Attaporn Teemakorn

The film, directed by Kanittha Kwunyoo, tells the story of a young man who is forced by his father to become a monk. The young man later develops an intimate relationship with a village girl.


This is a horror thriller about supernatural beings that reside in an old mansion that once belonged to the Lord of the region.

A young man without any meaningful goals joins the army, where he learns about history and the meaning of life.

An omnibus film of four stories pulled straight from Thailand's most gruesome headlines. In "Flame", a man is haunted by regret and a ghost after he survives a nightclub fire that killed his girlfriend. In "Imprison", a prisoner questions his sanity after his cell-mate hangs himself. In "Revenge", a deaf-mute drug dealer murders a woman thief in his apartment, and makes the mistake of stashing her corpse in his apartment building's water duct. Finally, in the comic "Haunting Motel", an aging stripper-cum-prostitute, a gay guy and his straight friend end up in a hotel owned by a crazy old lady and haunted by a ladykiller.


Khan Kluay is an elephant of King Naresuan the Great. Shaba Kaew, his beloved one, keeps a secret that she is pregnant. He must face three properties that belong to him - sacrifice, courage and stable love deep in his heart - to struggle through obstacles.


As sea pirates threaten to invade their kingdoms, three queens of Langkasuka must band together to defend their lands and peoples.


After reading a letter detailing her grandmother's death, Dew (Ann Thongprasom) went to Chiang Mai where, by chance, she met Ton (Uttaporn Teemakorn), a kind officer at an agricultural research center. Dew started to feel true love for her new acquaintance. They eventually married and began a peaceful life together. Everything was fine until Ton died after a serious illness. Now Dew is alone again, but then something strange happens: she receives a letter-- a love letter --in familiar handwriting. It's from Ton.


On hearing the news of the death of his sister, a Buddhist monk leaves the temple where he has lived since childhood and struggles to adjust to life on the outside as an uncle to a young niece and as a businessman running a hair salon in a small Thai town in a southern province. He even must learn to ride a bicycle and zip up his trousers without injuring himself. He is confronted by a flood of feelings - sexual, for a woman and family friend across the street; as well as fear and hatred for the Muslims, who he believes is responsible for his sister's death and other sorrows in his life.


Nonzee recreates the life of a notorious late-1950s gangster. Dang Bireley's (nicknamed after his favorite soda-pop) had Elvis and James Dean fixations and lived predictably fast and died predictably young. He first killed a man at the age of 13, and became famous in Phra Nakorn as a Chinese protection racketeer from the age of 18. Everything swung his way until one of Thailand's many coups d'etat imposed martial law and drove the city's gangsters up-country. Dang and his loyal cohort Piak had little trouble facing down the local hicks, but bristled when forced to operate a long side their arch-enemy Pu, known as Bottle-Bomb.


Longchun is from a broken home. He lives in the countryside with his mother and stepfather. His father lives in Bangkok and has a much better life with another brother. He hates his stepfather. One night he gets into a fight with him stabbing him in the stomach. His mother tells him to run away to Bangkok. Once there he gets arrested and even though he hates his father, he has to rely on him to bail him out. Once at his home he causes more trouble immediately. He is also a bad influence on the brother. Then he finds out that he is not the only tough kid in Bangkok and gets mixed up with others like him and causes more trouble for everyone.
