Atsushi Imaizumi

When mysterious foreign entrepreneurs appear with the intention of tearing down Treasure Town and replacing it with an amusement park, Black and White face their greatest adversaries yet. It is up to the destructive Black to save the fate of the city and up to the gentle White to save Black from his own dark nature. On the street of an unnamed city, literally high-flying urchins Black and White look to protect their turf from invasion from other gangs. While he can be tough in a fight or wielding a weapon, White is an 11-year-old who can't even dress himself. Slightly older, Black is more worldly and treats his buddy with paternal love. Both look on their city as "our town." Also prone to seeing the city as his property is world-weary yakuza leader Suzuki, aka the Rat. Feeling the town has become too placid, Suzuki plots his return, much to the consternation of local police.


I do not stand in the case of emergency! The beautiful married woman who knew the delicate trouble of virginity…. A case full of joys and sorrows that the virginity pervert man who I outrun an emergency brake of the reason, and dashes causes.


A gang boss orders the execution of a prostitute who witnessed a murder. When the boss' henchman discovers the prostitute is actually blind, he falls in love with her and protects her. The prostitute regains her sight just in time to see the death of her boyfriend. At his funeral, overcome with feelings of mixed joy and grief, she secretly masturbates.

Pinku from 1980, distributed by Nikkatsu