Arwa Gouda

Sayed Hassan, known as "Pablo", his parents died when he was young and lived in harsh conditions, but despite that he was able to face life with all its circumstances and his name shined, and everyone knew him because of his help to the needy, Hassan the struggling young man who begins a long journey of struggle with a gang that traffics in people He goes through many situations through which he shows his true metal.

A suspense horror thriller, filmed in 3D.

Within the framework of the drama of family conflicts and disagreements, the series deals with the story of a woman who is forced by circumstances to leave her daughter when she was young, so she grows up in the custody of her stepmother, which makes her close to her, and harsh on her true mother.

Separate connected episodes featuring different stories about relationships and the concept of romance in modern society in 6 different Arab cities including Riyadh, Jeddah, Cairo, El Gouna, Beirut and Dubai.

The events of the series revolve within a social dramatic framework during a time period of up to 100 years ago, approximately (1918: 2018), about the suffering women encounter in general, and Sa’idiyya in particular, and the different ideas, customs and traditions, and other social issues that concern women.

Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life


A series about the interconnected relationships between different social levels, starting with (Akram), who is the executive director of a big company, his emotionally distraught wife, and (Samir) their driver who also struggles with his own conflicts where he lives , and his partner (Sony) who snoops on ladies' phones.


Following the events of the first part, Mansour Al-Hefni escapes from prison and reunites with his son Ali and brother to return to the island to recover what they have lost. Mansour must stand against his old love Karima while the leader of the travelers tribe Sheikh Jaafar enters the conflict for rulership


A dramedy about illness, intimacy and death sparkles with the lighthearted touch of Director Ayten Amin. Hussein, played by Khaled abol Naga, is a terminally ill, yet charming architect who enjoys a solitary routine in his old family home, and a variety of female visitors. Not realising his past is about to catch up with him, Hussein's sister and her grandson move into the house, disrupting a well established lifestyle, and forcing him to re-examine his ideas about life, love, and family.


A mysterious murder tests the relationship between two sisters, especially because they are at a close age and compete for the love of the same man.


Ahmed Qasim, famously named Aix, is killed in a heinous accident, then the events before his death were exposed to show the relationship of the hero with his family, friends and all influencers in his life until he was exposed to this incident, and investigations are ongoing into the issue of his death to try to find out who killed X.

The film revolves around a football player trying to access the professionalism and the long journey to reach this dream.


Zay el naharda is a movie starring Basma, Rania Chahine, and Mahmoud El-Bezzawy. History literally repeats itself when May meets and falls in love with a passionate young actor, only months after the tragic death of her first fiancée. All the 'signs' suggest her new lover will meet the same fate.

A social comedy that tells the life of the street in Cairo in 2007 and 2008 through a taxi driver. We see daily dilemmas for the taxi driver through the taxi customers from all segments of the society in comical paradoxical paradoxes that reflect the spirit and rhythm of the Egyptian street in all its manifestations to see the state of a society full of shyness and surprise. .


Hanan has been unhappy due to the passing of her father, while her husband Sharif has been eyeing Ghada, the young daughter of his driver. They are friends with a married couple, Ahmed and Mona, but Mona has been chatting online with her ex-boyfriend. All of their lives change when Sharif's driver finds out that Ghada as run away from home to be with Sharif and Ahmed finds out what Mona has been doing online.


The third story of 8 love stories. Love might occur at the right time with the right person or at the wrong time with the right person, or both together. It might keep waiting, or not occur at all… Perhaps twice in a lifetime