Arturo Martínez hijo

Years after the murder of their parents, three brothers return to their hometown seeking revenge. They plan to kill, one by one, the sheriff and the conspirators responsible for their parents' deaths. But what the brothers don't know is that they'll have to confront the town's new sheriff first. Leonardo García Vale, Claudia Vega and Rodolfo de Anda Jr. star in this action adventure directed by Arturo Martinez.

During the Mexican Revolution, Simon Huerta buried a treasure in an abandoned house. His ghost is rumored to still protect it.

Intrigue surrounds a state police precinct in Mexico.

A monster hunter confronts the evil vampire Vanaccek.

A tabloid reporter becomes a vampire hunter.


A group of undocumented Mexican farm workers must fight against Neo-Nazis in the United States.

A news reporter sparks a war between two criminal organizations, and is targeted by both of them.

A man and his girlfriend hiking in a mountain are attacked by criminal thugs.

After his daughter is raped, a father gets a gory revenge.

After the corpse of an important politician mysteriously disappears, several investigations begin that involving Agent Marin of Interpol and two police officers. What they uncover is high level corruption involving sinister doctors and others grave robbing and / or killing people to harvest their organs and sell on the black market.

The cards indicate a bloody death and everyone knows that tarot never lies.

A man with economic problems get's involved with the mafia, but when he is asked to commit murder he refuses, which gets him in trouble with a drug lord, this brings nothing but problems to his son, who must now take control of the situation.


A satanic preacher comes to a small town where he unleashed the terror of the inhabitants.


Nina is a reporter who works in a Latin American country at war when she finds herself trapped in the line of fire and hires a mercenary pilot named Victor to help her escape the place, but the plane is attacked and the journalist and pilot have to parachute off the plane. They fall into the sea but with a life raft they make it to the jungle, where they have to coexist and she learns to survive.


Horror anthology with three stories all taking place in the same apartment building. The first involves a pair of newlyweds who attempt to hide the corpse of a plumber after accidentally killing him. The second tale features two guys throwing a party who meet two beautiful women who aren't what they seem. Finally, an actor has a desire to drink human blood.


Based on the book by the same name, the film follows the exploits of Arturo "El Negro" Durazo, who was the head of the police department in Mexico City, we witness his crimes and his eccentric life, that will inevitably lead to his fall.


It’s the Feds vs. the Cartel as both sides of the law race through the desert to snag a hidden dope stash in New Drug City.


A Mexican scientific team and an Arab expedition clash over a powerful piece of metal hidden in the jungle. Oh yeah, and there's also aliens, a psychic, a sorcerer and a hostile tribe who do the occasional human sacrifice.


Three greedy relatives scheme for an inheritance and frame the good guy for the murder of the maker of the will.


Young woman's character flaws and aristocratic pretensions become an obstacle when she falls in love and decides to marry. Numerous lives are ruined.

Family conflicts and shady business practices lead to fratricide. And then...


Henpecked husband is henpecked, until the worm turns.


The arrival of a new school-teacher to a small town triggers various large and small upheavals, including the Police Chief's total meltdown into raging psychosis.
