Babe London

Collins College needs a new department head for their science department, so Doctors Carter and Zorch consult Thinko, the campus computer, and come up with Dr. Mathilda West, who has degrees in lots of things, but turns out to be disruptively attractive as well.


Shemp is a sick man, suffering from hallucinations. His worst vision is that his ugly nurse Nora is actually beautiful. When Moe and Larry come to take him home from the sanitarium, they discover he's become engaged to Nora. On the way to Nora's apartment for the wedding, the boys get in a fight with a stranger who promises to get even with them if he ever sees them again. They arrive to finding Nora waiting for her father, who, when he arrives, turns out to be the man they just fought with.


Biff Jones is a driver/salesman for the Good Humor ice-cream company. He hopes to marry his girl Margie, who works as a secretary for Stuart Nagel, an insurance investigator. Margie won't marry Biff, though, because she is the sole support of her kid brother, Johnny. Biff gets involved with Bonnie, a young woman he tries to rescue from gangsters. But Biff's attempts to help her only get him accused of murder. When the police refuse to believe his story, it's up to Biff and Johnny to prove Biff's innocence and solve the crime.


Emery Slade was one of the brightest stars in Hollywood in 1932, but by 1949 his career has hit the skids. Fortunately, he is able to convince studio head Melville Crossman to cast him in the adaptation of a hit Broadway show. Crossman has one condition: Slade must travel to New York and convince the female star of the stage production to join the film. Slade goes, but, when he eyes the winsome Julie Clarke, he hatches a different scheme.


A young newlywed (Robert Sterling) finds working for his nasty father-in-law difficult.


An unknowing orphan idolizes the horse thief/mail robber who has shot his father.


Oliver is making plans to marry his sweetheart Dulcy with Stan as his best man, but the plans are thwarted when Dulcy's father sees a picture of Ollie and forbids the marriage. The couple plan to elope, and run away to a Justice of the Peace. After typical Laurel and Hardy blundering, they manage to sneak the girl away from her father's house.


New Moon is the name of the ship crossing the Caspian Sea. A young Lt. Petroff meets the Princess Tanya and they have a ship board romance. Upon arriving at the port of Krasnov, Petroff learns that Tanya is engaged to the old Governor Brusiloff. Petroff, disillusioned, crashes the ball to talk with Tanya. Found by Brusiloff, they invent a story about her lost bracelet. To reward him, and remove him, Brusiloff sends Petroff to the remote, and deadly, Fort Darvaz. Soon, the big battle against overwhelming odds will begin.


The ring master is plotting to get the circus owner done away with in a lion cage so he can take over.


The guests at a dinner party in a mansion are spooked when a creepy "spirtualist" decides to stay for dinner.

To impress the girl he loves, a naive country boy tries to capture a group of local bootleggers.


With little luck at keeping a job in the city a New Yorker tries work in the country and eventually finds his way leading a herd of cattle to the West Coast.


Two "correspondence romance" suitors prepare to meet their respective partners for the first time; mixups ensue.


After Felix Valle helps rescue next door neighbor Dorothy Devore's dog from the over-zealous dog catcher, she agrees to help him get a raise in salary by pretending to be his wife. Meanwhile, her jealous husband is bringing home Felix' boss for a deal...

Short comedy with Dorothy Devore.

A 1924 Jack Duffy comedy. Jean manages to be expelled from college to be able to go to Europe with her grandfather. When he learns about that, grandpa disinherits Jean and starts looking for a grandson to replace her. Jean dresses as a boy, Oswald. Grandpa then tries to marry Oswald and test his new grandson’s strength.

This two-reel Lloyd Hamilton comedy. Set in the bucolic countryside, the opening sequence introduces Ham and his girlfriend Babe London as "the hired man and his three acres of love.". Ham encounters an attractive, prosperous-looking young lady who is having car trouble. After gallantly fixing her flat tire and when he realizes that the young lady has left her purse behind with her address inside he sets out to return it, no doubt hoping for a reward, either monetary or romantic.


A 1923 silent comedy.


Buster and Phyllis endure a number of outdoor adventures trying to prove to each other their survival skills. The balloon which lands Buster in the wilderness proves useful later on as their canoe is about go over a waterfall.


Henry Murdock & Babe London go on Honeymoon to Hawaii.

George Bunny's career as a screen comedian was an attempt to cash in on his brother, John's reputation, but George is no comedian. Here he plays a young man -- he is supposed to have been in his mid-fifties when this movie was made, but if so, he could have passed for 30 -- who heads over to a sanitarium filled with the usual crazy types, falls in love and runs off with the leading lady, all without doing anything that might be called in the least funny.

A father takes his family for an outing, which turns out to be a ridiculous trial.


Daniel Boone Brown is a pleasure-seeking playboy carousing around New York City without a care in the world -- that is, until he becomes the unwitting subject of a series of experiments at the hands of a sadistic psychiatrist. Through various means of control, the mad scientist drives Daniel to think he's losing his mind, but ultimately introduces him to the lovely Lucette.


A 1923 Christie comedy starring Babe London and Dorothy Devore. Queenie (London) has sent a picture of her sister Katie (Devore) to her pen pal as if it was her. Now that the pen pal is in love and coming to meet Queenie in person, Katie has to pretend she is a child.