Arvo Kukumägi

In a Medieval Estonian village, a group of peasants use magic and folk remedies to survive the winter, and a young woman tries to get a young man to love her.


A three-film cassette, "Daisy Petal Game 2" looks at three different lifetimes where a person is forced to make decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. Such moments come as suddenly and dramatically as the first falling in love. How to deal with these crises in youth, early middle age and golden years?

Documentary about actor Arvo Kukumagi.


A snapshot of one segment of Estonian present-day life, shown through the eyes of a child: 8 years old Lucia is leading a jolly and naughty Pippi-Longstocking-style life in a small town in Estonia. Her father Kaido, a graveyard keeper, can hardly provide for the family, her mother Maria is a drunk. Then the family receives an unexpected invitation to spend a week in Finland, in the house of the female pastor Sipra. This week will change everybody's life in unexpected ways...


Aleksander is a talented young man who has no idea what to do with his life after graduating from the high school. Choosing a career, a family, a university degree, or joining the army seem out of question. It is like he had no interest in anything. Unfortunately, neither Aleksander's parents nor his friends can give him advice. For years, Aleksander has observed the way other people live their lives. This has led him to an understanding that he does not want to become one of them. He wants a different life. Only that he does not know what kind of life would be the right one for him. At this point, Aleksander gets help from his uncle who drives the boy to his relative's manor house in South Estonia where Aleksander will meet a strange crowd including geniuses and the insane who won't be surprised at anything strange.

Three film segments.


Half the film was shot with a video camera taken from a television station without permission, the cast and staff were unpaid, and the script was written as a screenwriting class assignment.


At the end of the 1920-s the Finnish government proclaimed dry law which lasted 12 years. Estonian bootleggers living on the neighboring coast of the Gulf of Finland profited from prohibition......


Estonian drama 1992


A first film made of the 1949 March deportation of Estonian people to Siberia by Soviet Secret Police NKVD. During couple of days and nights nearly 21 thousand people, mostly women and children, were under top secret taken from their homes to railway stations and locked into animal wagons to take a trip of thousands of kilometers to a far, poor, unfriendly and cold land where they were mostly used as cheap (free) labor.


The protagonist of this satirical short is a photographer whose camera captures photos of people's true nature. We often have to ask ourselves whether we see the truth around us. But do we want to see it?

A woman defends during World War II her home and her family against Hitler's soldiers.


Viktor Kingissepp has been the underground head of the Communist Party of Estonia for three years. He corresponds with Moscow, writes speeches for the members of the Communist Workers' Party and makes leaflets for the events of trade union. His purpose is to overthrow the Republic of Estonia since he does not believe in Estonian independence nor in any national ideals. Yet the clock keeps ticking, tuberculosis is widely spread, the world revolution is being postponed. What to do in order to make one's efforts work?


Arabella is a daughter of the world's most terrifying pirate captain. She loves her father but also dreams about a life of a usual girl. One day a weird stranger is saved from the sea who will be the only friend of Arabella. At the same time a rival pirate called Raudpats plans to kidnap the girl. Will she be safe and can she ever live a normal life?


In post-World War II Estonia, Mait Kukemeri, an activist of the Young Communist League arrives to the Metsa collective farm in the back of a traveling cinema truck. As a commissary of the spring sowing, he has orders to usher all the people to the field, even if the water is high enough to soak your boots and the machines sink in the mud. Harald Tuvikene, the head of the farm, keeps dragging his feet, trying to pitch his peasant wisdom against the senseless demands of the central power. For the first time in his life, Kukemeri faces a real problem - does he do what's right or does he follow the party's inept commands in order to further his own career? He starts ignoring the party assignments and gets involved with the local village life and the local pioneer activist, a young woman named Liina. Nobody wants to sow before the time is right and Kukemeri gets tangled in the web of white lies to his bosses. But no one can keep anything secret from the Communist party for long.


After WW-2 the Estonian forests are full of armed groups - the forest-brothers who carry on the fight against communism. Soviet secret police sends spies among them. The spies are sent under top secrecy, so no-one actually knows who is who. This is a game of cat and mouse, waiting a weaker to make a mistake. For remark, this is a Soviet spy film with adequate moral.


A three episode film. A woman puts an advertisement in the newspaper and receives an answer from someone called Hans-Eerik. They begin to correspond and even set up a date for marriage. The woman waits for Hans-Erik to arrive to her village.
