Ashihara Kensuke

Nobody knows where they came from. They parasitize in human beings, take control of them and change their bodies into hideous monsters (Necro-borg). The Necro-borg fight each other until the other dies. Where did they come from? To what end? Yuji and Kaoru, whom both have dark secrets within themselves, get caught up in the horrific battles of Necro-borg. What will their fate be?


Hyper-realistic, comic drama about a group of workers in a small Japanese vending-machine factory. The young men gossip in their grubby canteen about women and each other. In order to drive out the boredom, they play soccer on the colourless industrial site. The relationships do not entirely run smoothly: ‘senior’ employee Takahashi enjoys making his colleague Yoda feel every day that he is at the bottom of the ladder. Yoda barely reacts. In the meantime, Sakata, a cheerful kid, tries in vain to make friends with the taciturn Yoda. This ensemble film shows in a dryly comic way the everyday lives of these so very normal Japanese kids, who still have one foot in childhood, but need to make choices as adults. The director himself plays the lead of the charming Sakata, who closely observes his colleagues. As he does in the role of filmmaker: his clear gaze soon reveals how it all fits together.


Tragedy begins with curiosity. The on-line killer website broadcasts scenes of death in real time. Viewers are drawn to the website through curiosity, and then are shocked by what they see. Against their will, random viewers are selected to enter the killing game. It is literally a life and death situation to survive in this cruelest of spectator sports.
