuxedos in a prestigious store, your job is to use the smoking in the street along with an advertising sign on his back. The use of smoking gives you access to exclusive places and meet important people. During this time, Cantinflas was the manager of an amateur boxer, it is an attractive nurse assistant and occasionally attending a priest in the church and the orphanage. However, a Cantinflas day while wearing tuxedo, is a rich man, who mistakenly believe that Cantinflas is a millionaire too.


Two brothers and their pops end up helping out an orphaned young woman who wants revenge against her father's murderer.

An exuberant dancer decides to change her lifestyle after meeting a millionaire.


As he rises through the ranks of the police department, a young officer gets more deeply involved in manipulating gang activity for personal gain.

Noirish drama about a drug trafficker and his girlfriends.


Slum child, abandoned almost since birth, is reunited with his father.


Two brothers: one's a cop, one's a gangster.


Law enforcement vs. outlaw gang.


Masked avenger on horseback. Again.

On reaching the capital, Pedro Gonzalez gets a lowly job and marries Margaret. After losing that job, get a new one as a bodyguard but is fired again. With so much poverty and despair Pedro believes that his only way out is suicide.


Jailhouse drama, Warners-style action.


A young bureaucrat's career takes off when it's believed he's keeping company with the daughter of a higher-ranking official.


Young man convinces his conservative uncle that trendy modern stuff is fun.


Wanted criminal has plastic surgery, starts new life in a distant town. Old habits die hard.


Small town girl moves to the big city. When she can't find a job, she starts hanging with a bad crowd.


After discovering his wife in flagrante with another man, a gold prospector kills them both, then takes his daughter to live in the countryside, removed from corrupting influences. Fifteen years later...


Ranchera romance; two young lovers whose families are hostile to each other.

Military leader is appointed to local government, becomes overly despotic in his leadership.


Model son/employee/student is frustrated by poverty and surrenders to the temptations of a criminal lifestyle... in the same gang that twenty years earlier murdered his father OMG. Meanwhile his sister. Meanwhile his mother.


Cardoza's death, a candidate for mayor of a village chief enemy and Rosauro Castro, leads to Mr. Garcia Mata to undertake an investigation. Upon arriving realizes that even the whole town, including the mayor, lives in fear by the chief and only achieved revenge end the injustices committed by Rosauro Castro.


Feud between two rival gangsters over drug-sales turf.

Young woman breaks her engagement to be married when an opportunity for stardom comes her way.


Orphaned, abandoned by her fiance, forced into prostitution by the absence of "respectable" alternatives.And the-e-en...


Sequel to "Juan Charrasqueado." Juan Jr. discovers that the woman he's engaged to is the daughter of the man who killed his father.


Roving cowboy good-guys defend a farm family from the outlaw gang that's trying to take over their homestead.

Hard-living horse-trainer has a thing with an aristocratic woman... but her brothers aren't happy to see her involved with someone beneath her station.


Young couple run off to join the Mexican Revolution, in part because she has a crush on Francisco Villa.
