Augusto Pinochet

The documentary explores the "Archives of Horror" of the dictatorship of General Alfredo Stroessner, discovered in Paraguay in 1992 and in the documentation of Operation Condor found there, which reveals who was responsible, what was their goals, strategies, prisons,accomplices and murders.

Documental about the Second Independence of Chile. Images and videos from the period before and after September 11th, 1973


On December 10th, 2006, General Pinochet dies unexpectedly at Santiago's Military Hospital. His decease triggers a 24 hours revival of political divisions that marked with violence and death Chilean recent history. With high quality original footage and testimonies of four characters that deeply experienced a journey of strong contrasts and surrealistic nuances, the film narrates in an innovative, exciting way the ending of a key chapter in Chilean history.


President Salvador Allende's topple from Chile's unstable government and the CIA's involvement in the September Coup that would turn the South American socialist country into a dictatorship.

Filmed during hard and decisive years of the democratic struggle against the regime of Augusto Pinochet, it is the first film in which a group of Chilean filmmakers, without anonymity try to give a global account of the Chilean situation of those days. The film reflects the vision and personal testimony of its director about his country at that moment.

Guzmán’s final instalment shifts from covering the actions of Allende’s opponents to those who battled to revive & promote their toppled leader’s vision for a new Chile.


The horrifying story of what went on inside General Pinochet's secret prisons.


In the spring of 1974, a camera team from Studio H&S succeeded against the explicit orders of the Junta’s Chancellery, entered into two large concentration camps in the north of the country - Chacabuco and Pisagua - leaving with filmed sequences and sound recordings.