Bai Guang

A Songstress Called Hong Lingyan (歌女紅菱艷) aka Tears of Songstress is a 1953 Hong Kong musical drama film directed by Tu Kuang-Chi. The film was a co-production by Shaws Film Company and Far East Motion Picture Company, and is based on the screenplay by Pan Liu-Dai.

Smash Up (1952 film) (Chinese 蛇蝎美人) also known by the aliases: The Vicious Beauty and Destroy; is a Hong Kong drama film directed by Bu Wan-Cang and produced by Shaw Brothers Studio. It starred Bai Guang, Wong Ho and Yiu Kwang-Chao.

Not seen in Hong Kong for many years, A Strange Woman was Li Pingqian's first film at Great Wall Film Studio. Adapted from the play La Tosca by French playwright Victorien Sardou, opera star Xiao Xiangshui (Bai Guang) helps her lover, a revolutionary, to escape from warlords. She finesses with both the head of the secret service (Yan Jun) and her lover's wife, but things do not turn out as planned. Li changed his usual pace to encompass a more conventional and dramatic film plot. Bold and flirtatious in her role, Bai Guang is equally over the top in appearance as Yan Jun. The tension in winning the heroine over drives the plot more than the themes of patriotism and loyalty in love.

Ma the flying bandit calls it quits after his daughter is born. His wife, a onetime prostitute, can’t stand poverty and turns him in to the authorities before resuming her profession. Years later, when the daughter is set to get married, the unabashed mother blackmails her own flesh and blood, so Ma has to escape from prison to thwart her.