Audrey Ferris

Glenn Tryon is at his Bachelor's Dinner, attended only by a dozen of his girl friends, prior to marrying Connie Watts but Ma Watts has plans for Connie to marry playboy Billy Bevan, who is unaware of Ma's intentions, as is Blondie who has plans of her own regarding Billy. The laughs here are only slightly less scarce than the chicken in the boarding house chicken-and-dumplings in "True Grit."

Harry Barris and Audrey Ferris want to get married, and her father, Harry Holman, likes Barris' piano playing. However, he hates it when Barris sings songs like "I'll Be Glad When You're Dead, You Rascal, You".


Johnny Mack Brown stars as Paul, who wants nothing more out of life than to take charge of a lighthouse. Falling in love with Sally (Mary Nolan), Paul talks her into sharing his life as a lighthouse keeper. Evidently staring into the beacon once too often, Paul goes blind, and it's quite a chore for footloose Sally to remain faithful. Making matters worse is the arrival of a double-dyed villain (Robert Ellis) who intends to "have his way" with the long-suffering heroine.


In order to get back some very important papers from her father's business rival, a young woman pretends to be the rival's new secretary. Complications ensue.

Glad Rag Doll is a 1929 American Pre-Code drama film directed by Michael Curtiz and starring Dolores Costello. This is one of many lost films of the 1920s, no prints or Vitaphone discs survive, but the song with the same title and the trailer survives.


Nightclub hostess Sophie Leonard educates her daughter Beth abroad and keeps her life secret for her. But suddenly the daughter shows up.


A young doctor is accused by his pretty wife of paying too much attention to one of his woman patients when she makes a pass at him. Ferris, assuming that her husband is having an affair, decides to have one herself with a perfumer.

Judge Ross, on the Federal Bench, rules in favor of a large company in litigation before him, unaware that a smaller company in which he owns considerable stock has been subsumed by the larger firm, thus creating the appearance of a conflict of interests. When one of the Judge's enemies plots to ruin the Judge over this apparent improper behavior, Judge Ross's daughter Shirley sets out to prove her father's innocence.

Women They Talk About is a part-talkie Vitaphone film, with talking, music and sound effects sequences, starring Irene Rich, directed by Lloyd Bacon and produced and distributed by Warner Bros. It is considered to be a lost film.


A press sheet printed in Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World in 1928 put forth the suggestion that “people in the need of a good hearty laugh should take this opportunity of getting it” by seeing a newly released comedy by Warner Bros., suggestively entitled Beware of Married Men. Since director Archie Mayo (The Petrified Forest) helmed this feature during the dying days of the silent era, the studio sought to enhance its commercial viability by embellishing the shot-silent picture with a synchronized music and effects soundtrack using the Vitaphone sound-on-disc system. Ultimately, these efforts went for naught, as the picture failed at the box office and quickly disappeared from theaters.

Bernice Randall, who has forsaken the love of her sweetheart, Tom Richards, to marry for wealth, turns down Richards' proposal after the death of her husband, and she is denounced by him as a slave to silver. Lavishing the greater part of her fortune on her daughter, Janet, Bernice determines to give her the advantages she herself lacked. Despite her mother's disapproval, Janet scorns the affection of Larry Martin, a life-long friend, after meeting Philip Caldwell, a wealthy sophisticate. Worried over Janet's growing attachment to Philip, Bernice determines to win Caldwell from her daughter, and in a confrontation involving the girl and Richards, now a millionaire, Janet is disillusioned in her mother and Caldwell. Learning of her mother's sacrifice, Janet forgives her and finds happiness with Larry.

A young Jewish man is torn between tradition and individuality when his old-fashioned family objects to his career as a jazz singer. This is the first full length feature film to use synchronized sound, and is the original film musical.


Slightly Used film