Barbara Betti

A young widow becomes a prostitute in order to provide a better life for her son.

Tells the story of young Daniela ‘Blue Jeans’ Anselmi, a free-spirited drifter who makes her way in life by selling sexual favors and practicing petty-crime. After Daniela is arrested, the man who might be her long-lost father is called into her life to look after her.


De Luca is killed by Marchetti's chauffeur. Marchetti ordered the murder because he was to be accused by De Luca. The two have a car accident while going home to get an alibi. There is a witness, Sironi, who calls the police. But when the police arrive the car has gone and so have the two men. Inspector Santi and young judge Novelli look into the strange case. Marchetti, however, is a powerful man and Sironi and his family begin to be obsessed first by threats then by assaults.


Italian sex comedy version of Arabian Nights
