Baoluo Li

Set in the summer of 1976, people and stories in the disaster relief after a violent earthquake.

It is policeman Ma Tianmin’s day off, and his chief’s wife has fixed him up with Liu Ping, a young woman she knows. But, on his way to keep the date, Ma, who embodies all the qualities of an exemplary member of the new communist society, stops many times to help people in need. In a Shanghai fully involved in the Great Leap Forward, will the kind-hearted socialist hero get the girl?


Lu Ban, the father of carpentry of China, lived in the Warring States Period more than two thousand years ago. During his travel through the land, he has solved many architectural problems and befriends a young builder. Under the guidance of Lu, the young man slowly turns from an arrogant and imprudent builder into a responsible craftsman able to take on a daunting task assigned by the king.
