Aryè Campos

A woman seeks revenge against an unsuspecting mom after her brother dies during a robbery attempt.

Revealing the horrifying stories of people who barely survived terrifying paranormal activity caused by possessed or cursed objects. Each twister mystery exposes the sinister secrets hiding within the most innocent items.


In Da Cut is a comically inspiring story of a young aspiring film maker, fresh out of school, who feels ready to take on the world - by chasing the illusion of beautiful women, big cash and quick recognition in the film circuit. On the path of fulfilling his life long dreams he comes to the shocking revelation that nothing in Hollywood is personal; it's just show business!


Marvin Fields is caught up with challenges and obstacles. On the verge of losing his family, he has to step up and face his adversaries. Marvin tries different avenues to help eliminate these difficulties, but his efforts are futile. Now, he decides to take desperate measures in saving his family and finances. When hell breaks loose and nothing seems to work, a true character is revealed through Marvin. Later on, Marvin discovers martial arts through his best friend Frank Biggs. This martial art will help Marvin find himself again and give him a sense of purpose.


Gabby St. Claire had to drop out of school before she can complete a degree in forensic science to help her family. Instead, she did the next best thing: she became a crime scene cleaner. When a routine cleaning job uncovers a murder weapon the police overlooked, she realizes that the wrong person is in jail.