Ashwin Mathew

A wayward youth of a rich father, Jomon is a carefree youngster who doesn’t care about ‘being responsible enough’ for his age. When the family lands in a financial soup out of the blue, a different side of the youngster surprisingly emerges. ​


The lives of a vedic scholar Pattabhiramagiri and his family come under threat after a godman and his goons try to displace him from his centuries-old ancestral home as part of building an ashram. The “curse” that befalls Pattabhiraman in the face of opposition leaves him broken, till a mysterious ally lends him his support. Their fight against the evil forces forms the rest of the plot.


Saira Banu, a post woman and a single mom, is caught unawares when her son Joshua Peter, a law student, gets entangled in a legal hassle. The opponents in the case are a bunch of affluent and powerful names of the society. How would the middle-class woman help her son?


Three young people—Haris, a gay painter; Vishnu, a rural kabaddi player and their friend Sia, an activist who refuses to conform to dominant norms of femininity—struggle to find space and happiness in a conservative Indian city.


A gold-smuggle deal goes awry, and an array of characters becomes involved.


Jagannathan, a political advisor, is hired to help John, a politician in California. He employs various shrewd tactics to help John's party win the elections.


Bhai Ji is a high-tech robber who changes his looks frequently. Disguised as jewelry experts, he and his team members hatch a plan to steal precious jewelry from a palace in Kerala.


Hari and Ravi are identical twins who share a very delicate and special emotional bond. When Hari dies in an accident, Ravi goes into a strange state of psychosis. Yousuf, a cop tries to uncover the mystery involved in the case.


Three friends decide to hire a prostitute on the day of the Aatukaal Pongala - a Hindu festival in Trivandrum - when their wives are busy.


ENGLISH VINGLISH is the story of a woman who does not know English and is made to feel insecure by her family and society at large. Circumstances make her determined to overcome this insecurity, master the language, and teach the world a lesson on the way to becoming a self assured and confident woman.
