Aymará Rovera

Different stories that mark the life of the Patagonia region, an almost universal place, in the decades of '30 and '40. The society of that time, the interrelation of the culture of the Native American peoples with that of the Welsh, Italian, Spanish and Lebanese immigrants, will give life to facts and circumstances that speak of those times. The talk between a bartender of the time (Horacio Fontova) and a traveler (Oscar Alegre) stuck by the strong wind, begins the journey on stories of love, jealousy, families, bandits, robberies and soldiers of a region that began to be forged .


Drama about a man who is supposed to kill his daughter.


An accidental meeting between a French woman who goes to South America to adopt a baby and an Argentinian woman who with her small son leaves their hopeless village in search for a better life changes both of their lives forever.
