Bae Woo-hee

A fateful romance about Kim Byeol, a fatalist who is pessimistic about her fate and devoted herself to fortune telling, finding herself in front of two Woo Joos whose names are the same as her future husband's.

Jang Ha Na and Choi Won are incredibly close platonic friends: throughout 20 years, they've braved it all through thick and thin. As Ha Na's 30th birthday approaches, Won extols the virtues of aging as a man—like a wine—while explaining that women are like grapes that shrivel into raisins. Determined to prove him wrong, Ha Na strikes a bet on which of the two will marry before turning 35. Based on Taiwan's hit In Time With You, can these two friends make the ultimate leap?


Ki-Chul drives his friends out to a resort situated by an abandoned coal mine. His father owns the resort. When they get there, they cross paths with a spooky man who warns them about the coal mine. Later, the friends find themselves in a desperate situation and enter the tunnels of the abandoned coal mine. Will they ever see the light of day again?
